Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge

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1 Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge
제 4 장 성격과 가치관

2 이 장을 읽고 나면, 당신은 성격을 정의하고, 측정할 수 있으며, 개인의 성격을 규정짓는 요소를 설명할 수 있다.
성격을 정의하고, 측정할 수 있으며, 개인의 성격을 규정짓는 요소를 설명할 수 있다. MBTI 정격 유형 분류 모델과 이 모델의 장단점을 설명할 수 있다. Big 5 모델의 핵심요소를 설명하고, Big 5의 특성이 조직 내 행동의 예측에 어떻게 활용될 수 있는지 제시할 수 있다. 조직행동과 관련된 다른 성격 특성들을 설명할 수 있다. 가치를 정의하고, 가치의 중요성을 제시하며, 공극적 가치와 도구적 가치를 비교할 수 있다. Hofstede의 다섯 가지 국가문화 분류의 차원을 제시할 수 있다.

3 성격 개인이 타인에게 반응하거나 타인과 상호작용하는 방식의 총체
개인이 타인에게 반응하거나 타인과 상호작용하는 방식의 총체 수줍은, 공격적인, 순종적인, 게으른, 야망이 있는, 충성심 있는, 조심스러운 등과 같이 개인이 보이는 특징으로 측정 가능한 것으로 이해된다. Personality is often defined by characteristics such as outgoing or charming. However, psychologists define personality as the growth and development of a person’s whole psychological system. We study personality in Organizational Behavior because it impacts a number of important work outcomes. We can attempt to measure personality through a variety of methods. Often these methods are utilized in the hiring process to assist in hiring the right person for the job and the organization.

4 성격의 측정 자기보고 방식 관찰자 평가 방식 가장 흔히 사용 오류 가능성 높음. 객관적인 평가 정확도 높음.
There are two main ways to measure personality -- self-reports or observer-ratings. Self-reports are the most common and easiest to administer, but they are prone to error due to the fact that the individual is reporting all the data about themselves. Observer-ratings are when an independent person will observe and monitor behavior and record it in the survey. These reports tend to more accurate but difficult to administer and more costly.

5 성격의 결정요소 유전이 가장 강력한 요소임. 환경 요소도 영향을 미침. 연령이 능력에 영향을 미침.
쌍둥이 연구: 양부모보다 선천적인 요소가 더 영향력 큼. 환경 요소도 영향을 미침. 연령이 능력에 영향을 미침. 기본적인 성격은 안정적임. There are many determinants of personality including heredity, environmental factors and age. There has been a long standing debate about whether genetics or environment are more important in determining personality. They both play an important role. The heredity approach refers to factors determined at conception such as physical stature and gender. This has been reaffirmed by studies that have looked at twins who were raised apart but still had similar personalities. However, there were differences observed leading to the idea the environmental factors can have some influence. Age does influence the level of ability that an individual has even though it is widely held that the basic personality stays constant throughout the life of the individual.

6 성격 유형 분류: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
세계에서 가장 널리 사용됨. 개인을 다음 기준으로 분류함: 외향 – 내향 (E/I) 감각 – 직관 (S/N) 사고 – 감정 (T/F) 판단 – 포용 (J/P) 16개 성격 유형으로 구분 (예, INTJ 또는 ESTJ) 직무성과와 관련성 낮음. The MBTI is the most widely used personality instrument world-wide. Participants are classified within four scales to determine 1 of 16 possible personality types. These types are broken down into four dichotomies. The first is extroverts who tend to be sociable and assertive verses introverts who tend to be quiet and shy. The second dichotomy is sensing and intuitive. Sensors are practical and orderly where intuits utilize unconscious processes. The third dichotomy is thinking and feeling. Thinking focuses on using reason and logic where feeling utilizes values and emotions. The final dichotomy is judging and perceiving. Judgers want order and structure whereas perceivers are more flexible and spontaneous. These categories, while insightful, are not related to job performance.

7 성격 유형 분류: Big-5 모델 다섯 특질: 직무성과와 관련성 높음 (특히 성실성) 외향성 친화성 성실성 정서적 안정성
개방성 직무성과와 관련성 높음 (특히 성실성) The Big Five model of personality sets forth that there are five basic dimensions that underlie all others and encompass most of the significant variations in human personalities. The Big Five factors are: Extroversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability and Openness to Experiences. There is a lot of research that supports the Big Five model and it has been shown to predict behavior at work.

8 다른 성격 특성들 자기 평가: 긍정적 자기평가를 지닌 사람들은 스스로를 좋아하고, 자신이 효과적이고 능력 있으며, 환경에 대한 주도권을 쥐고 있는 사람으로 인식 마키아벨리즘: 실용적이고, 정서적인 거리를 유지하며, 목적이 수단을 정당화할 수 있다고 생각함. 나르시시즘: 자신에 대해서 거창한 생각을 가지고 있으며, 엄청난 양의 존경을 필요로 하고, 스스로 어떤 것을 누릴 자격이 있다고 생각하고, 교만하다. There are additional personality traits relevant to organizational behavior. Core self-evaluation is the degree to which people like/dislike themselves. Positive self-evaluation leads to higher job performance. Machiavellianism describes a person who tends to be emotionally distant and believes that the ends justify the means. They tend to have a competitive drive and a need to win. They can be very persuasive in situations where they is direct interaction with minimal rules and people are distracted by emotions. Narcissism is a trait that often hinders job effectiveness. It describes a person who requires excessive admiration and has a strong sense of entitlement.

9 조직행동에 영향을 미치는 성격들 A형 성격 적극적 성격 자기감시성향 위험선호경향
외부 상황요인에 맞추어 스스로의 행동을 조절하는 능력 위험선호경향 위험을 감수하려는 의사 A형 성격 경쟁적, 급하고, 쫓김 적극적 성격 기회를 찾고, 주도적으로 상황을 변화시킴 Self-monitoring is another personality trait that is linked to job performance. It is the ability to adjust behavior to meet situational factors. High monitors are more likely to become leaders in the workplace. Risk taking refers to the willingness of the individual to take chances. This quality affects how much time and information managers need to make a decision. Type A personality refers to a person who tends to be aggressively involved in a chronic, incessant struggle to achieve more and more and in less time. Proactive personality are people who are able to identify opportunities and take action to capitalize on that opportunity. They also have the ability to persevere through difficulties to meet their goals.

10 가치관 어떠한 행동방식이나 결과가 개인적으로나 사회적으로 보았을 때, 반대되는 행동방식이나 결과보다 더 낫다는 믿음을 의미함.
어떠한 행동방식이나 결과가 개인적으로나 사회적으로 보았을 때, 반대되는 행동방식이나 결과보다 더 낫다는 믿음을 의미함. Values represent basic convictions that make judgments about what is the best mode of conduct or end-state of existence.

11 가치체계 개인의 가치에 대해서 두 기준으로 우선순위를 매김. 가치의 위계는 대부분 안정적임.
개인의 가치에 대해서 두 기준으로 우선순위를 매김. 내용 – 개인이 중요하게 여기는 정도 강도 – 다른 가치와 비교한 상대적인 중요도 가치의 위계는 대부분 안정적임. 가치는 태도, 동기부여, 행동의 기초를 이룸. 가치는 지각에 영향을 미치고, 객관적인 시각을 저해함. Value systems represent individual values and prioritizes them based on how important the particular value is to the individual and how intense their feelings are about that particularly value. The way individuals set up their values in order of importance is relatively stable over time and set the foundation for many work outcomes such as attitudes, motivation and behavior. In addition, values are important in the workplace because they can influence an individual’s perception and cloud their objectivity.

12 Rokeach 가치 조사 궁극적 가치 - 바람직한 목표 및 존재 상태를 의미
궁극적 가치 - 바람직한 목표 및 존재 상태를 의미 개인이 일생에 걸쳐서 달성하고자 하는 목표 도구적 가치 - 궁극적 가치를 달성하는 과정에서 선호하는 수단들 The Rokeach Value Survey was created by Milton Rokeach. It consists of two sets of values, terminal values and instrumental values. Terminal values describe the desired values/goals a person would like to keep/achieve through their lifetime. Instrumental values are the preferred modes of behavior or means of achieving one’s terminal values. Values vary between groups and can cause trouble when group members hold different values and negotiation is needed.

13 궁극적 가치의 예 안락한 삶 (경제적인 풍요) 흥미진진한 인생 (자극적이고 역동적인 삶) 성취감 (지속적인 공헌) 세계 평화
아름다운 세상 (자연의 아름다움, 예술) 평등 (형제애, 동등한 기회) 가족의 안녕 (가족을 돌봄 ) 자유 (독립, 자유로운 선택) 행복 (만족감) There are many terminal values and this list is not exhaustive, but it represents some of the more widely accepted values to which people adhere.

14 도구적 가치의 예 야망이 있는 (열심히 일하는) 넓은 마음 (개방적인 생각) 능력이 있는 (역량 있는, 효율적인 )
즐거운 (명랑한, 기쁜) 청결한 (단정한, 정돈된) 용기 있는 (신념을 갖고 행동하는) 용서하는 (다른 사람의 잘못을 받아들이는) 도움이 되는 (다른 사람을 위해서 일하는) 정직한 (성실한, 믿음이 가는) This list represents some examples of instrumental values and again, is not exhaustive, but should provide a look at some of the instrumental values people hold.

15 성격-직무의 적합성: Holland의 육각형
직무만족과 이직률은 성격과 직무의 적합도에 따라서 달라진다. 가까운 영역일수록 유사하다. 마주 보는 영역은 서로 다르다. 직업 선호 조사 설문지 Personality and value studies are important to the field of organizational behavior because they have been linked to workplace outcomes. The person-job fit theory developed by John Holland has been critical to thinking about how people fit with a specific job. Holland classified people into six personality types utilizing a vocational preference inventory. Through the study of personality it has become clear that there are intrinsic differences in personality between people. Given that there are a number of different jobs it is logical that people in jobs congruent with their personalities would be more satisfied in their work. When the personality is matched with the type of occupation then there are stronger positive work outcomes.

16 개인-조직 적합성 개인의 성격과 조직이 적합한가 하는 것이 직무와 적합한가보다 더 중요하다.
개인의 성격과 조직이 적합한가 하는 것이 직무와 적합한가보다 더 중요하다. 적합도는 직무 만족, 조직몰입, 이직률에 영향을 미친다. This idea can be further linked to the workplace by looking at person-organization fit. The employee’s personality needs to fit with the organizational culture. When employees find organizations that match their values they are more likely to be selected and correspondingly be more satisfied with their work. The big five personality types are often helpful in matching the individuals with organizational culture.

17 세계적 시사점 Big 5 모델은 문화에 따라서 차이를 보인다. 가치관도 문화에 따라서 차이를 보인다.
중요하게 강조하는 요소와 유형이 나라별로 다르다. 가치관도 문화에 따라서 차이를 보인다. 문화를 비교하는 두 개의 연구 틀: Hofstede GLOBE There are global implications to personality and values in the workplace. Frameworks such as the big five is transferable across cultures, in fact it has been used worldwide. However, the applicability is higher in some cultures than others. Values, on the other hand, differ to a great degree across cultures. Geert Hofstede developed a framework for assessing culture. He breaks up his framework of understanding into five value dimensions: power distance, individualism vs. collectivism, masculinity vs. femininity, uncertainty avoidance and long-term vs. short-term orientation. The GLOBE, as discussed earlier, is also helpful in framing differences between cultures.

18 Hofstede’의 연구틀 다섯 요소: 권력 격차 개인주의 vs. 전체주의 남성적 vs. 여성적 불확실성 회피 장기 성향 vs. 단기 성향 Power distance is the extent to which a society accepts that power in institutions and organizations is distributed unequally. Low-distance is when there is relatively equal power between those with status/wealth and those without. Higher distance is when there is a lot of unequal power distribution between groups. The second component in Hofstede’s framework is individualism vs. collectivism. Individualism is the degree to which people prefer to act on their own rather than in a group. Collectivism is the idea that people operate within a social framework where they help others out and they expect help when they need it. Hofstede offers a third component in his model that distinguishes between masculinity and femininity. Masculinity is the extent to which the culture prefers achievement, power and control vs characteristics that are more feminine in nature. The fourth component is uncertainty avoidance. This is the extent to which a society is willing to live with uncertainty and ambiguity. High uncertainty avoidance cultures will try to avoid ambiguous situations as much as possible. Lower uncertainty avoidance cultures do not mind ambiguity. The final component is time orientation. Long-term orientation societies will emphasize the future and what it takes to get to the future they desire, thrift and persistence. Short-term orientation societies will emphasize the here and now.

19 *Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness
GLOBE* 연구 틀 9가지 요소들 공격성 미래 지향 성 차이 불확실성 회피 권력 격차 개인주의/ 집단주의 집단 내 집단주의 성과 지향 인간적 지향 The GLOBE framework takes a look at nine dimensions of national culture. It is similar to Hofstede’s model but adds the humane and performance orientations. The humane orientation looks at how much society rewards people for being altruistic and kind where the performance orientation looks at how much society encourages and rewards good work. *Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness

20 경영자에게 주는 시사점 성격: 가치관: 가장 적합한 직무, 집단, 조직을 평가하는 기준이 된다.
가장 적합한 직무, 집단, 조직을 평가하는 기준이 된다. Big 5 모델이 선발에 가장 유용하다. MBTI 는 교육훈련에 도움이 된다. 가치관: 태도, 행동, 지각에 영향을 미친다. 개인의 가치관과 조직의 문화가 일치해야 한다. Personality and values are very important to the workplace and play a solid role in predicting behavior. There are some good frameworks and models that can aid us in applying these theories and assist managers in being better predictors of workplace behavior.

21 기억하라… 성격 Big 5 성격 유형 가치관 개인이 타인과 상호작용하는 반응양식의 총체 쉽게 측정할 수 있다.
개인이 타인과 상호작용하는 반응양식의 총체 쉽게 측정할 수 있다. Big 5 성격 유형 여러 조직행동과 관련도 높다. 행동 예측에 매우 유용하다. 가치관 문화 별로 차이가 있고, 한 문화 속에서도 차이를 보인다. Keep in mind as a manager that personality impacts the way an individual interacts with others, and it is fairly easy to measure to gain insight into the worker. The Big five personality traits are somewhat universal and are very useful in predicting behavior. Values are important to understand as they influence how workers will behave as well. They, however, vary significantly across cultures so it is important to understand the culture in which you are in.

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