외국인과 대화를~~ 대학에서 교환학생을~~

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Presentation on theme: "외국인과 대화를~~ 대학에서 교환학생을~~"— Presentation transcript:

1 외국인과 대화를~~ 대학에서 교환학생을~~
한 영웅에 의해 해결되는 범죄를 특징으로 삼기보다 이러한 종류의 미스터리 소설은 결코 설명되지 않는 사건을 포함하고 있다. Rather than featuring a crime (that is solved by a hero), this type of mystery fiction involves events (that are never explained).

2 134쪽 4번 Words & Phrases improve 2. modify 3. remove 4. scene
5. order trend 7. phantom 8. release 9. version menace 11. slightly dialog 13. subtitle attract 15. re-edit director 17. secret copyright

3 134쪽 4번 Words & Phrases 개선하다 2. 변경하다, 수정하다 3. 제거하다, 삭제하다 4. 장면
개선하다 변경하다, 수정하다 3. 제거하다, 삭제하다 장면 5. 순서; 질서; 명령; 주문 추세; 유행 7. 유령 석방하다; 공개[발표]하다 9. 변형; 개작(改作) 위협; 위험한 존재 11. 약간, 조금 대화; 대화 부분 13. 자막 마음을 끌다, 매혹하다 15. 재편집하다, 개정하다 책임자, 감독, 연출자 17. 비밀의, 숨겨진 저작권

4 134쪽 4번 Films are sometimes changed by viewers (who want to improve them.) These viewers modify the films by removing(1) or adding(2) scenes, and changing(3) the order of them. A film (which has been changed in this way) is known as a “fan edit.” This became a popular trend after someone known as the “Phantom Editor” released his own version of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. He removed(1) some scenes and slightly changed(2) the dialog and subtitles. This resulted in(1) a modified film (that was widely praised) and led(2) to a lot more fan edits of the Star Wars films. These days, lots of movies are attracting fans (who want to improve them through re-editing.

5 135쪽 5번 Words & Phrases arise 2. fatigue 3. require 4. protect
5. private assistance 7. access account 9. reuse existing 11. problematic vulnerable  

6 135쪽 5번 Words & Phrases 생기다, 발생하다 2. 피로 3. 요구하다 4 보호하다 5. 사유의; 사적인 6도움
생기다, 발생하다 피로 3. 요구하다 보호하다 5. 사유의; 사적인 도움 7. 접속하다; 접근하다 8. 계좌; 설명; 이용 계정 9. 재사용하다 기존의 11. 문제가 있는 취약한

7 135쪽 5 The Internet is a wonderful thing (that has brought many positive changes to our lives). Lately, however, a few problems have been arising. One of these is “password fatigue.” Many websites require passwords these days. According to a survey, over 60 percent of Internet users have more than five passwords to protect their private information. But they often have to ask for assistance to access their accounts because they reach the point of not being able to remember their passwords. Therefore, some people choose to reuse their existing passwords. However, this is also quite problematic because it is likely to make their accounts vulnerable to hacking.

8 Challenge Yourself! A film ( ) has been changed in this way is known as a “fan edit.” These days, lots of movies are attracting fans ( ) want to improve them through re-editing. These viewers modify the films by removing or (add / adding) scenes, and (change/changing) the order of them. Lately, however, a few problems (have been arising / are arisen).

9 외국인과 대화를~~ 대학에서 교환학생을~~
한 조사에 따르면 인터넷 사용자의 60% 이상이 그들의 개인정보를 보호하기 위해 5개 이상의 비밀번호를 가지고 있다고 한다. According to a survey, over 60 percent of Internet users have more than five passwords to protect their private information.

10 다음시간에는 단어 시험 2. 퀴즈 콘테스트 복습해 오시오들~~

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