GTK 프로그래밍 ( 1 ) SNSLAB 발표 : 문동규.

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1 GTK 프로그래밍 ( 1 ) SNSLAB 발표 : 문동규

2 GNOME ? GNOME GNU Network Object Model Environment GNOME의 기본 툴킷
- GTK+ (GIMP toolkit)

3 GNOME Architecture

4 Qt Architecture

5 GTK ? object oriented application programmers interface
Multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces . C로 구현 클래스 개념, callback 함수사용 Ada, C++, Pascal, Perl 등과 결합

6 GTK 구성요소 Glib GIMP 툴킷 GDK Xlib X 네트워크 프로토콜

7 GTK history GTK original GTK+ 1.2 GTK+ 2.x libglib libgdk libgtk GLib
GObject Pango ATK GdkPixbuf

8 Gtk+ 2.0 libraries Glib A general-purpose utility library Pango
internationalized text handling ATK Accessibility Toolkit GdkPixbuf image data or image files

9 Gtk+ 2.0 libraries (계속) GDK
Provides drawing and window system facilities. GTK + Contains widgets.

10 GLIB 데이터형 자체적인 기본데이터형을 정의 GLIB의 데이터형 C의 데이터형 gchar gshort glong gint
gboolean gpointer char short long int boolean void*

11 Widget 계층구조 Widget ? GtkObject +--- GtkWidget +-- GtkContainer
+-- GtkBin +-- GtkWindow +--GnomeApp

12 GTK – 어플리케이션 내부 계층구조

13 GTK+ installed 필요 libraries pkg-config (pkg-config Site)
GNU make (GNU make Site) JPEG, PNG and TIFF image libraries (GTK+ Site) FreeType (FreeType Site) fontconfig (fontconfig Site) GNU libiconv library (GNU libiconv Site) GNU gettext (GTK+ Site) GLib (GTK+ Site) Pango (GTK+ Site) ATK (GTK+ Site) GTK+ (GTK+ Site)

14 gcc example.c –o example ‘pkg-config –libs –cflags’
Compile pkg-config 유틸리티 명령제공 pkg-config 옵션 gcc example.c –o example ‘pkg-config –libs –cflags’ 옵션 설명 --prefix 설치 디렉토리 설정 --version 설치되어 있는 버전 --libs 필요한 라이브러리 지정 --cflags 필요한 컴파일러 옵션 지정

15 Compile 예제

16 참고자료 GTK+ 만든 Applications
GIMP ( an image manipulation program AbiWord ( a professional word processor Dia ( a diagram creation program Gnu Cash ( a personal finance manager Gnumeric ( the GNOME spreadsheet application Glade ( a GTK+ based RAD tool which produces GTK+ and GNOME applications Anjuta ( a versatile Integrated Development Environment (IDE) using C and C++ for GTK+ and GIMP

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