Are you looking for a new challenge?

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Presentation on theme: "Are you looking for a new challenge?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Are you looking for a new challenge?
새로운 도전을 꿈꾸십니까?

2 Are you passionate and enthusiastic?
호텔리어의 열정과 야망을 품고 있습니까?

3 Do you want to be a part of a great team?
위대한 팀의 일원이 되고 싶으십니까?

4 Are you ready? 도전할 준비가 되어있습니까?

5 Then, let the door of the CONRAD SEOUL open
그렇다면, 지금 바로 콘래드서울의 문을 두드리십시오.

6 OUR PRODUCTS: 434 guest rooms & suites, 5 innovative F&B concepts, Grand Ballroom for up to 1,200 guests, Junior Ballroom for up to 700 guests, 12 meeting rooms for up to 250 guests, Health Club for up to 1,000 members, our own Spa, … you have to see to believe!!! Opening in November 12, 2012. There is also … FUN: Are you looking for a workplace that makes you be fun and feel passionate? At Conrad Seoul, you’ll experience a working environment – and culture – which is all that and more. The better you feel, the better you work. At Conrad Seoul, the focus is on YOU. We’ll create a “passion-gathering” team concept that’s all about you – your development, your goals, your rewards and your incentives. Whatever your background, we provide you with tools to maximize your full potential. We know that you add value to our guests’ experience  when you feel yourself valued. FULFILMENT. At Conrad Seoul, helping you fulfill your dreams and expectations is the goal of our team-building program. We believe that you can better contribute to making our guests experience different and unforgettable when you feel fulfilled. Offering you the opportunity to achieve greater dreams. Work for the most anticipated new luxury hotel in Korea; the first true luxury hotel opening on a large scale for the last decade.

7 Coming to Seoul Yeouido in November 12, 2012
Conrad Seoul 콘래드 서울 Coming to Seoul Yeouido in November 12, 2012 2012년 11월 12일, 드디어 서울 여의도에 들어섭니다.

8 CONRAD Seoul Job Fair “Leaders in Luxury” 콘래드서울 잡페어 “리더스 인 럭셔리”
여의도 IFC (국제 금융 센터) 내에 들어설 콘래드 서울 (CONRAD Seoul)이 11월 12일 개장을 앞두고 대규모 채용박 람회 ‘리더스 인 럭셔리’를 개최할 예정임을 알려드립니다. 힐튼 월드와이드의 럭셔리 브랜드 호텔인 콘래드 서울은 호텔 프로패셔널로서의 무한한 꿈과 뜨거운 열정을 가슴에 품고 있는 젊은 인재를 찾고있습니다. 저희 콘래드 서울의 탄생 그리고 성장과 함께 할 준비가 되어있는 분이라면 지금 바로 지원하시기 바랍니다. 여러분의 꿈을 멋지게 실현해나갈 수 있는 길을 콘래드 서울이 열어 드릴 것입니다. ‘리더스 인 럭셔리’ 행사 일정 일시: Session I : 9월 3일 09:30 – 11:30 Session II : 9월 3일 15:00 – 17:00 Session III: 9월 4일 09:30 – 11:30 Session IV : 9월 4일 15: :00 장소: 여의도 (상세한 장소는 추후 공지 예정) 채용 인원: 000 명 채용 과정: 1차서류심사 후 참가자 개별통보 – 2차 심사 (리더스 인 럭셔리 행사 참여) – 3차 인터뷰 – 채용확정 모집 분야 : 전부문 신입 및 5년 미만의 해당 분야 경력자 – 객실부(프론오피스, VIP 담당, 컨시어지 등), 스파, 헬스 클럽, 식음료 서비스, 연회, 조리부, 위생사, 세일즈 마케팅, 재경부, 전산 자격 요건 : 일반 – 고졸 이상 학력, 영어 가능자 / 호텔경영, 관광 경영, 호텔 조리 전공자 및 호텔 경력자 우대 기타 – 업무/부서에 따른 필수 자격 요건 제출 서류: 회사 지원서 양식 및 국영문 이력서 지원처 : 전은하 (Sarah Jeon), 이메일: 지원서 양식은 첨부와 더불어 “잡코리아” 채용 사이트를 참고해주시고, 지원서 접수는 7월 20일 까지입니다.

9 CONRAD Seoul Job Fair “Leaders in Luxury”
CONRAD Seoul , located in the IFC Seoul, Yeouido and scheduled to open its door on the 12th of November announces to implement the Job Fair event that is named “ Leaders in Luxury” . CONRAD Seoul, The Luxury brand of Hilton Worldwide, is looking for young talents who have a great dream and passion about being a hotel professional. If you are ready to leave for a journey with CONRAD Seoul for your professional growth and development, please knock its door now. CONRAD Seoul will open the way for you to make your dream come true. Detailed Information Date/Time: Session I: September 3 , 09:30 –11: Session II: September 3, 15:00 – 17:00 Session III : September 4, 09:30 – 11: Session IV: September 4, 15:00 – 17:00 Venue: In Yeouido (To be advised later) Vacancies: 000 Selection Process: 1st Resume Screening --- 2nd Evaluation through the Leaders in Luxury Event – 3rd Interview – Final Selection The Positions: Rooms (Front Office, VIP concierge, Concierge ),Spa, Health Club, F&B service, Banquet/Event, Culinary, Hygienist, Sales & Marketing, Finance, IT Qualifications: Entry level & less than 5 years of work experience Above the High School graduate / Command of Korean & English Majored in Hotel Management, Tourism, Hotel Culinary is preferred Other requirements will be followed according to jobs/positions Required documents: CONRAD Seoul Application form /CV both in Korean and English Contact person: Sarah Jeon ) The job application form is enclosed here and also available at , and please send the completed application with CV by Tuesday, July 20, 2012.

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