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겨자씨 및 겨자씨 프로젝트 Seeds and Seed Projects

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Presentation on theme: "겨자씨 및 겨자씨 프로젝트 Seeds and Seed Projects"— Presentation transcript:

1 겨자씨 및 겨자씨 프로젝트 Seeds and Seed Projects
Opening Slide 밥 모핏 하베스트 Last Updated 7-07

2 씨앗 SEEDS 농사와 사역 Agriculture and Ministry
Seeds and Seed Projects 씨앗 SEEDS 농사와 사역 Agriculture and Ministry 질문 1: Question 1: 성경에서 농사와 관련된 비유는 무엇인가? What biblical parables can you think of that are based on agriculture? Methodologies: Question-asking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Use this question as a bridge to group assignment (next slide) Last Updated 7-07

3 씨앗 SEEDS 농사와 사역 Agriculture and Ministry
Seeds and Seed Projects 씨앗 SEEDS 농사와 사역 Agriculture and Ministry 질문 1: Question 1: 성경에서 농사와 관련된 비유는 무엇인가? What biblical parables can you think of that are based on agriculture? 질문 2: Question 2: 농사에서 배운 교훈을 사역에 어떻게 적용할 수 있는가? What lessons from agriculture can be applied to ministry? Methodologies: Question-asking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Use this question as a bridge to group assignment (next slide) Last Updated 7-07

4 지역교회 사역을 위한 겨자씨 원리 Seed Principles for Local Church Ministry
Seeds and Seed Projects 지역교회 사역을 위한 겨자씨 원리 Seed Principles for Local Church Ministry 성 경 Scripture 내 용 Description 원 리 Description 요 John 12:24 씨앗이 땅에 떨어진다 A seed falls to the ground 열매는 희생을 요구한다 Fruit requires sacrifice Methodologies: Scriptural Study Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask the participants to work in small groups to discover the principles of ministry in the remaining verses. Give minutes. 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

5 지역교회 사역위한 겨자씨 원리 Seed Principles for Local Church Ministry
Seeds and Seed Projects 지역교회 사역위한 겨자씨 원리 Seed Principles for Local Church Ministry 성경 Scripture 내 용 Description 원 리 Principles 요 John 12:24 씨앗이 땅에 떨어진다 A seed falls to the ground 열매는 희생을 요구 한다 Fruit requires sacrifice 마 Matthew 13:31-32 겨자씨 비유 Parable of the mustard seed 4:37-38 한사람은 심고 다른 사람이 거둔다 One sows and another reaps 고전 1 Cor 3:6-9 한사람은 심고, 다른 사람이 물주고, 하나님께서 자라게 하신다 One plants, another waters, God makes it grow 고후 2 Cor 9:6-13 후하게 심음 Sowing generously Methodologies: Scriptural Study Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask the participants to work in small groups to discover the principles of ministry in the remaining verses. Give minutes. 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

6 사역의 원리 Principles for Ministry
Seeds and Seed Projects 사역의 원리 Principles for Ministry 어느 것도 너무 작다거나 보잘 것 없는 것은 없다. Nothing is too small or insignificant. Methodologies: Drawing Conclusions Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Review this principle 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

7 사역의 원리 Principles for Ministry
Seeds and Seed Projects 사역의 원리 Principles for Ministry 어느 것도 너무 작다거나 보잘 것 없는 것은 없다. Nothing is too small or insignificant. 각자가 “추수하는” 과제가 중요하다 Each “harvesting” task is important. Methodologies: Drawing Conclusions Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Review this principle 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

8 사역의 원리 Principles for Ministry
Seeds and Seed Projects 사역의 원리 Principles for Ministry 어느 것도 너무 작다거나 보잘 것 없는 것은 없다. Nothing is too small or insignificant. 각자가 “추수하는” 과제가 중요하다 Each “harvesting” task is important. 하나님께서 배가하신다. God brings multiplication. Methodologies: Drawing Conclusions Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Review this principle 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

9 사역의 원리 Principles for Ministry
Seeds and Seed Projects 사역의 원리 Principles for Ministry 어느 것도 너무 작다거나 보잘 것 없는 것은 없다. Nothing is too small or insignificant. 각자가 “추수하는” 과제가 중요하다 Each “harvesting” task is important. 하나님께서 배가하신다. God brings multiplication. 하나님이 우리를 축복하셔서 우리가 다른 사람에게 봉사하게 된다 God blesses us so we will minister to others. Methodologies: Drawing Conclusions Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Review this principle 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

10 사역의 원리 Principles for Ministry
Seeds and Seed Projects 사역의 원리 Principles for Ministry 어느 것도 너무 작다거나 보잘 것 없는 것은 없다. Nothing is too small or insignificant. 각자가 “추수하는” 과제가 중요하다 Each “harvesting” task is important. 하나님께서 배가하신다. God brings multiplication. 하나님이 우리를 축복하셔서 우리가 다른 사람에게 봉사하게 된다 God blesses us so we will minister to others. 우리의 관대함이 하나님께 대한 감사를 가져온다. Our generosity brings thanksgiving to God. Methodologies: Drawing Conclusions Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Review this principle 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

11 성장의 요소 Elements for Growth
Seeds and Seed Projects 성장의 요소 Elements for Growth 희 생 Sacrifice Methodologies: Summarizing Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Use this and the next slides to summarize the elements shown in these scriptures for growth. 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

12 성장의 요소 Elements for Growth
Seeds and Seed Projects 성장의 요소 Elements for Growth 희 생 Sacrifice 겸 손Humility Methodologies: Summarizing Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Use this and the next slides to summarize the elements shown in these scriptures for growth. 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

13 성장의 요소 Elements for Growth
Seeds and Seed Projects 성장의 요소 Elements for Growth 희 생 Sacrifice 겸 손Humility 순 종 Obedience Methodologies: Summarizing Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Use this and the next slides to summarize the elements shown in these scriptures for growth. 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

14 성장의 요소 Elements for Growth
Seeds and Seed Projects 성장의 요소 Elements for Growth 희 생 Sacrifice 겸 손Humility 순 종 Obedience 즐거운 관대함 Cheerful generosity Methodologies: Summarizing Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Use this and the next slides to summarize the elements shown in these scriptures for growth. 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

15 겨자씨 원리의 개인적 예시 Personal Illustrations of Seed Principles
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 원리의 개인적 예시 Personal Illustrations of Seed Principles 성경 Scripture 내 용 Description 개인적 예시 Personal Illustration 요 John 12:24 씨앗이 땅에 떨어진다 A seed falls to the ground 열매는 희생을 요구 한다 Fruit requires sacrifice 마 Matthew 13:31-32 겨자씨 비유 Parable of the mustard seed 4:37-38 한사람은 심고 다른 사람이 거둔다 One sows and another reaps 고전 1Cor 3:6-9 한사람 심고, 다른 사람 물주고, 하나님이 자라게 하심 One plants, another waters, God makes it grow 고후 2 Cor 9:6-13 너그럽게 심음 Sowing generously Methodologies: Scriptural Study Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask the participants to work in small groups to discover the principles of ministry in the remaining verses. Give minutes. 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

16 Seeds and Seed Projects
목 적 Purpose 정 의 Definition 유익점 Benefits 특 징 Characteristics 장기적 영향 Long-term Impact Methodologies: Overview Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: If time is short, begin this lesson here rather than with the seeds scriptures – other than Jn 12:24, and use it as the key verse. Explain that this lesson is to discover the purpose, definition, benefits, characteristics and the long term impact of Seed Projects. Last Updated 7-07

17 겨자씨 프로젝트의 실행 목적 The Purpose of Doing Seed Projects
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트의 실행 목적 The Purpose of Doing Seed Projects 단순하고 효과적이며, 증명된 도구로서, 지역교회가 교회 밖의 사람들에게 하나님의 사랑을 표현하는 일을 시작할 수 있도록 돕는다 To use a simple, effective and proven tool to help a local church to begin to demonstrate God’s love to people outside of the body of Christ. 지역교회가 복음을 행동으로 선포할 수 있게 해준다 To enable local churches to be proclaimers of the gospel in deed. Methodologies: Lecture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Explain the central purpose for doing Seed Projects 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

18 Seeds and Seed Projects
정 의 Definition 정의 : 겨자씨 프로젝트란 성도들이 하는 작은, 단기적 사역이다. 이것은 지역의 자원을 가지고 신앙공동체 밖에 있는 사람들에게 하나님의 사랑을 보여주는 것이다 Definition: A seed project is small, short-term ministry by believers. It is done with local resources to demonstrate God’s love to those outside the faith community. 유의: 겨자씨 프로젝트는 보통 셀그룹 같은 교회의 소그룹들이 실행한다 Note: Seed Projects are usually done by small groupings of church members, such as a cell group Methodologies: Defining Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: If you have access to the “Church as a Window” DVD in the local language, show one of Seed Project illustrations that would be most appropriate to the context of the participants. If you don’t, tell several seed project stories to illustrate what a Seed Project is and does. Have participants read the definition in unison and then comment on each of the four elements 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

19 겨자씨 프로젝트의 정의 Definition of Seed Project
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트의 정의 Definition of Seed Project 겨자씨 프로젝트 SEED PROJECT 작고, 단기적 Small, short-term 지역 자원 Local Resources 하나님의 사랑을 보여준다 Demonstrate God’s Love 교회 밖으로 Outside the Church Methodologies: Diagrams Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Use this diagram to visually reinforce the four elements in the definition Have participants pair and then repeat the four elements to each other Last Updated 7-07

20 3가지 원리의 유익점 Three Principle Benefits
Seeds and Seed Projects 3가지 원리의 유익점 Three Principle Benefits 1. 전인적 전도 (Wholistic Evangelism) 2. 의존으로부터의 자유 (Freedom from Dependency) 3. 더 큰 활동을 위한 경험과 자신감 (Experience and Confidence for Larger Activities) Methodologies: Lecture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Explain that there are three principle benefits – three things that often happen as by-products of Seed Projects Use the next three slides to unpack/comment on each of the three. 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

21 세가지 원리의 유익점 Three Principle Benefits
Seeds and Seed Projects 세가지 원리의 유익점 Three Principle Benefits 전인적 전도: 겨자씨 프로젝트는 성도들로 하여금 전도와 하나님 나라 확장을 위한 전인 사역의 능력을 경험하게 한다. Wholistic Evangelism: Seed Projects help believers experience the power of wholistic ministry for evangelism and for the extension of the Kingdom of God. Methodologies: Lecture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Use the next three slides to unpack/comment on each of the three. Wholistic Evangelism – explain what wholistic evangelism means. Wholistic ministry – focused on the whole person and all aspects of their development. 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

22 세가지 원리의 유익점 Three Principle Benefits
Seeds and Seed Projects 세가지 원리의 유익점 Three Principle Benefits 2. 의존으로부터의 자유 : 겨자씨 프로젝트는 지역교회가 외부의 자원에 기대지 않고도 전인 사역을 할 수 있음을 보여준다. Freedom from Dependency: Seed Projects demonstrate that the local church can do wholistic ministry without being dependent on outside resources. Methodologies: Lecture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Use the next three slides to unpack/comment on each of the three. Freedom from Dependency – Churches can demonstrate God’s love and His good intentions without reliance on outside resources 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

23 세가지 원리의 유익점 Three Principle Benefits
Seeds and Seed Projects 세가지 원리의 유익점 Three Principle Benefits 3. 더 큰 활동을 위한 경험과 자신감: 겨자씨 프로젝트는 프로젝트 계획과 실행을 경험할 수 있게 해주고, 지속적인 전인 사역 프로젝트를 위한 자신감을 갖게 해준다. 또한 종종 교회가 하나님의 사랑을 더 크게 드러낼 수 있게 해준다. Experience and Confidence for Larger Activities: Seed Projects develop experience in project planning and implementation and develop confidence for ongoing wholistic ministry projects. Seed Projects often lead a church to larger demonstrations of God’s love. Methodologies: Lecture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Use the next three slides to unpack/comment on each of the three. Experience and Confidence for Larger Activities – when starting small, people get started, experience success and will be more likely to do this activity again. 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

24 겨자씨 프로젝트의 유익점 Seed Project Benefits
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트의 유익점 Seed Project Benefits 세가지 원리의 유익점 Three Principle Benefits 전인적 전도 Wholistic Evangelism 의존으로부터의 자유 Freedom from Dependency 더 큰 활동을 위한 경험과 자신감 Experience & Confidence for Larger Activities Methodologies: Diagram Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Use this diagram to reinforce the three benefits. Pair participants and have them repeat and explain the meaning of each of the three 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

25 추가 유익점 Additional Benefits
Seeds and Seed Projects 추가 유익점 Additional Benefits 사람들이 그리스도에게로 나온다 People come to Christ 성도들을 위한 제자훈련 효과 Discipleship of Followers of Christ 교회의 유기적인 배가 Organic Multiplication of the Church 하나님이 영광을 받으신다 God is Honored Methodologies: Lecture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Discuss the additional following benefits 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

26 겨자씨 프로젝트의 10가지 특징 10 Characteristics of Seed Projects
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트의 10가지 특징 10 Characteristics of Seed Projects 하나님의 의도에 의한 동기부여 Motivated by God’s Intentions 기도가운데 진행 Covered in Prayer 간단하고 단기간 Simple and short 잘 계획함 Well planned 지역자원 활용 Local resources 조작적으로 하지 않음 Doesn’t manipulate 교회 밖으로 행함 Outside the Church 수혜자가 참여함 Beneficiaries Participate 전인적 영역에 영향주도록 계획 Intentionally Wholistic 하나님이 영광받으심 God is praised Methodologies: Review Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Review these – have participants work with partners (in pairs) to see if they can remember all 10 without looking at the slide or their notes. Last Updated 7-07

27 겨자씨 프로젝트의 특징 The Characteristics of Seed Projects
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트의 특징 The Characteristics of Seed Projects 하나님의 의도에 의한 동기 부여 Motivated by God’s Intentions 2. 기도가운데 진행 Covered in Prayer 3. 간단하고 단기간 Simple and short 4. 잘 계획함 Well planned 5. 지역 자원 활용 Local resources 6. 조작적으로 하지 않음 Does not manipulate 7. 교회 밖으로 행함 Done for those outside the church 8. 수혜자가 참여함 Beneficiaries participate 9. 전인적 영역에 영향 주도록 계획함 Plan intentional wholistic impact 10. 하나님이 영광받으심 God is praised Methodologies: Unpacking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Motivated by God’s Intentions – God’s Priority vs Men’s Rather than being motivated by human compassion that responds to observable felt need, Seed Projects are motivated by what we believe – through prayer and waiting for God to speak to us - God reveals the place He wants us to demonstrate His love. This “place” may or may not align itself with an observable felt need. Last Updated 7-07

28 겨자씨 프로젝트의 특징 The Characteristics of Seed Projects
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트의 특징 The Characteristics of Seed Projects 1. 하나님의 의도에 의한 동기 부여 Motivated by God’s Intentions 2. 기도가운데 진행 Covered in Prayer 3. 간단하고 단기간 Simple and short 4. 잘 계획함 Well planned 5. 지역 자원 활용 Local resources 6. 조작적으로 하지 않음 Does not manipulate 7. 교회 밖으로 행함 Done for those outside the church 8. 수혜자가 참여함 Beneficiaries participate 9. 전인적 영역에 영향 주도록 계획함 Plan intentional wholistic impact 10. 하나님이 영광받으심 God is praised Methodologies: Unpacking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Motivated by God’s Intentions – God’s Priority vs Men’s Rather than being motivated by human compassion that responds to observable felt need, Seed Projects are motivated by what we believe – through prayer and waiting for God to speak to us - God reveals the place He wants us to demonstrate His love. This “place” may or may not align itself with an observable felt need. Last Updated 7-07

29 겨자씨 프로젝트의 특징 The Characteristics of Seed Projects
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트의 특징 The Characteristics of Seed Projects 1. 하나님의 의도에 의한 동기 부여 Motivated by God’s Intentions 2. 기도가운데 진행 Covered in Prayer 3. 간단하고 단기간 Simple and short 4. 잘 계획함 Well planned 5. 지역 자원 활용 Local resources 6. 조작적으로 하지 않음 Does not manipulate 7. 교회 밖으로 행함 Done for those outside the church 8. 수혜자가 참여함 Beneficiaries participate 9. 전인적 영역에 영향 주도록 계획함 Plan intentional wholistic impact 10. 하나님이 영광받으심 God is praised Methodologies: Unpacking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Motivated by God’s Intentions – God’s Priority vs Men’s Rather than being motivated by human compassion that responds to observable felt need, Seed Projects are motivated by what we believe – through prayer and waiting for God to speak to us - God reveals the place He wants us to demonstrate His love. This “place” may or may not align itself with an observable felt need. Last Updated 7-07

30 겨자씨 프로젝트의 특징 The Characteristics of Seed Projects
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트의 특징 The Characteristics of Seed Projects 1. 하나님의 의도에 의한 동기 부여 Motivated by God’s Intentions 2. 기도가운데 진행 Covered in Prayer 3. 간단하고 단기간 Simple and short 4. 잘 계획함 Well planned 5. 지역 자원 활용 Local resources 6. 조작적으로 하지 않음 Does not manipulate 7. 교회 밖으로 행함 Done for those outside the church 8. 수혜자가 참여함 Beneficiaries participate 9. 전인적 영역에 영향 주도록 계획함 Plan intentional wholistic impact 10. 하나님이 영광받으심 God is praised Methodologies: Unpacking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Motivated by God’s Intentions – God’s Priority vs Men’s Rather than being motivated by human compassion that responds to observable felt need, Seed Projects are motivated by what we believe – through prayer and waiting for God to speak to us - God reveals the place He wants us to demonstrate His love. This “place” may or may not align itself with an observable felt need. Last Updated 7-07

31 겨자씨 프로젝트의 특징 The Characteristics of Seed Projects
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트의 특징 The Characteristics of Seed Projects 1. 하나님의 의도에 의한 동기 부여 Motivated by God’s Intentions 2. 기도가운데 진행 Covered in Prayer 3. 간단하고 단기간 Simple and short 4. 잘 계획함 Well planned 5. 지역 자원 활용 Local resources 6. 조작적으로 하지 않음 Does not manipulate 7. 교회 밖으로 행함 Done for those outside the church 8. 수혜자가 참여함 Beneficiaries participate 9. 전인적 영역에 영향 주도록 계획함 Plan intentional wholistic impact 10. 하나님이 영광받으심 God is praised Methodologies: Unpacking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Motivated by God’s Intentions – God’s Priority vs Men’s Rather than being motivated by human compassion that responds to observable felt need, Seed Projects are motivated by what we believe – through prayer and waiting for God to speak to us - God reveals the place He wants us to demonstrate His love. This “place” may or may not align itself with an observable felt need. Last Updated 7-07

32 겨자씨 프로젝트의 특징 The Characteristics of Seed Projects
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트의 특징 The Characteristics of Seed Projects 1. 하나님의 의도에 의한 동기 부여 Motivated by God’s Intentions 2. 기도가운데 진행 Covered in Prayer 3. 간단하고 단기간 Simple and short 4. 잘 계획함 Well planned 5. 지역 자원 활용 Local resources 6. 조작적으로 하지 않음 Does not manipulate 7. 교회 밖으로 행함 Done for those outside the church 8. 수혜자가 참여함 Beneficiaries participate 9. 전인적 영역에 영향 주도록 계획함 Plan intentional wholistic impact 10. 하나님이 영광받으심 God is praised Methodologies: Unpacking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Motivated by God’s Intentions – God’s Priority vs Men’s Rather than being motivated by human compassion that responds to observable felt need, Seed Projects are motivated by what we believe – through prayer and waiting for God to speak to us - God reveals the place He wants us to demonstrate His love. This “place” may or may not align itself with an observable felt need. Last Updated 7-07

33 겨자씨 프로젝트의 특징 The Characteristics of Seed Projects
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트의 특징 The Characteristics of Seed Projects 1. 하나님의 의도에 의한 동기 부여 Motivated by God’s Intentions 2. 기도가운데 진행 Covered in Prayer 3. 간단하고 단기간 Simple and short 4. 잘 계획함 Well planned 5. 지역 자원 활용 Local resources 6. 조작적으로 하지 않음 Does not manipulate 7. 교회 밖으로 행함 Done for those outside the church 8. 수혜자가 참여함 Beneficiaries participate 9. 전인적 영역에 영향 주도록 계획함 Plan intentional wholistic impact 10. 하나님이 영광받으심 God is praised Methodologies: Unpacking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Motivated by God’s Intentions – God’s Priority vs Men’s Rather than being motivated by human compassion that responds to observable felt need, Seed Projects are motivated by what we believe – through prayer and waiting for God to speak to us - God reveals the place He wants us to demonstrate His love. This “place” may or may not align itself with an observable felt need. Last Updated 7-07

34 겨자씨 프로젝트의 특징 The Characteristics of Seed Projects
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트의 특징 The Characteristics of Seed Projects 1. 하나님의 의도에 의한 동기 부여 Motivated by God’s Intentions 2. 기도가운데 진행 Covered in Prayer 3. 간단하고 단기간 Simple and short 4. 잘 계획함 Well planned 5. 지역 자원 활용 Local resources 6. 조작적으로 하지 않음 Does not manipulate 7. 교회 밖으로 행함 Done for those outside the church 8. 수혜자가 참여함 Beneficiaries participate 9. 전인적 영역에 영향 주도록 계획함 Plan intentional wholistic impact 10. 하나님이 영광받으심 God is praised Methodologies: Unpacking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Motivated by God’s Intentions – God’s Priority vs Men’s Rather than being motivated by human compassion that responds to observable felt need, Seed Projects are motivated by what we believe – through prayer and waiting for God to speak to us - God reveals the place He wants us to demonstrate His love. This “place” may or may not align itself with an observable felt need. Last Updated 7-07

35 겨자씨 프로젝트의 특징 The Characteristics of Seed Projects
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트의 특징 The Characteristics of Seed Projects 1. 하나님의 의도에 의한 동기 부여 Motivated by God’s Intentions 2. 기도가운데 진행 Covered in Prayer 3. 간단하고 단기간 Simple and short 4. 잘 계획함 Well planned 5. 지역 자원 활용 Local resources 6. 조작적으로 하지 않음 Does not manipulate 7. 교회 밖으로 행함 Done for those outside the church 8. 수혜자가 참여함 Beneficiaries participate 9. 전인적 영역에 영향 주도록 계획함 Plan intentional wholistic impact 10. 하나님이 영광받으심 God is praised Methodologies: Unpacking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Motivated by God’s Intentions – God’s Priority vs Men’s Rather than being motivated by human compassion that responds to observable felt need, Seed Projects are motivated by what we believe – through prayer and waiting for God to speak to us - God reveals the place He wants us to demonstrate His love. This “place” may or may not align itself with an observable felt need. Last Updated 7-07

36 겨자씨 프로젝트의 특징 The Characteristics of Seed Projects
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트의 특징 The Characteristics of Seed Projects 1. 하나님의 의도에 의한 동기 부여 Motivated by God’s Intentions 2. 기도가운데 진행 Covered in Prayer 3. 간단하고 단기간 Simple and short 4. 잘 계획함 Well planned 5. 지역 자원 활용 Local resources 6. 조작적으로 하지 않음 Does not manipulate 7. 교회 밖으로 행함 Done for those outside the church 8. 수혜자가 참여함 Beneficiaries participate 9. 전인적 영역에 영향 주도록 계획함 Plan intentional wholistic impact 10. 하나님이 영광받으심 God is praised Methodologies: Unpacking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Motivated by God’s Intentions – God’s Priority vs Men’s Rather than being motivated by human compassion that responds to observable felt need, Seed Projects are motivated by what we believe – through prayer and waiting for God to speak to us - God reveals the place He wants us to demonstrate His love. This “place” may or may not align itself with an observable felt need. Last Updated 7-07

37 겨자씨 프로젝트의 10가지 특징 10 Characteristics of Seed Projects
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트의 10가지 특징 10 Characteristics of Seed Projects 하나님의 의도에 의한 동기부여 Motivated by God’s Intentions 기도가운데 진행 Covered in Prayer 간단하고 단기간 Simple and short 잘 계획함 Well planned 지역자원 활용 Local resources 조작적으로 하지 않음 Doesn’t manipulate 교회 밖으로 행함 Outside the Church 수혜자가 참여함 Beneficiaries Participate 전인적 영역에 영향주도록 계획 Intentionally Wholistic 하나님이 영광받으심 God is praised Methodologies: Review Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Review these – have participants work with partners (in pairs) to see if they can remember all 10 without looking at the slide or their notes. Last Updated 7-07

38 겨자씨 프로젝트가 아닌 것은? Check Your Understanding
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트가 아닌 것은? Check Your Understanding __ 전도행사를 위해 동네 아이들을 위한 게임의 날 Game day for community children as an evangelistic outreach Methodologies: Review and Reinforcement Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Explain that we will be looking at short explanations of possible Seed Projects. Based on what is said in these short statements, look for anything that would disqualify these ideas based on the 10 characteristics. As a facilitator, focus on encouraging the group to discuss why this would or would NOT be a good example of a seed project based on the purpose, definition and characteristics. Focus less on the answer than on the discussion and participant’s understanding of what would disqualify each statement. An additional question/activity could be to ask the group, “What could be changed to make this into a good Seed Project?” Game day for community children as an evangelistic outreach – Why or Why not? Does not manipulate Game day for community children is primarily a social event and not an evangelistic outreach 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

39 겨자씨 프로젝트가 아닌 것은? Check Your Understanding
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트가 아닌 것은? Check Your Understanding __ 지역사회 필요 조사에 근거한 결식 아동을 위한 소풍 A picnic for hungry children based on a community needs survey Methodologies: Review and Reinforcement Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: A picnic for hungry children based on a community needs survey - Why or Why not? Motivated by God’s intentions According to the statement this was motivated primarily by a community needs survey. 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

40 겨자씨 프로젝트가 아닌 것은? Check Your Understanding
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트가 아닌 것은? Check Your Understanding __ 교인 가정 집의 화장실 수리 Latrine repair at the home of a church member Methodologies: Review and Reinforcement Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Latrine repair at the home of a church member - Why or Why not? Outside the Church This is a wonderful activity for the deacons and church members to do for church members, but seed projects are focused on serving those outside the church. 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

41 겨자씨 프로젝트가 아닌 것은? Check Your Understanding
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트가 아닌 것은? Check Your Understanding __ 지역의 노인캐어센터 혹은 노인병원의 페인트칠과 청소 Painting and cleaning for the Elderly Care Center or the Elderly Hospital in the community Methodologies: Review and Reinforcement Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Latrine repair at the home of a church member - Why or Why not? Outside the Church This is a wonderful activity for the deacons and church members to do for church members, but seed projects are focused on serving those outside the church. 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

42 겨자씨 프로젝트가 아닌 것은? Check Your Understanding
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트가 아닌 것은? Check Your Understanding __ 기도가운데 진행하는 정부 지원의 다문화가정을 위한 한국어교육 프로그램 A government-sponsored Korean language teaching program for multicultural families bathed in prayer Methodologies: Review and Reinforcement Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: A government-sponsored literacy program bathed in prayer - Why or Why not? Local resources This project is funded by the government and does not use local resources and it is not a short and simple activity. It may be a good program, but it is not a good seed project. 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

43 겨자씨 프로젝트가 아닌 것은? Check Your Understanding
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트가 아닌 것은? Check Your Understanding __ 전날 결정한 쓰레기 청소 A garbage cleanup the day following the decision to do it Methodologies: Review and Reinforcement Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: We are going to a garbage cleanup the day following the decision to do it - Why or Why not? Well planned This statement says it was a last minute decision which does not allow time to be well planned 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

44 겨자씨 프로젝트가 아닌 것은? Check Your Understanding
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트가 아닌 것은? Check Your Understanding __ 지역사회를 위한 일일 결혼세미나 A day seminar on marriage life for the community people Methodologies: Review and Reinforcement Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: We are going to a garbage cleanup the day following the decision to do it - Why or Why not? Well planned This statement says it was a last minute decision which does not allow time to be well planned 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

45 겨자씨 프로젝트가 아닌 것은? Check Your Understanding
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트가 아닌 것은? Check Your Understanding __ 기획위원회가 잘 준비한 관계로 지역사회 주민들이 참석만 하면 되는 자녀교육 세미나 A seminar on children education, where the organizing committee serves so well that the community participants only attend Methodologies: Review and Reinforcement Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: A seminar on nutrition, where the organizing committee serves so well that the community participants only attend - Why or Why not? Beneficiaries participate While serving is a blessing, it is always more effective to help others develop when they are also a part of the service. This is doing ministry/service “with” others and not just “to” or “for” them. 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

46 겨자씨 프로젝트가 아닌 것은? Check Your Understanding
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트가 아닌 것은? Check Your Understanding __ 교회를 홍보하기 위해 겨자씨 프로젝트를 언론에 알림 Media coverage of the seed project to get publicity for the church Methodologies: Review and Reinforcement Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Media coverage of the seed project to get publicity for the church – Why or Why not? Motivated by God’s Intentions and God is praised This is motivated by a desire to get publicity for the church and it would give the recognition to the church rather than to God. 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

47 겨자씨 프로젝트가 아닌 것은? Check Your Understanding
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트가 아닌 것은? Check Your Understanding __ 아동돌봄센터의 개발 및 운영 Development and operation of a child-care center Methodologies: Review and Reinforcement Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Development and operation of a child-care center – Why or why not? Short and simple This is not a short and simple project; it is a long-term commitment. 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

48 겨자씨 프로젝트가 아닌 것은? Check Your Understanding
Seeds and Seed Projects 겨자씨 프로젝트가 아닌 것은? Check Your Understanding __ 지역사회를 위한 하나님의 뜻을 찾던 결과로 인한 아동돌봄센터 설립을 위한 주민회의 Community meeting to discuss formation of a child-care center as a result of a time of seeking God’s intentions for the community Methodologies: Review and Reinforcement Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Community meeting to discuss formation of a child-care center – Why or why not? This looks good!! Simple, short, began with God’s intentions, thoughtfully planned, included community, etc. 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

49 장기적 효과를 위한 3가지 원리 Three Principles for Long-term Effectiveness
Seeds and Seed Projects 장기적 효과를 위한 3가지 원리 Three Principles for Long-term Effectiveness 균형적 Balanced 집중적 Focused 지속적 Ongoing Methodologies: Lecture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: For long-term effectiveness seed projects must be done more than one time, but should be an ongoing ministry that would become a way of life for the church in that community. Last Updated 7-07

50 장기적 효과를 위한 3가지 원리 Three Principles for Long-term Effectiveness
Seeds and Seed Projects 장기적 효과를 위한 3가지 원리 Three Principles for Long-term Effectiveness 균형적 – 모든 영역의 사역 Balanced – Ministry in all areas 집중적 Focused 지속적 Ongoing Methodologies: Lecture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: For long-term effectiveness seed projects must be done more than one time, but should be an ongoing ministry that would become a way of life for the church in that community. Last Updated 7-07

51 Seeds and Seed Projects
4가지 전 영역의 겨자씨 프로젝트 실행의 영향 Impact of Doing Seed Projects in All Four Areas 한 지역교회 One Church 신체적 겨자씨 프로젝트 사회적 겨자씨 프로젝트 Social SP 영 적 겨자씨 프로젝트 Spiritual SP 지 혜 겨자씨 프로젝트 Wisdom SP Methodologies: Image Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: One church is doing multiple seed projects in each of the different areas of development. Physical SP 균형적 Balanced Last Updated 7-07

52 “균형적” 예: 베네주엘라 까라피타 Example of “Balanced” in Carapita, Venezuela
Seeds and Seed Projects “균형적” 예: 베네주엘라 까라피타 Example of “Balanced” in Carapita, Venezuela 지 혜: 공립학교에서 마약방지 강의 Wisdom: Lectures about drug prevention at a public school 신체적: 교인 50명이 가로등 수리, 쓰레기 청소, 도로 주위 잡초 제거 Physical: Organized 50 members to fix the lighting system, collect garbage, and clean out weeds from the main walkway Methodologies: Examples Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Use these or other examples of a church doing various seed projects in the four areas. 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

53 “균형적” 예: 베네주엘라 까라피타 Example of “Balanced” in Carapita, Venezuela
Seeds and Seed Projects “균형적” 예: 베네주엘라 까라피타 Example of “Balanced” in Carapita, Venezuela 영 적: 어린이 방학성경학교; 예수 영화; 가족을 위한 축호기도; 모두 하나님 사랑의 표현으로 실시 Spiritual: Children’s Vacation Bible School; The Jesus film; Door to door prayer for families; Testified that projects were done as an expression of God’s love. 사회적: 2개의 청소년 폭력조직이 서로 대립. 교회가 농구장을 수리하고 농구시합을 개최함. 이로 인해 청소년들이 함께 경기하며, 두개의 폭력조직이 서로 화해함 Social: Two youth gangs were adversaries. Church repaired a basketball court and organized games and competition. This activity brought the youth together and healed the division between the groups. Methodologies: Examples Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: More examples 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

54 장기적 효과를 위한 3가지 원리 Three Principles for Long-term Effectiveness
Seeds and Seed Projects 장기적 효과를 위한 3가지 원리 Three Principles for Long-term Effectiveness 균형적 – 모든 영역의 사역 Balanced – Ministry in all areas 집중적 – 동일한 지역사회를 대상으로 하는 균형잡힌 사역 Focused – Balanced ministry to the same community 지속적 Ongoing Methodologies: Lecture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: For long-term effectiveness seed projects must be done more than one time, but should be an ongoing ministry that would become a way of life for the church in that community. Last Updated 7-07

55 Seeds and Seed Projects
한 지역사회에서 각 영역의 겨자씨 프로젝트 실행의 영향 Impact of Doing Seed Projects in Each Area in One Community 한 지역교회 One Church 신체적 겨자씨 프로젝트 Physical 사회적 겨자씨 프로젝트 Social 신체적 겨자씨 프로젝트 Physical 지 혜 겨자씨 프로젝트 Wisdom 영 적 겨자씨 프로젝트 Spiritual Methodologies: Image Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Focused activity done by one church 한 지역사회 One Community 집중적 Focused Last Updated 7-07

56 “집중적”에 대한 관련 질문 “Focused” Question
Seeds and Seed Projects “집중적”에 대한 관련 질문 “Focused” Question 만약 여러분의 교회가 누가복음 2:52의 각 영역에 해당하는 프로젝트를 하는데, 4개의 지역사회에서 각각 다른 영역의 프로젝트를 실시했다면, 그 지역사회에 어떤 장기적인 영향을 줄 수 있을까요? What do you think the long-term impact would be if your church did four community projects in each of the four Luke 2:52 areas, but each project was in a different community? Methodologies: Question-asking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask the large group to think about this and then provide their thoughts to the whole group. 제 9 강 Last Updated 7-07

57 장기적 효과를 위한 3가지 원리 Three Principles for Long-term Effectiveness
Seeds and Seed Projects 장기적 효과를 위한 3가지 원리 Three Principles for Long-term Effectiveness 균형적 – 모든 영역의 사역 Balanced – Ministry in all areas 집중적 – 동일한 지역사회를 대상으로 하는 균형잡힌 사역 Focused – Balanced ministry to the same community 지속적 – 일정기간에 걸쳐 겨자씨 프로젝트를 실시함 Ongoing – Many Seed Projects done over time Methodologies: Lecture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: For long-term effectiveness seed projects must be done more than one time, but should be an ongoing ministry that would become a way of life for the church in that community. Last Updated 7-07

58 일정 기간에 따른 영향 Impact Over Time
Seeds and Seed Projects 일정 기간에 따른 영향 Impact Over Time 한 지역교회 One Church 신체적 겨자씨 프로젝트 Physical 사회적 겨자씨 프로젝트 Social 지 혜 겨자씨 프로젝트 Wisdom 신체적 겨자씨 프로젝트 Physical 영 적 겨자씨 프로젝트 Spiritual 한 지역사회 One Community Methodologies: Image Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: When the church continues to do Seed Projects over time, the community will have many opportunities to see God’s Good Intentions in many different ways. This is how the Church becomes a Window to God’s Good Intentions. 창문으로서의 교회 Church as a window 하나님의 선한 의도 God’s good intention 지속적 Ongoing Last Updated 7-07

59 혼두라스 떼구시갈파에서 1년간 “지속적” 겨자씨 프로젝트 예
Seeds and Seed Projects 혼두라스 떼구시갈파에서 1년간 “지속적” 겨자씨 프로젝트 예 Example of Ongoing Seed Projects in 1 Year in Tegucigalpa, Honduras 양식없는 사람들을 위해 매주 한끼 금식 Fasted one meal a week to feed the hungry 지역 축구경기 주최 Hosted community soccer league 교회에서 의료클리닉 Medical clinic in the church 주부를 위한 아동돌봄교실 Child-care class for mothers 거리 충격방지 범퍼에 페인트칠 Painted speed bumps in the street 20명의 알콜중독자에게 친구가 되어주기 Ministered to social needs of 20 alcoholics 거리의 웅덩이 메꾸기 Filled potholes on a street Methodologies: Examples Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Use these examples or other examples where one church conducts various projects over a period of time allowing the community to see God’s Good Intentions. Last Updated 7-07

60 “지속적” (계속) “Ongoing” (continued)
Seeds and Seed Projects “지속적” (계속) “Ongoing” (continued) 가난한 어린이들을 위한 옷모으기 Collected clothes for needy children 지역사회에 쓰레기통 설치 Placed garbage barrels in the community 가파른 경사길에 콘크리트 계단 설치 Constructed concrete stairs on a steep path 수감자에게 침대시트 제공 Distributed bed sheets to prisoners 아버지가 수감된 아이들 위해 학용품 수집배포 Collected and distributed school supplies for children whose fathers were in jail 주의: 하나님 사랑을 드러내는 능력을 더 발전시키기 위해 프로젝트의 지속적 개선이 필요. Note: Projects need to progressively improve in their ability to demonstrate God’s love. Methodologies: Example Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Continued example from Honduras Last Updated 7-07

61 장기적 효과를 위한 3가지 원리 Three Principles for Long-term Effectiveness
Seeds and Seed Projects 장기적 효과를 위한 3가지 원리 Three Principles for Long-term Effectiveness 균형적 – 모든 영역의 사역 Balanced – Ministry in all areas 집중적 – 동일한 지역사회를 대상으로 하는 균형잡힌 사역 Focused – Balanced ministry to the same community 지속적 – 장기간 동안 수많은 겨자씨 프로젝트를 실시함 Ongoing – Many Seed Projects done over time Methodologies: Lecture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: For long-term effectiveness seed projects must be done more than one time, but should be an ongoing ministry that would become a way of life for the church in that community. Last Updated 7-07

62 Seeds and Seed Projects
적 용 Application 아래 겨자씨 프로젝트 관련 내용을 암기하고, 각각의 의미를 생각해보십시오: Memorize the following aspects of Seed Projects and consider their implications: 목 적 Purpose 정 의 Definition 3가지 유익점 3 Benefits 10가지 특징 10 Characteristics 3가지 장기적 효과의 원리 3 Long-term effectiveness principles Methodologies: Review Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Have partners also review each of these parts of this lesson. After 5-10 minutes of reviewing, you could have a group quiz or call on individuals to answer these questions for chocolate or other treats. Last Updated 7-07

63 겨자씨 및 겨자씨 프로젝트 Seeds and Seed Projects
Opening Slide 밥 모핏 하베스트 Last Updated 7-07

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