“Grammar to Explain” 형용사의 최상급 앞에는 원칙적으로 정관사 the를 붙이고, of (--중에

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Presentation on theme: "“Grammar to Explain” 형용사의 최상급 앞에는 원칙적으로 정관사 the를 붙이고, of (--중에"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Grammar to Explain” 형용사의 최상급 앞에는 원칙적으로 정관사 the를 붙이고, of (--중에
He is the most diligent (boy, pupil, etc.) of our classmates [in our class]. She is the tallest (student, girl, etc.) of all his classmates [in her class]. 무관사 최상급 ① 부사의 최상급 a) The girl studies hardest of them all. / b) John runs fastest of all. ② 정관사가 명사 또는 대명사의 소유격으로 대체되는 경우. It is his greatest pleasure to read novels. (소설을 읽는 것이 그의 최대 기쁨) ③ 동일인, 동일물의 성질을 비교할 때. This river is deepest at this point. (이 강은 여기가 가장 깊다.) [동일 江] cf> This river is the longest in this world. [다른 강들과의 비교]

2 Maxims Introduced by Teacher
Right now, I am the happiest man on earth. David Wells, an ace on New York Yankees which won '98 World series I tried to be the best player I could be. I've had a great time NBA스타인 Michael Jordan의 은퇴사에서 The lean dog lives longest Polish proverb War is the most wicked and most irrational of all anachronisms from W. M. Inge's “Programme” While it is probably true that you could earn a living in any one of several different occupations, you will be happiest if you are working at something which in- terests you.

3 Maxims Translated by Student
The best man is he who most tries to perfect himself, and the happiest man is he who most feels that he is perfecting himself Socrates Truth is the most valuable thing Mark Twain The tragedy of war is that it uses man's best to do man's worst H. E. Fosdick He laughs best who laughs last. Sir John Vanbrugh Your heaviest artillery will be your will to live. Keep that big gun going Norman Cousins

4 “My Maxim” Activity 다음의 문장들과 비슷한 여러분의 명언을 써 보세요.
A dog is man's best friend. Pockets are a girl's best friends. <학생영작사례> A car is a driver's best friend.

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