K-WORLD를 활용한 미래 기업경쟁력 강화

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Presentation on theme: "K-WORLD를 활용한 미래 기업경쟁력 강화"— Presentation transcript:

1 K-WORLD를 활용한 미래 기업경쟁력 강화
Script: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is C. S. Kim, President & CEO of Hyundai Merchant Marine Co., Ltd. During the next fifteen minutes, I would like to provide you with : A brief overview of our company Key highlights And would like to conclude with a summary of our presentation. Let me first share with you a brief overview of our company. 현대상선주식회사

2 목차 Ⅰ. 회사 소개 Ⅱ. 현대상선의 지식경영 Ⅲ. K-World Demo Ⅳ. 질의 / 응답 Script:
Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea.

3 Ⅰ. 회사 소개 국내 최대의 해운회사 세계 6위의 해운회사 안정적인 사업구조 세계 최초 ISO14001 증서 취득
1995년 증권거래소 등록 Script: Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea.

4 100% = Won 15.2 trillion (US$ 13.3 billion)
국내 최대의 해운회사 (December 1999) Market Share* 100% = Won 15.2 trillion (US$ 13.3 billion) Fleet Size (Thousand DWT) Script: Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea. * Owned vessels only *Calculated in terms of revenue Source: Hyundai Merchant Marine, Korea Shipowners Association

5 세계 6위의 해운회사 (Revenue, December 1999) (US$ in Million) Script:
2,139 3,311 3,419 4,265 4,920 5,886 6,158 6,456 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 OOCL Hanjin K-Line P&O Nedlloyd HMM NOL/APL Evergreen Maersk Sealand MOL NYK 4,223 3,661 Script: Since launching its car carrier service in the early 1980s, HMM has become the world’s 3rd largest carrier in this specialized shipping field. We offer worldwide ro-ro service to and from 220 major ports around the world for a variety of cargoes.

6 Note: US$figures are translated at US$1=Won 1,145
안정적인 사업구조 Revenues (By Fleet) 1999 Revenues : US$ 4.2 Billion Script: Our revenues are well-balanced, approximately 50% from container business and 50% from non-container business. This enables us to accommodate a wide range of customer needs and helps our management to maintain strong performance even under the difficult market conditions. About 19% of our revenues come from car carrier business, which has been the most profitable business for the company. And about 12% of our revenues come from margin guaranteed businesses such as LNG-carrying business for Korea Gas Corp. and dedicated bulk business for POSCO and KEPCO on a long-term contract basis. Note: US$figures are translated at US$1=Won 1,145

7 경영 전략 수익성 극대화 전략적 제휴 강화 핵심사업부문 강화 지식경영 / e-Business를 통한 경쟁력 강화 재무구조 개선
지속적인 재무구조 개선 이익 중심의 신규투자 결정 경영 투명성 제고 사외이사 비율 확대 주요 경영사항 신속한 공개 확대 Script: Our ultimate business goal is maximizing shareholders’ value. To accomplish this objective, we will maximize profits from core businesses, implement e-Business and knowledge management, improve financial structure and enhance management transparency. To strengthen our market position, we will reinforce strategic alliance with other container liners and provide dedicated quality services to customers. To cope with a transformation of business landscape in digital economy, we will implement e-Business and knowledge management. To improve financial structure, we will focus on profitable businesses and reduce the leverage ratio. Also investment decisions will be made more carefully. To enhance management transparency, we will increase outside directors and make more frequent and prompt disclosures on key issues.

8 Ⅱ. 현대상선의 지식경영 (1) 도입 배경 정의 비전 과 전략 프로세스 추진 조직 K-World 구축 방향 Script:
Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea.

9 Ⅱ. 현대상선의 지식경영 (2) K-World 운영 체계 평가 및 보상 추진 일정 추진 현황 추진 효과 Script:
Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea.

10 도입 배경 동일 지식의 중복 수집 과거 지식의 재활용 곤란 임직원의 역량 관리 개인 지식의 조직 지식化 부족
동일 지식의 중복 수집 과거 지식의 재활용 곤란 임직원의 역량 관리 개인 지식의 조직 지식化 부족 지식 창조를 위한 여건 미비 조직 운영의 효율화 Script: Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea.

11 정의 “지식경영은 지식을 체계적으로 축적하여 임직원이 보편적 지식으로 공유하고 업무에 활용하며
이런 과정을 통해 신지식을 창조함으로써 기업가치를 제고하는 기업활동이다” Script: Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea.

12 비전 및 전략 기업 세계 최고의 종합물류회사 비전 KM 지식경영을 통한 회사가치의 극대화 비전
1. 지식 공유를 통한 신해운지식인 육성 2. 지식 활용을 통한 서비스 향상 및 고객 감동 3. 지식 창출을 통한 회사역량 증대 Script: Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea.

13 프로세스 개인 조직 Create Collect (수집) Comm. (공유) Classify (분류) Clarify (명료화)
Comprehend (공감) Create (지식 창조) 기업 문화 (교육 + 평가 / 보상) 지식관리시스템 (K-World)) Script: Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea. 추진 조직 (지식경영추진팀 + 지식관리자)

14 추진 조직 사 장 지식/변화관리 K-Contents 평가/보상 Infra 추진위원회 추 진 팀 (각 부서) Script:
사 장 추진위원회 지식/변화관리 K-Contents (각 부서) 평가/보상 Infra 추 진 팀 Script: Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea.

15 K-World 구축방향 (1) 문서 중심의 지식관리로 시작하여 지식창조로 발전
업무의 특성을 고려한 지식지도 작성 (全社지식 / 部署지식) 일상업무중 지식축적이 가능하도록 메일 / 결재시스템과 연계 업무절차지식 (方法知) 관리를 위한 업무매뉴얼 작성 Script: Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea.

16 K-World 구축방향 (2) 暗默知의 形式知化를 유도하기 위한 Q&A 구축
지식 (暗默知) 교류의 활성화를 위한 Yellow Pages 작성 쉽고, 빠른 지식 재활용을 위한 검색엔진 설치 자발적인 접속을 유도하기 위한 유용한 비업무 정보 제공 Script: Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea.

17 K-World 운영체계 (1) K-World 형식지(1) 분류/저장 사실지(1) + 방법지(1) 공유/활용 형식지(2)
(검색/Y.Page/Q&A) K-World 형식지(2) 분류/저장 (Meeting/Workshop) 형식지(1) + 암묵지 사실지(2) + 방법지(2) 공유/활용 Script: Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea.

18 K-World 운영체계 (2) K-World 전자메일 전자결재 문서관리 인터넷 MIS External Database
Internal Database Script: Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea.

19 평가 및 보상 (1) K-World 에 평가시스템을 구축하여 실시간으로 평가
평가시스템에 지식유형별 점수 차등화 및 타인의 조회 건수 점수화로 질적 평가요소 가미 평가시스템을 통해 선정된 우수지식중 지식경영추진팀에서 추가로 질적 측면의 평가 실시 Script: Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea.

20 평가 및 보상 (2) 분기별 및 연말에 우수 개인 및 부서에 포상 (상장 / 상금 / 인사고과 반영) 실시
지식관리자를 대상으로 지식경영 추진 및 활성화 기여 정도를 지식경영추진팀에서 평가 분기별 및 연말에 우수 지식관리자에게 포상 (상장 / 상금 / 인사고과 반영) 실시 Script: Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea.

21 추진 일정 (1) 1999. 6. : 도입 결정 1999. 6. ~ 7. : 사내홍보 (지식경영 소개 및 교육)
: 도입 결정 ~ : 사내홍보 (지식경영 소개 및 교육) : 추진조직 인사명령 (지식경영추진팀) : 시범부서 Workshop 실시 ~ : 지식선정체계 확정 및 조사 ~ : 지식관리시스템 (K-World) 구축 Script: Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea.

22 추진 일정 (2) 1999. 10. : 임직원 OA자격제도 도입 1999. 10. ~ 11. : 시범부서 과거지식 등록
~ : 시범부서 과거지식 등록 : Pilot 지식관리시스템 Open ∼ : 전사로 확대 : 해외조직 및 선박으로 확대 : e-Business 연계 및 고객으로 확대 Script: Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea.

23 추진 현황 자율적 확산/안정 안정/내면화 실제 업무에 반영 이해 공감 알지 못함 현황 분석, 전략 수립 핵심 System
공감대 형성 분위기 확산 Pilot System 구축 OA자격제도 도입 사내홍보/교육 활동 평가/보상제도 시행 Best Practice 활용 자율적 확산/안정 현황 분석, 전략 수립 KM 모델 정립 단계 핵심 System 구축단계 확산 및 정착단계 안정/내면화 실제 업무에 반영 이해 공감 알지 못함 Script: Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea.

24 추진 효과 (1) 도 입 전 도 입 후 他人이 보유한 지식에 대한 정보(위치/내용) 부족 시스템을 통해 他人의
등록 자료 조회 가능 他人 보유 자료의 활용을 위해 직접 접촉 불가피 시간/공간의 제약없이 他人 자료 활용 가능 Script: Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea. 문서형태 자료의 재활용을 위해 추가작업 필요 전자문서 형태로 관리되어 재활용 용이

25 추진 효과 (2) 도 입 전 도 입 후 직무이동시 개인자료의 시스템을 통해 지속적인 누락 또는 소재 파악 곤란
자료축적 및 활용 가능 신입 및 직무이동 직원의 업무습득에 장시간 소요 빠른 업무 습득 가능 및 업무 연속성 보장 Script: Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea. 社內 지식공유의 場 부재 업무개선 신지식 창조 곤란 지식교류의 활성화로 업무개선 신지식 창조 용이

26 Ⅲ. K-World Demo 초기화면 (Log-in) 경영전략 공용정보 지식정보 도움정보 지식관리 메일 / 결재 시스템과 연계
Script: Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea.

27 Ⅳ. 질의 / 응답 Script: Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea.

28 감사합니다 Script: Since its inception, HMM has expanded its fleet and devoted itself to provide the most convenient, expedient and accurate services for customers. As a result of such efforts, we continue to lead the domestic shipping market. In recent years, our market position was further strengthened with 32% of market share in 1999 from 30% in 1998 and 26% in 1997 respectively in Korea.

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