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Presentation on theme: "보상플랜."— Presentation transcript:

1 보상플랜

2 LifePharm® Global Network offers you 10 different ways to earn income.
라이프팜 글로벌 네트워크는 10가지 수익을 드리는 보상플랜을 운영합니다. 1. Retail Sales Commissions/소매마진 2. Fast Start Bonus/직판수입 3. Break Even Bonus/매달 공짜구매 4. 2 x 12 Matrix Bonus/메트릭스 보너스 5. Matching Matrix Bonus/매트릭스 매칭 보너스 6. Coded Bonuses/코디드 보너스 7. Matching Coded Bonus/코디드매칭 보너스 8. Leadership Bonus/리더쉽 보너스 9. Global Bonus Pool/글로벌 매출 보너스 10. Cash And Rewards Bonus/현금 보너스와 시상

3 Promotional Package

4 1. Retail Sales Commissions/소매마진
소매마진은 대략 $10에서 $18까지 수익을 내실수 있읍니다. 구매단가 $ 소매 $50.00 =$18.00 마진 Earn $10/box of our Laminine™ product for for fast building income! Customers can order direct from your company replicated website or you can purchase at wholesale and sell at retail. Earn $10/box of our Laminine™ product for for fast building income! Customers can order direct from your company replicated website or you can purchase at wholesale and sell at retail.

5 2. Fast Start Bonuses/직판수입
사업자는 새로운 멤버나 사업자를 등록하실때 마다 그분의 등록(구매)상품의 포인트(CV)점수의 15%가 수익으로 발생합니다. (매월 자동 오더시 매월 발생) 예) 3병(78CV) X 15% = $12.00 As a Distributor, each time you personally sponsor someone in your sales team, you receive a 15% Fast Start Bonus on their initial product order. This can add up quickly and get fast cash in your pocket. Fast Start Bonuses are paid weekly! (Pays $12 whenever someone activates their business center.) As a Distributor, each time you personally sponsor someone in your sales team, you receive a 15% Fast Start Bonus on their initial product order. This can add up quickly and get fast cash in your pocket. Fast Start Bonuses are paid weekly! (Pays $12 whenever someone activates their business center.)

6 3. Break Even Bonus/공짜 구매 공짜로 매달 물건을 받으실수 있읍니다.
만약 여러분이 매달 3병씩 자동으로 주문하시고 여러분이 소개하신분 10분이 매달 3병씩 주문하시면 본인의 매월 주문금액은 소개 수당(2번 수당)으로 커버됩니다. 예) 매월 3병 주문시 $120.00 소개수당 10명 $12 X 10 = $120.00 The Break Even Bonus (BEB) helps you "break even" on your own monthly autoship product purchases! You can receive a Break Even Bonus of $4 per box on ALL of the autoship purchases made by those people that you have personally sponsored, up to the amount of your own monthly autoship. This bonus is also paid weekly. The Break Even Bonus (BEB) helps you "break even" on your own monthly autoship product purchases! You can receive a Break Even Bonus of $4 per box on ALL of the autoship purchases made by those people that you have personally sponsored, up to the amount of your own monthly autoship. This bonus is also paid weekly.



9 4.Matrix Bonus/매트릭스 보너스 메트리스 보너스는 (2X12) 시스템으로 여러분의 직급에 따라 다운라인 1 – 12 LvL 대까지(본인 직추천과 상관없음), 그안에 있는 분들의 1주일치 주문 실적을,각 단계별 퍼센트로 매주지급됩니다. Earn commissions on sales from your team. Commission is calculated from the total commissionable volume from all products sold in a given week.

10 3 Bottle/Month/78CV

11 5. Matrix Matching Bonus/M매칭보너스
등록 후 최초 직추천한 사업자 2명의 각각의 메트릭스 인컴$$$에 대하여 최대 20%까지 매주 지급합니다. Receive an additional bonus on your first two personally enrolled distributors matrix earnings. This is paid as a percentage from their weekly matrix income. YOU Receive an additional bonus on your first two personally enrolled distributors matrix earnings. This is paid as a percentage from their weekly matrix income. 1 St Enroll 20% 2 nd Enroll 20%

12 6. Coded Bonus/코디드 보너스 You will be paid a coded bonus starting from the 3rd distributor you personally enroll and each one you personally enroll thereafter. The coded bonus also applies to the first two active distributors that they enroll as well. The coded bonus pays infinitely wide, and infinitely deep, down to unlimited generations! When the implications of this bonus (and its power) truly sink in, you will be astounded !

13 7. Matching Coded Bonus/매칭 코디드 보너스
여러분이 추천한 사업자중 코디드 보너스를 받계되는 사업자가 발생하면 그 코디드 보너스의 5대까지 매칭으로 5%-15%까지 수익이 발생합니다. 1st MMB 2nd MMB

14 MCB

15 Tree View

16 8. Leadership Bonus/리더쉽 보너스
1,총 그룹 볼륨이 월 20,000 CV 이상 2,직 추천 팀중 4,000 CV가 넘는 팀의 CV에 최대 5% 지급 For distributors at Builder rank and above, reach 20,000 CV in ‘Team Volume’ or Generational Volume in a given month and earn extra 2% from your team’s total volume. Premier rank receives 5% monthly.

17 9. Global Bonus Pool/글로벌 풀 보너스
Builder 이상 직급이고 누적 50, ,000CV가 되는 그룹일때 1-3%까지 글로벌 CV에서 분배한다. For distributors at Builder rank and above, reach 50,000 CV – 150,000CV in cumulative group volume and get paid our Global Pool Bonus of 1-3%!

18 10. Cash & Bonus Awards/현금 보너스와 시상

19 12 Month Forcast

20 저렴한 가격 소매가격;1병/30정 $49.95($ Tax) 멤버가격;3병(자동가입) $120($108 + Tax)


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