Chapter 5. 프로젝트 범위관리 (Project Scope Management)

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1 Chapter 5. 프로젝트 범위관리 (Project Scope Management)

2 학습내용 0. 범위 개요 (Scope Overview) 1. 범위 기획 (Scope Planning)
2. 범위 정의 (Scope Definition) 3. WBS 생성 (Create WBS) 4. 범위 검증 (Scope Verification) 5. 범위 통제 (Scope Control) 8 - 1

3 학습목표 1. 범위(Scope), 프로젝트 범위관리(Project Scope Management)의 정의(Definition) 을 이해하고 관련 내용에 대해 설명 할 수 있다. 2. Project Scope Management의 주요 Processes인 범위기획(Scope Planning), 범위정의(Scope Definition), WBS생성(Create WBS), 범위검증(Scope Verification), 범위통제(Scope Control)의 투입물(Inputs), 도구 및 기법(Tools & Techniques), 산출물(Outputs)을 이해하고 타 프로젝트 관리 프로세스(Project Management Process)와 연계성을 도식화할 수 있다. 3. 범위의 Product scope, Project scope의 구분이 가능 하다. 8 - 2

4 8.0.1 범위 용어의 정의(Definitions of Scope Terms)
0. 범위 개요(Scope Overview) 범위 용어의 정의(Definitions of Scope Terms) 프로젝트 범위 관리 정의 - 모든 작업을 빠짐없이 수행하고 동시에 불필요한 작업을 수행하지 않도록 관리 - 프로젝트를 성공적으로 완수하기 위한 과정 제품 범위 (Product Scope ) The features and functions that characterize a product, service, or result - 제품 또는 서비스에 포함될 특징이나 기능을 요구사항(Requirement)에 기준 하여 완성여부 판정 프로젝트 범위 (Project Scope) The work that needs to be accomplished to deliver a product, service, or result with the specified features and functions - 특정한 기능과 특성을 만족하는 제품을 제공하기 위해 수행해야 할 작업 계획(Plan)에 기준 하여 완성여부 판정 8 - 3

5 0. 범위 개요(Scope Overview) 프로젝트 범위관리(Project Scope Management)
프로젝트 요구에 기초하여 개인이나 그룹 들로부터의 성과를 내게 할 수 있는 프로세스 (Each process can involve effort from one or more persons or groups of persons, based on the needs of the project.) 승인된 상세 프로젝트 범위 기술서와 이와 관련된 WBS와 WBS사전은 프로젝트의 범위 기준선 (The approved detailed project scope statement and its associated WBS and WBS dictionary are the scope baseline for the project) 프로젝트 범위의 완성은 프로젝트관리계획, 프로젝트 범위기술서, 이와 관련된 WBS,WBS사전 에 대해 측정 되고, 제품범위의 완성은 제품요구사양에 의해 측정 (Completion of the project scope is measured against the project management plan (Section 4.3), the project scope statement, and its associated WBS and WBS dictionary, but completion of the product scope is measured against the product requirements.) 8 - 4

6 0. 범위 개요(Scope Overview) 5. 프로젝트 범위관리 (Project Scope Management)
5.1 범위기획 (Scope Planning) 5.3 WBS생성 (Create WBS) 5.5범위통제 (Scope Control) 5.2 범위기술 (Scope Description) 5.4 범위검증 (Scope Verification) Inputs Tools and Techniques Outputs 8 - 5

7 0. 범위 개요(Scope Overview) Project Scope Management Process Flow Diagram
8 - 6

8 1. 범위기획(Scope Planning) 5.1.1 투입물 (Inputs)
.1 Enterprise Environmental Factors .2 Organizational Process Assets .3 Project Charter .4 Preliminary project scope statement .5 Project Management Plan 5.1 범위기획 (Scope Planning) 도구 및 기법 (Tools & Techniques) .1 Expert Judgment .2 Templates, Forms, Standards 산출물 (Outputs) .1 Project Scope Management Plan 8 - 7

9 1. 범위기획(Scope Planning) 5.1.1 범위 기획(Scope Planning) 정의(Definition)
Defining and managing the project scope influences the project’s overall success. 프로젝트 관리팀은 프로젝트 범위관리 계획에서 범위관리의 결정사항을 문서화 The project scope management plan 다음사항을 정의하는 Tool - how the team will define the project scope, - develop the detailed project scope statement, - define and develop the work breakdown structure, - verify the project scope, - control the project scope. The development of the project scope management plan 을 위한 요소 - project charter (Section 4.1), - the preliminary project scope statement (Section 4.2), - the latest approved version of the project management plan (Section 4.3), - historical information contained in the organizational process assets (Section ), - any relevant enterprise environmental factors (Section ). 8 - 8

10 5.1.1 범위 기획 :투입물(Scope Planning : Inputs)
.1 기업 환경 요인(Enterprise Environmental Factors) Enterprise environmental factors include items such as the organization’s culture, infrastructure, tools, human resources, personnel policies, and marketplace conditions that could affect how project scope is managed. .2 조직 프로세스 자산(Organizational Process Assets) 조직의 공식적, 비공식적 범위관련방침, 절차, 그리고 프로젝트 범위에 영향을 미치는 지침 - Organizational policies as they pertain to project scope planning and management - Organizational procedures related to project scope planning and management - Historical information about previous projects that may be located in the lessons learned knowledge base. 8 - 9

11 .5 프로젝트 관리 계획서 (Project Management Plan)
1. 범위기획(Scope Planning) .3 프로젝트 헌장(Project Charter) Described in Section 4.1. .4 예비 프로젝트 범위 기술서( Preliminary Project Scope Statement) Described in Section 4.2. .5 프로젝트 관리 계획서 (Project Management Plan) Described in the introduction to Section 4.3. 8 - 10

12 5.1.2 범위기획: 도구 및 기법 (Scope Planning : Tools and Techniques)
.1 전문가 판단 (Expert Judgment) 전문가판단은 어느 정도 관련된 프로젝트들에 대한 경험으로 프로젝트 범위관리 기획을 개발하는데 이용. (Expert judgment related to how equivalent projects have managed scope is used in developing the project scope management plan.) .2 템플릿, 서식, 표준(Templates, Forms, Standards) Template은 서식에서 자주 사용되는 기본 골격 또는 각종 데이터 처리를 위한 표의 일정한 구조로 Scope에서는 다음과 같이 사용. - work breakdown structure templates - scope management plan templates - project scope change control forms 8 - 11

13 5.1.3 범위기획: 산출물 (Scope Planning : Outputs)
.1 프로젝트 범위 관리 계획서(Project Scope management plan) 프로젝트 범위관리계획서는 프로젝트 관리 팀에 의해 프로젝트 범위를 어떻게 정의하고, 문서화하고, 검증하고,관리하고, 통제 할 것인지 지침서를 제공 합니다. A process to prepare a detailed project scope statement based upon the preliminary project scope statement A process that enables the creation of the WBS from the detailed project scope statement, and establishes how the WBS will be maintained and approved A process that specifies how formal verification and acceptance of the completed project deliverables will be obtained A process to control how requests for changes to the detailed project scope statement will be processed. This process is directly linked to the integrated change control process (Section 4.6). 8 - 12

14 2. Scope Definition 5.2.1 투입물 (Inputs)
.1 Organizational Process assets .2 Project Charter .3 Preliminary project scope statement .4 Project scope management plan 도구 및 기법 (Tools & Techniques) 5.2 범위 정의 (Scope Definition) .1 Product analysis .2 Alternative identification .3 Expert judgment .4 Stakeholder analysis 산출물 (Outputs) .1 Project scope statement .2 Requested changes .3 Project scope management plan (updates) 8 - 13

15 5.2.0 범위 정의: (Scope Definition)
- Stakeholder needs, wants, and expectations are analyzed and converted into requirements. - The project team and other stakeholders, who have additional insight into the preliminary project scope statement, can perform and prepare the analyses. 5.2.1 범위정의 : 투입물 (Scope Definition : Input ) .1 조직 프로세스 자산 (Organizational Process Assets) Described in Section .2 Project Charter - Project Charter가 없는 경우 상세한 project scope statement를 개발하여 사용 .3 예비 프로젝트 범위 기술서(Preliminary Project Scope Statement) - 예비( preliminary) project scope statement가없는 경우 product scope description를 포함하는 상세한 project scope statement를 사용 8 - 14

16 2. Scope Definition .4 프로젝트 범위 관리 계획 (Project Scope Management Plan)
Described in Section .5 승인된 변경요청서(Approved Change Requests) Approved change requests (Section 4.4) can cause a change to project scope, project quality, estimated costs, or project schedule. - 변경은 종종 프로젝트의 작업이 진행 중에 정의 되어지고 승인 됨. 8 - 15

17 5.2.2 범위정의 : 도구 및 기법 (Scope Definition : Tools and Techniques )
.1 제품 분석 (Product Analysis) - product breakdown, systems analysis, - systems engineering, - value engineering, - value analysis, - functional analysis. .2 대안 식별(Alternatives Identification) Identifying alternatives is a technique used to generate different approaches to execute and perform the work of the project. A variety of general management techniques is often used here, the most common of which are brainstorming and lateral thinking. 8 - 16

18 2. Scope Definition .3 전문가 판단 (Expert Judgment)
Each application area has experts who can be used to develop portions of the detailed project scope statement. .4 이해 당사자 분석 (Stakeholder Analysis) - 다양한 이해당사자와 그들의 요구사항과 원하는 것을 문서화를 통해 영향력과 이해를 정의 - The analysis then selects, prioritizes, and quantifies the needs, wants, and expectations to create requirements. - Unquantifiable expectations, such as customer satisfaction, are subjective and entail a high risk of being successfully accomplished. - may be positively or negatively affected by execution or completion of the project - exert influence over the project and its deliverables. 8 - 17

19 5.2.3 범위정의 : 산출물 (Scope Definition : Outputs )
.1 프로젝트 범위 기술서 (Project Scope Statement) - The project scope statement describes, in detail, the project’s deliverables and the work required to create those deliverables. • 프로젝트 목적(Project objectives) Project objectives include the measurable success criteria of the project. Projects may have a wide variety of business, cost, schedule, technical, and quality objectives. • 제품범위설명서(Product scope description) Describes the characteristics of the product, service, or result that the project was undertaken to create. These characteristics will generally have less detail in early phases and more detail in later phases as the product characteristics are progressively elaborated. 8 - 18

20 2. Scope Definition • 프로젝트 요구사항(Project requirements)
- Describes the conditions or capabilities that must be met or possessed by the deliverables of the project to satisfy a contract, standard, specification, or other formally imposed documents. - 이해 당사자 들에 대한 분석을 통해 요구사항을 우선 순위화 •프로젝트 경계(Project boundaries) - Identifies generally what is included within the project. - It states explicitly what is excluded from the project, if a stakeholder might assume that a particular product, service, or result could be a component of the project. • 프로젝트 인도물(Project deliverables) - comprise the product or service of the project such as project management reports and documentation. - 프로젝트 범위기술서와 인도물은 요약되거나 또는 상세 수준으로 기술 8 - 19

21 2. Scope Definition • 초기 프로젝트 조직(Initial project organization) The members of the project team, as well as stakeholders, are identified. The organization of the project is also documented. • 초기위험 정의(Initial defined risks) Identifies the known risks. • 이정표일정(Schedule milestones) The customer or performing organization can identify milestones and can place imposed dates on those schedule milestones. These dates can be addressed as schedule constraints. • 자금제약사항( Fund limitation) Describes any limitation placed upon funding for the project, whether in total value or over specified time frames. 8 - 20

22 2. Scope Definition • 원가 추정(Cost estimate) The project’s cost estimate factors into the project’s expected overall cost, and is usually preceded by a modifier that provides some indication of accuracy, such as conceptual or definitive. • 프로젝트 형상관리 요구사항 (Project configuration management requirements) Describes the level of configuration management and change control to be implemented on the project. • 프로젝트 사양서(Project specifications) Identifies those specification documents with which the project should comply. • 요구사항승인(Approval requirements) Identifies approval requirements that can be applied to items such as project objectives, deliverables, documents, and work. 8 - 21

23 2. Scope Definition .2 변경요청서(Requested Changes)
Requested changes to the project management plan and its subsidiary plans may be developed during the Scope Definition process. Requested changes are processed for review and disposition through the Integrated Change Control process. .3 프로젝트 범위 관리계획(수정)(Project Scope Management Plan (Updates)) The project scope management plan component of the project management plan may need to be updated to include approved change requests resulting from the project’s Scope Definition process. 8 - 22

24 3. Create WBS 5.3.1 투입물 (Inputs) 5.3.2 도구 및 기법 (Tools & Techniques)
.1 Organizational Process Assets .2 Project scope statement .2 Project Scope Management Plan .3 Approved change request 도구 및 기법 (Tools & Techniques) 5.3 WBS생성 (Create WBS) .1 Work breakdown structure templetes .2 Decomposition 산출물 (Outputs) .1 Project scope statement (Update) .2 Work breakdown structure .3 WBS Dictionary .4 Scope Baseline .5 Project scope management plan (updates) .6 Requested changes 8 - 23

25 5.3.0 WBS생성 : 정의 (Create WBS : Description)
정의(Definition) : The WBS is a deliverable-oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work to be executed by the project team, to accomplish the project objectives and create the required deliverables. - 프로젝트 전범위에 걸쳐 WBS가 구성되고 정의 5.3.1 WBS생성 : 투입물 (Create WBS : Inputs) .1 조직프로세스자산(Organizational Process Assets) Described in Section .2 프로젝트범위기술서(Project Scope Statement) Described in Section .3 프로젝트범위관리계획(Project Scope Management Plan) Described in Section .4 변경요청승인서 확인(Approved Change Requests) Described in Section 8 - 24

26 5.3.2 WBS생성 : 도구 및 기법 (Create WBS: Tools & Techniques)
.1 Work Breakdown Structure Templates WBS from a previous project can often be used as a template for a new project, since some projects will resemble another prior project to some extent. For example, most projects within a given organization will have the same or similar project life cycles and, therefore, have the same or similar deliverables required from each phase. Many application areas or performing organizations have standard WBS templates. 8 - 25

27 3. Create WBS .2 Decomposition
Decomposition is the subdivision of project deliverables into smaller, more manageable components until the work and deliverables are defined to the work package level. The work package level is the lowest level in the WBS, and is the point at which the cost and schedule for the work can be reliably estimated. The level of detail for work packages will vary with the size and complexity of the project. 일반적인 전체프로젝트의 분해(Decomposition)는 다음의 활동을 포함 함 Identifying the deliverables and related work Structuring and organizing the WBS Decomposing the upper WBS levels into lower level detailed components Developing and assigning identification codes to the WBS components Verifying that the degree of decomposition of the work is necessary and sufficient. 8 - 26

28 3. Create WBS The resulting structure can take a number of forms, such as: • 프로젝트의 첫번째 수준의 분해로서 주요 인도물과 서브 프로젝트 사용.(그림 5-6참조) • Using subprojects as illustrated in Figure 5-6, where the subprojects may be developed by organizations outside the project team. • Using the phases of the project life cycle as the first level of decomposition, with the project deliverables inserted at the second level, as shown in Figure 5-7. • Using different approaches within each branch of the WBS, as illustrated in Figure 5-8, where test and evaluation is a phase, the air vehicle is a product, and training is a supporting service. 8 - 27

29 3. Create WBS Figure 5-6. Sample Work Breakdown Structure with Some Branches Decomposed Down Through Work Packages A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Third Edition ©2004 Project Management Institute, Four Campus Boulevard, Newtown Square, PA USA 8 - 28

30 3. Create WBS Figure 5-7. Sample Work Breakdown Structure Organized by Phase A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Third Edition ©2004 Project Management Institute, Four Campus Boulevard, Newtown Square, PA USA 8 - 29

31 3. Create WBS Figure 5-8. Sample Work Breakdown for Defense Materiel Items A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Third Edition ©2004 Project Management Institute, Four Campus Boulevard, Newtown Square, PA USA 8 - 30

32 5.3.3 WBS생성 : 산출물 (Request Seller Responses: Outputs)
3. Create WBS 5.3.3 WBS생성 : 산출물 (Request Seller Responses: Outputs) .1 프로젝트 범위 기술서(수정) ( Project Scope Statement (Updates)) If approved change requests result from the Create WBS process, then the project scope statement is updated to include those approved changes. .2 작업분류체계( Work Breakdown Structure ) The key document generated by the Create WBS process is the actual WBS. The WBS should not be confused with other kinds of breakdown structures used to present project information. Other structures used in some application areas or other Knowledge Areas include: • 조직분류체계(Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS)). • 자제명세서(Bill of Materials) (BOM). • 위험분류체계(Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS)). • 자원분류체계(Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS)). 8 - 31

33 3. Create WBS 작업 분류 체계(WBS) Code of Accounts : WBS 식별번호
프로젝트 관리 Project ABC 부문예산 관리 1XX SYS분석 3XX 프로그램 9XX 사업관리 31X Module 1 32X Module 2 33X Module 3 311 Sub모들 1 312 Sub모들 2 211 조직분류체계(OBS) Work Package Work Package 시스템기획부 종합 전산실 기획 조정본부 직업범위(SCOPE) Work Package 프로그램 개발부 총예산/연간예산 변경관리 Work Package 전산 운영부 집행실적/성과 공정계획 Work Package 정보 통신부 EC2 - EC4 EC EC3 - EC EC7 EC6 Code of Accounts : WBS 식별번호 Chart of Accounts : 비용 계정 번호 8 - 32

34 3. Create WBS .3 WBS사전(WBS Dictionary) .4 범위기준선 (Scope Baseline)
- The document generated by the Create WBS process that supports the WBS is called the WBS dictionary and is a companion document to the WBS. - The detailed content of the components contained in a WBS, including work packages and control accounts, can be described in the WBS dictionary. - For each WBS component, the WBS dictionary includes a code of account identifier, a statement of work, responsible organization, and a list of schedule milestones. .4 범위기준선 (Scope Baseline) The approved detailed project scope statement (Section ) and its associated WBS and WBS dictionary are the scope baseline for the project. 8 - 33

35 3. Create WBS .5 프로젝트 범위관리 계획(수정)(Project Scope Management Plan (Updates)) If approved change requests result from the Create WBS process, then the project scope management plan may need to be updated to include approved changes. .6 변경요청 (Requested Changes) Requested changes to the project scope statement and its components may be generated from the Create WBS process, and are processed for review and approval through the integrated change control process. 8 - 34

36 4. Scope Verification 5.4.1 투입물 (Inputs)
.1 Project Scope Statement .2 WBS Dictionary .3 Project Scope Management Plan .4 Deliverables 도구 및 기법 (Tools & Techniques) 5.4 범위 검증 (Scope Verification) .1 Inspection 산출물 (Outputs) .1 Accepted deliverables .2 Requested Changes .3 Recommended corrective action 8 - 35

37 5.4.0 범위 검증 :정의( Scope Verification : Description)
범위검증은 완결된 프로젝트 범위와 관련된 인도물에 대해 이해당사자들의 공식적인 승인을 얻기 위한 프로세스 (Scope verification is the process of obtaining the stakeholders’ formal acceptance of the completed project scope and associated deliverables.) Verifying the project scope includes reviewing deliverables to ensure that each is completed Satisfactorily. Scope verification differs from quality control in that scope verification is primarily concerned with acceptance of the deliverables, while quality control is primarily concerned with meeting the quality requirements specified for the deliverables. Quality control is generally performed before scope verification, but these two processes can be performed in parallel 8 - 36

38 5.4.1 범위검증 :투입물( Scope Verification : Inputs)
.1 프로젝트 범위 기술서(Project Scope Statement) The project scope statement includes the product scope description that describes the project’s product to be reviewed and the product acceptance criteria. .2 WBS사전 (WBS Dictionary) The WBS dictionary is a component of the detailed project scope definition, and is used to verify that the deliverables being produced and accepted are included in the approved project scope. .3 프로젝트 범위 계획(Project Scope Management Plan) Described in Section .4 인도물(Deliverables) The deliverables are those that have been fully or partially completed, and are an output of the Direct and Manage Project Execution process (Section 4.4). 8 - 37

39 5.4.2 범위 검증 :도구 및 기법( Select Sellers : Tools & Techniques)
4. Scope Verification 범위 검증 :도구 및 기법( Select Sellers : Tools & Techniques) .1 검사(Inspection) Inspection includes activities such as measuring, examining, and verifying to determine whether work and deliverables meet requirements and product acceptance criteria. Inspections are variously called reviews, product reviews, audits, and walkthroughs. In some application areas, these different terms have narrow and specific meanings. 8 - 38

40 5.4.3 범위 검증 :산출물( Scope Verification : Outputs)
.1 승인된 인도물(Accepted Deliverables) The Scope Verification process documents those completed deliverables that have been accepted. Those completed deliverables that have not been accepted are documented, along with the reasons for non-acceptance. Scope verification includes supporting documentation received from the customer or sponsor and acknowledging stakeholder acceptance of the project’s deliverables. .2 변경요청서 (Requested Changes) Requested changes may be generated from the Scope Verification process, and are processed for review and disposition through the Integrated Change Control process. .3 수정조치 제안( Recommended Corrective Actions) Described in Section 8 - 39

41 5. Scope Control 5.5.1 투입물 (Inputs) 5.5.2 도구 및 기법 (Tools & Techniques)
.1 Project Scope Statement .2 Work Breakdown Structure .3 WBS Dictionary .4 Project scope management plan .5 Performance Reports .6 Approved change Request .7 Work performance information 도구 및 기법 (Tools & Techniques) 5.5 범위통제 (Scope Control) .1 Change Control System .2 Variance analysis .3 Replanning .4 Configuration management system 산출물 (Outputs) .1 Project Scope Statement (update) .2 Work Breakdown Structure (update) .3 WBS Dictionary (update) .4 Scope baseline (update) .5 Requested changes .6 Recommended collective action .7 Organization process assets (update) .8 Project management plan (update) 8 - 40

42 5.5.0 범위 통제 : 정의 (Scope Control : Description )
프로젝트 범위통제는 프로젝트 범위변화에 대한 원인과 영향을 통제하는 요소들에 대해 고려하는 프로세스 범위 통제 : 투입물 (Scope Control : Inputs ) .1 프로젝트 범위 기술서(Project Scope Statement) The project scope statement, along with its associated WBS and WBS dictionary (Section 5.3), defines the project’s scope baseline and product scope. .2 작업분류체계 (Work Breakdown Structure) Described in Section .3 작업분류체계사전 (WBS Dictionary) Described in Section 8 - 41

43 5. Scope Control .4 프로젝트 범위 관리 계획(Project Scope Management Plan)
Described in Section .5 성과보고서 (Performance Reports) Performance reports provide information on project work performance, such as interim deliverables that have been completed. .6 승인된 변경요청 (Approved Change Requests) An approved change request (Section ) impacting project scope is any modification to the agreed-upon project scope baseline, as defined by the approved project scope statement, WBS, and WBS dictionary. .7 작업 성과정보 (Work Performance Information) Described in Section 8 - 42

44 5.5.2 범위통제 : 도구 및 기법 (Scope Control : Tools and Techniques)
.1 변경통제시스템 (Change Control System) - 범위 변경 통제 시스템은 프로젝트 범위 관리 계획서가 문서화 되 있고, 프로젝트 범위와 제품범위를 변경 할 수 있는 절차를 정의 - The system includes the documentation, tracking systems, and approval levels necessary for authorizing changes. - The scope change control system is integrated with any overall project management information system (Section ) to control project scope. When the project is managed under a contract, the change control system also complies with all relevant contractual provisions. .2 차이분석 (Variance Analysis) Project performance measurements are used to assess the magnitude of variation. Important aspects of project scope control include determining the cause of variance relative to the scope baseline (Section ) and deciding whether corrective action is required. 8 - 43

45 5. Scope Control .3 재계획(Replanning)
Approved change requests affecting the project scope can require modifications to the WBS and WBS dictionary, the project scope statement, and the project scope management plan. These approved change requests can cause updates to components of the project management plan. .4 형상관리시스템(Configuration Management System) A formal configuration management system (Section ) provides procedures for the status of the deliverables, and assures that requested changes to the project scope and product scope are thoroughly considered and documented before being processed through the Integrated Change Control process 8 - 44

46 5.5.3 범위 통제 : 산출물 (Scope Control : Outputs)
.1 프로젝트범위기술서(수정)(Project Scope Statement (Updates)) If the approved change requests have an effect upon the project scope, then the project scope statement is revised and reissued to reflect the approved changes. The updated project scope statement becomes the new project scope baseline for future changes. .2 작업분류체계(Work Breakdown Structure (Updates)) If the approved change requests have an effect upon the project scope, then the WBS is revised and reissued to reflect the approved changes. .3 작업분류체계사전(수정)( WBS Dictionary (Updates)) If the approved change requests have an effect upon the project scope, then the WBS dictionary is revised and reissued to reflect the approved changes. 8 - 45

47 5. Scope Control .4 범위 기준선(수정)( Scope Baseline (Updates))
Described in Section .5 변경요청서 (Requested Changes) The results of project scope control can generate requested changes, which are processed for review and disposition according to the project Integrated Change Control process. .6 시정조치 제안( Recommended Corrective Action) A recommended corrective action is any step recommended to bring expected future project performance in line with the project management plan and project scope statement. 8 - 46

48 5. Scope Control .7 조직 프로세스 자산(수정)(Organizational Process Assets (Updates)) The causes of variances, the reasoning behind the corrective action chosen, and other types of lessons learned from project scope change control are documented and updated in the historical database of the organizational process assets. .8 프로젝트 관리계획(수정)(Project Management Plan (Updates)) If the approved change requests have an effect on the project scope, then the corresponding component documents and cost baseline, and schedule baselines of the project management plan, are revised and reissued to reflect the approved changes. 8 - 47

49 Closing Project Management Functions & Processes 8 - 48

50 도구 및 기법 (Tools & Techniques)
Closing Project Scope Management Inputs, Tools & Techniques, Outputs Items 투입물 (Inputs) 도구 및 기법 (Tools & Techniques) 산출물 (Outputs) Processes Inputs .1 Enterprise Environmental Factors .2 Organizational Process Assets .3 Project Charter .4 Preliminary Project Scope Statement .5 Project Management Plan Tools & Techniques .1 Expert Judgment. 2 Templates, Forms, standard Outputs .1 Project Scope Management Plan 5.1 범위기획 (Scope Planning), Inputs .1 Organizational Process Assets .2 Project Charter .3 Preliminary Project Scope Statement .4 Project Scope Management Plan .5 Approved change requests Tools & Techniques .1 Product Analysis .2 Alternative identification .3 Expert Judgment .4 Stakeholder analysis Outputs .1 Project Scope Statement .2 Requested Changes .3 Project scope management plan (update) 5.2 범위 정의 (Plan Definition) 8 - 49

51 도구 및 기법 (Tools & Techniques)
Closing Project Scope Management Inputs, Tools & Techniques, Outputs Items 투입물 (Inputs) 도구 및 기법 (Tools & Techniques) 산출물 (Outputs) Processes Inputs .1 Organizational Process Assets .2 Project Scope Statement .3 Project Scope Management Plan .4 Approved Change Request Tools & Techniques .1 Work Breakdown Structure Templates .2 Decomposition Outputs .1 Project Scope statement (updates) .2 Work Breakdown Structure .3 WBS Dictionary .4 Scope Baseline .5 Project Scope Management Plan 5.3 WBS생성 (Create WBS) 5.4 범위 검증 (Scope Verification) Inputs .1 Project Scope statement .2 WBS Dictionary .3 Project Scope Management Plan Tools & Techniques .1 Inspection Outputs .1 Accepted Deliverables .2 Requested changes .3 Recommended corrective actions 8 - 50

52 도구 및 기법 (Tools & Techniques)
Closing Project Scope Management Inputs, Tools & Techniques, Outputs Items 투입물 (Inputs) 도구 및 기법 (Tools & Techniques) 산출물 (Outputs) Processes Inputs .1 Project Scope Statement .2 Work Breakdown Structure .3 WBS Dictionary .4 Project scope management plan .5 Performance Reports .6 Approved change Request .7 Work performance information Tools & Techniques .1 Change Control System .2 Variance analysis .3 Replanning .4 Configuration management system Outputs .1 Project Scope Statement (update) .2 Work Breakdown Structure .3 WBS Dictionary (update) .4 Scope baseline (update) .5 Requested changes .6 Recommended collective action .7 Organization process assets .8 Project management plan 5.5 범위 통제 (Scope Control) 8 - 51

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