한글 ④ Focus Recognition and identification of 5 vowels 얘 예

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1 한글 ④ Focus 1 1 2 3 Recognition and identification of 5 vowels 얘 예
얘 예 ② 위 와 워 2 Recognition and identification of 5 consonants ① ㄲ ㄸ ㅃ ㅆ ㅉ 3 Reading and writing of syllables and short words which have ‘ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ, ㅊ, ㅎ’ as their syllable-final consonants Sogang Korean 1A Korean Alphabet UNIT 4 ”한글 ④”

2 Practice 1 Read the following aloud.
까 꺼 꼬 꾸 끄 끼 따 떠 또 뚜 뜨 띠 빠 뻐 뽀 뿌 쁘 삐 싸 써 쏘 쑤 쓰 씨 짜 쩌 쪼 쭈 쯔 찌 2 얘 예 위 와 워 Sogang Korean 1A Korean Alphabet UNIT 4 ”한글 ④”

3 3 4 5 꼬리 까치 꼬마 토끼 어깨 때때로 뼈 뽀뽀 바빠요 써요 비싸요 짜요 얘기 사과 봐요 예의 뒤 귀
꼬리 까치 꼬마 토끼 어깨 때때로 뼈 뽀뽀 바빠요 써요 비싸요 짜요 얘기 사과 봐요 예의 뒤 귀 가위 주사위 추워요 더워요 쉬워요 예뻐요 뛰어가요 4 땅 땀 떡 빵 쌀 쑥 쯤 찜 빨리 뚜껑 씨름 따르릉 쨍그랑 까만색 뚱뚱해요 5 부엌 꽃 앞 겉 낯 Sogang Korean 1A Korean Alphabet UNIT 4 ”한글 ④”

4 Practice 2 Play a game together.
Divide into two teams and line up facing the front of the classroom. One person from each team silently reads a word card. The person who read the word whispers it to the person standing in front of him/her. That person then whispers the word to the next person in line. The last person writes the word on the blackboard. Sogang Korean 1A Korean Alphabet UNIT 4 ”한글 ④”

5 Activity Read a subway map. Read signs on the street.
Sogang Korean 1A Korean Alphabet UNIT 4 ”한글 ④”

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