2018 AP® Preadministration Session

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1 2018 AP® Preadministration Session

2 시험당일 준비물 입실시간: 시험시작 30분 전까지 입실 완료. 오전 8시 시험: 7시 30분까지 입실완료
오후 12시 시험: 11시 30분까지 입실완료 오후 2시 시험: 1시 30분까지 입실완료 신분증 유효 여권 (기간 만료여권 인정되지 않음) 주민등록증 청소년증 현재 학생증 운전면허증

3 시험당일 준비물 시험에 필요한 각 과목별 준비물은, 아래의 내용을 꼭 읽고 참고하시기 바랍니다. AP Student Pack
Several sharpened No. 2 pencils with erasers, for all responses on your multiple-choice answer sheet. Pens with black or dark blue ink for completing areas on the exam booklet covers and for free-response questions in most exams. Your six-digit school code. Home-schooled students will be provided with their state’s or country’s home-school code at the time of the exam. A watch that does not beep or have an alarm (in case the exam room does not have a clock that can be easily seen).

4 시험당일 준비물 시험에 필요한 각 과목별 준비물은, 아래의 내용을 꼭 읽고 참고하시기 바랍니다.
Up to two approved calculators with the necessary capabilities if you are taking the AP Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Physics or Statistics Exams. Visit apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse to find the calculator policy for your subject. For a list of approved graphing calculators, visit A ruler or straightedge only if you’re taking an AP Physics Exam. Protractors are not allowed. Your Social Security number** for identification purposes (optional). If you provide your number, it may appear on your AP score report.

5 Type of calculator allowed
시험당일 준비물 Courses and Calculator Use Course Type of calculator allowed Exam Section I Exam Section II Biology Four-function with square root Allowed Calculus AB Graphing calculator Required for Part B Required for Part A Calculus BC Chemistry A scientific or graphing calculator is recommended; a four-function calculator is allowed but not recommended. Not Allowed Physics 1 Four-function, scientific or graphing calculator Physics 2 Physics C: Mechanics Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism Statistics Graphing calculator with statistics capabilities. Nongraphing calculators are permitted if they have the required statistics computational capabilities described in the AP Statistics Course Description. Expected Courses and Calculator Use Approved Calculators xam-policies/calculator-policy

6 시험당일 준비물 시험에 필요한 각 과목별 준비물은, 아래의 내용을 꼭 읽고 참고하시기 바랍니다.
Your Social Security number* for identification purposes (optional). If you provide your number, it may appear on your AP score report. If applicable, your SSD Student Accommodation Letter**, which verifies that you have been approved for a testing accommodation such as Braille or large-type exams. * Some colleges and universities use Social Security numbers as student identifiers when assigning AP credit or advanced placement for qualifying AP scores. While the College Board does not require you to provide your Social Security number, you may want to check with the college or university where you are sending scores to see if they prefer for you to provide a Social Security number on your AP Exam answer sheet. ** Unless this has been preapproved as an accommodation by the College Board Services for Students with Disabilities office prior to the exam date.

7 시험장 반입금지: 아래의 물품들을 시험 중에 소지할 경우 부정행위로 간주하여 Collegeboard에 보고
Electronic equipment (cell phone, smartphone, laptop, tablet computer, etc.), portable listening or recording devices (MP3 player, iPod, etc.), cameras or other photographic equipment, devices that can access the Internet, and any other electronic or communication devices. Books, compasses, protractors, mechanical pencils, correction fluid, dictionaries, highlighters,† notes or colored pencils.† Scratch paper; notes can be made on portions of the exam booklets or, for Chinese Language and Culture and Japanese Language and Culture, on scratch paper provided by the proctor.

8 시험당일 시험장 반입금지: 아래의 물품들을 시험 중에 소지할 경우 부정행위로 간주하여 Collegeboard에 보고
Watches that beep or have an alarm, or smartwatches. Computers.† Reference guides, keyboard maps or other typing instructions. Clothing with subject-related information. Food or drink.† †Unless this has been preapproved as an accommodation by the College Board Services for Students with Disabilities office prior to the exam date.

9 Do you have… A Student Pack? An answer sheet? A No. 2 pencil?
Raise your hand if you need any of these items! Do you have…

10 AP Student Pack 3 12 HONG GILDONG 996821 0000 000 0 KAEC KAEC KAEC
Write your name on the upper right-hand corner of the sheet of AP number labels in the center of the Student Pack. Place one label on the back cover of the Student Pack in the top left-hand corner of the College Information Card. HONG GILDONG 996821 KAEC Student Pack: Student Pack은 1개만 받아야 한다. 여러 학교에서 AP 시험을 응시를 하더라 도, 1개의 Student Pack 과 동일한 AP Number만을 사용한다. AP Regular에 응시한 경우에는, AP Regular때 받은 Student Pack 과 동일한 AP Number를 사용한다. AP Late만 응시하는 경우: 1개의 Student Pack을 받아 사용한다. KAEC KAEC

11 AP Student Pack 3 12 HONG GILDONG 996821 0000 000 0 KAEC KAEC KAEC
School Code 체크 시 유의사항: Case 1: Home School 인 경우: Home School Code (996897)를 적는다. Case 2: 현재 본인이 재학중인 학교에서 AP를 운영할 경우: 본인 학교의 School Code를 적는다. Case 3: 현재 본인이 재학중인 학교에서 AP를 운영하 지 않는 경우: KAEC School Code를 적는다. Case 4: 현재 본인이 재학중인 학교에서 AP를 운영하 지 않고, KAEC와 다른 학교에서 AP를 응시하는 경우: 처음 시험보는 과목의 School Code를 적는다. Case 5: 졸업한 학생의 경우: KAEC의 School Code를 적는다. 996821 KAEC KAEC KAEC

12 AP Student Pack 3 12 HONG GILDONG 996821 0000 000 0 KAEC KAEC KAEC
Case 1: 한미교육위원단에서만 시험을 응시: 응시하는 과목에 체크박스와 동그라미 표시를 한다. 오른쪽 상단에 전체 등록과목의 합계를 적는다. Case 2: 한미교육위원단과 다른 학교에서 응시: 한미교육위원단과 다른 학교에서 응시: 응시하는 과목 에 체크박스와 동그라미 표시를 한 후, 구분을 할 수 있도록 한미교육위원단에서 보는 과목 옆에 KAEC라 고 옆에 적는다.. 오른쪽 상단에 한미교육위원단에서 응시하는 과목의 합계를 적는다. 996821 KAEC KAEC KAEC

13 AP Student Pack Write your name on the upper right- hand corner of the sheet of AP number labels in the center of the Student Pack. Place one label on the back cover of the Student Pack in the top left-hand corner of the College Information Card.

14 AP Number Card Take an AP number label and place it on the AP number card attached to the back cover of your Student Pack. Write your name on the card. Remove the card from the booklet and keep it in a safe place. Don’t lose your AP number! Your AP scores will be online only. You will not get scores in the mail. You will need the information on this card to view your scores and order AP score reporting services online.

15 Front Cover of the Student Pack
Print your grade level, last name, first name, and middle initial. Print your six-digit school code. KAEC – Home School Print your AP number in the spaces indicated. Check the box next to each AP Exam you plan to take this year.

16 Important! AP score reports contain all of your AP scores from each testing year, so it is important to provide consistent information from year to year: Provide your full legal name. If you have previously taken an AP Exam and you supplied your Social Security number, you should do so again this year.

17 Page 1 of the Answer Sheet
Place an AP number label in the box at the top left of the answer sheet.

18 Page 1 of the Answer Sheet
Item A: Leave this item blank. BLANK

19 Page 1 of the Answer Sheet
Item B: Print your legal name (last name, first name, and middle initial) and fill in the corresponding circles. HONG GILDONG

20 Page 1 of the Answer Sheet
Item C: Copy the AP number from the label on your answer sheet. Fill in the circles.

21 Page 1 of the Answer Sheet
Leave items D, E, F, G, and H, blank. These will be completed on the day of the exam. BLANK Biology BLANK

22 Page 1: Student Information Area
집전화: 휴대폰: In Item I, print your phone number, including your area code. Fill in the circles. INTERNATIONAL PHONE OR 휴대폰: > 집전화: > INTERNATIONAL PHONE: INTERNATIONAL PHONE:

23 Page 1: Student Information Area
In Item J, print the school code you printed on the front of your Student Pack and fill in the circles. Then print the name, city, state, and country of your school.

24 Page 1: Student Information Area
Complete Item K. Item L is optional. However, please provide your Social Security number if you provided it on previous AP Exams.

25 Page 1: Student Information Area
To send your scores to a college, complete Item M. The list of college codes is in your Student Pack. Complete Item N.

26 Page 1: Student Information Area
Item O: Do you wish to participate in the Student Search Service®? If you mark “Yes,” your address will be provided to colleges, universities, scholarship programs, and educational opportunity organizations.

27 Page 4: Student Identification Information
Youngdongdaero 28 SEOUL 01456 315 In Item R, print your complete mailing address, including the ZIP or postal code. Print your country code only if you do not have a U.S. ZIP or postal code. Fill in the circles. Be sure to fill in a circle for State. Complete Item S only if you are outside the United States and your full address does not fit in Item R. Gil, 23 Gangnam-Gu KOREA

28 Page 4: Student Identification Information
In Item T, if you have a student identifier or student ID number issued by your state, district, or school, enter that number here. You will be able to use your student ID number to access your AP scores online.

29 Page 4: Student Identification Information
In Item U, provide your address so the College Board can send you important information about your scores. If you have a College Board account, be sure to use the same address you used to create that account.

30 Page 4: Student Identification Information
Complete Items V and W. In Item X, there are two questions. If you identify with multiple races and ethnic groups, you may mark all the choices that apply to you. In Item Y, indicate the highest level of education of your parent/guardian. If you have two parents/guardians, indicate the level of education for your other parent/guardian. In the appropriate column for each parent/guardian, indicate whether this is your mother or female guardian or your father or male guardian.

31 Finally… Check that all of the information provided is correct.
Check that you placed an AP number label in the box on page 1. Are there any questions? Answer sheets and Student Packs will now be collected. They will be returned to you at your first exam. Remember to take your AP number card with you. Best of luck to you on your AP Exams!

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