Electronic Teaching Tools

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1 Electronic Teaching Tools
Yong uk song Yonsei university wonju campus

2 Y-TOP App You may reach any Yonsei Information System services from Y-TOP app. For Android users, Visit Google Play Store and install “연세대학교 대표 모바일 앱: 연세탑 Y-TOP”. For iPhone users, Visit iTunes App Store and install “연세대학교 대표앱”. If you are requested to install some related apps like Y-LINK, Y-Attend, Y-MID, mY-seat, etc., while using the Y-TOP app, you must allow it. For the installation, you MUST use Play Store or App Store.

3 Y-TOP App

4 Digression: Mobile ID (Y-MID, 모바일 신분증)
용도 도서관 출입 Y-Bus (신촌 셔틀, 원주 학생 통근 버스) 기타: 타캠퍼스 무료주차, 세브란스 병원 내 음식점 10% 할인, … 신분증 카드와 모바일 신분증 중 택 1 (Reader 기기를 이용할 때) Y-MID > 메뉴(≡) > 환경설정 > 학생증/신분증 활성화 및 해제 모바일 신분증 사용 시 유의사항 NFC 읽기쓰기 및 P2P 수신: On Android Beam: On iPhone은 모바일 신분증 사용 불가 Bar Code, QR Code (인식 잘 안 됨)

5 Digression: Electronic Attendance Register (Y-Attend, 전자출결)
For PC users, Visit ‘ For mobile users, Visit Play Store or App Store and install “연세대학교 전자출결 Y-Attend”. How to register Your teacher calls your name and registers your attendance manually, You touch a register just beside a door with your student ID card (your plastic ID card or your NFC enabled mobile phone, anyone in active), You invoke Yonsei Electronic Attendance Register (전자출결) app in your mobile phone and just wait, (for classrooms with a bluetooth beacon only) OR You invoke Yonsei Electronic Attendance Register (전자출결) app in your mobile phone and enter a four digit code provided by your teacher. You may check your attendance state any time by visiting the Web or by using the app of the Yonsei Electronic Attendance Register. NOTE: Your teacher may confirm your attendance by calling your name again.

6 Digression: Electronic Attendance Register (Y-Attend, 전자출결)

7 Learning Management System (YSCEC)
For PC and mobile users, Visit ‘ You may get the notices from your teacher by clicking Course Notice or My Schedule menu. IMPORTANT: You must update your contact information in the Yonsei Academic Information System including your phone numbers and address to get the notices from your teacher at a proper time. You may get or download the course schedule or resources by clicking My YSCEC menu and then the course name.

8 Learning Management System (YSCEC)

9 Socrative Socrative is a quiz tool.
You may reach the Soractive by Web or app. Web: App: ‘Socrative STUDENT’ in Play Store or App Store Note, ‘Socrative TEACHER’ is for teachers only To take a quiz, [Login as a student, or run ‘Socrative STUDENT’] Enter room name: CETI Enter your name: YOUR STUDENT ID. If you do NOT enter your name as YOUR STUDENT ID, you will get the ZERO point for that quiz.

10 Socrative

11 Socrative 교사 유의사항 학생 유의사항 문제 유형 퀴즈 진행 방식 퀴즈 결과
참/거짓형, 2/3/4/5지선다형, 단답형 단답형을 논술형에도 사용 가능 정답 사전 입력 시 자동 채점 퀴즈 진행 방식 학생 기준 진행 즉석 피드백 학생 탐색 교사 기준 진행 퀴즈 결과 보고서 > 도망(?)보고서 > 다운로드  엑셀 YTools4Schools (by Yong Uk Song) 1. 스마트폰 앱스토어(아이폰)나 구글 플레이 스토어(안드로이드폰)에서 Socrative STUDENT 를 다운 받아 설치합니다. 2. Socrative STUDENT를 실행시킵니다. 3. Room code(방번호)에 ‘CETI’라고 입력합니다. 4. Student name(이름)에 <자신의 학번>을 입력 합니다. 5. 문제에 답합니다. 6. 종료를 눌러서 나갑니다.

12 Canvanizer Canvanizer is a discussion tool for predefined topics like business model, SWOT, etc. You may reach the Canvanizer by Web. Web: Your team leader may create a canvas and then send the editable or readonly link to you. * Smartphone APP is not provided.

13 Canvanizer

14 Trello Trello is a discussion tool.
You may reach the Trello by Web or app. Web: App: Trello in Play Store or App Store You must provide your address, which is used as your account name in Trello, to your teacher. Your teach will use your address from Yonsei Academic Information System, hence you must update your address in Yonsei Academic Information System and use the address as your Trello account name.

15 Trello

16 Others These tools may be used as electronic teaching tools in this class: Naver Band ( Kakao Talk ( Google Drive ( (Chrome browser is recommended.)

17 Naver Band

18 Google Drive

19 동영상 강의 제작 도구 PC용 모바일용 Office Mix (https://mix.office.com/)
모바일용 모바일(스마트폰) 촬영 어플리케이션 필믹프로(FilMic Pro) 프로 수준의 영화나 뮤직비디오 촬영 가능 동영상 촬영 기능만 직관적으로 구현 노출, 초점, 색온도 수동으로 조절 24p, 30p 등 다양한 FrameRate 적용 가능 슬로우 모션, 크로마키 촬영 등 고급 옵션 리얼타임 4배속 디지털 줌, 오디오 미터링, 모니터링 모바일용 동영상 편집 어플리케이션 Adobe Clip 파워디렉터 모바일

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