1980년대 컴퓨터시스템 연구개발 2018.12.19 전길남 KAIST KSC2018 rev12.10/12.20.

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1 1980년대 컴퓨터시스템 연구개발 전길남 KAIST KSC rev12.10/12.20

2 (한국) 20세기 컴퓨터 개발역사 프로젝트 2014 ~ Website:

3 1980: World 1. Computers Supercomputer (64 bits): USA,… Mainframe Computer (32 bits): USA, UK, Japan,… Minicomputer (16/32 bits): USA, Europe,.. Microcomputer (8/16 bits): USA, Europe, Japan,… 2. OS Proprietary: Mainframe Computer: IBM 360/OS,… Minicomputer: DEC VAX/VMS,… Microcomputer: CP/M(portable), “AppleOS”,… Open Source: Unix

4 70년대말 ~ 80년대초: 한국 1. 기업: 한글 CRT Terminal, 8-bit Micro with CP/M,…. 2. 대학: Minicomputers (DEC, DG,…) – 대학교, 학부, 학과 Router 개발 (SNU, KAIST), Workstation 개발 (KAIST),… 3. 연구소: 전자기술연구소: 국가 프로젝트 (국산화: 반도체, 컴퓨터) 한글 CRT 전자통신연구소: 사설전화교환기 (PABX)/Minicomputer (Nova-Compatible) 국설교환기 프로젝트 Remark: 1962: Analog Computer (한양대 이만영교수)

5 컴퓨터 국산화 프로젝트 (1979~ ) – Han Series
Single User Microcomputer --- Standard Processor (Intel 8086) and OS (CP/M) Han 16 Single User Microcomputer with CP/M and Seattle DOS (MSDOS, PCDOS) Multi User Microcomputer with Unix (with Industry; 삼성/SSM 16,…) Han 32 Multi User Microcomputer with Unix (with Industry; 삼성/SSM 32,…) Multi User – Multi Processor Microcomputer with Unix (주전산기:with Industry) Others – Mainframe Computer (Study)

6 Why Standard Microprocessors and OS?
1. Processor Beginning of microprocessors (Intel x86, Motorola/68000,…) Lack of fabrication facility Lack of architecture design experience Maintenance Multiprocessor (to make up on performance) 2. OS Availability of Unix (with source code in high level language) Popular in USA (BSD,…)

7 Retrospective 1. Major R&D – Limited to Research Institute & Industry (without University) 2. Eco-System – Not well developed University to Research Institute/Industry; manpower resource Research Institute/Industry to University; beta testing, R&D

8 Remarks 1. 주전산기 개발 (TICOM Series): 1980s ~ 1990s Multiprocessor UNIX (Multiprocessor Version) 2. Unix Open Source (High Level Language; C)

9 References Kilnam Chon & Kee Wook Rim, Standardized Development of Computers, Computer Standards and Interfaces, Elsevier, ComputerHistory.kr

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