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2014년 2학기 경희대학교 국어국문학과 담당: 김양진
국어문법론 강의안(3장) 2014년 2학기 경희대학교 국어국문학과 담당: 김양진
3. Short history of Korean linguistics of grammar
Traditional Study of Grammar endeavors to express Korean using Chinese characters : Seogiche-natation[誓記體表記], Idu[吏讀], Hyangchal[鄕札], Gugyeol[口訣] 등 In Hyangchal and Gugyeol, we can be confermed that the 2 inflectional categories, i.e. nominal-affixes and verbal-affixes were distinguished. 1. 乙 and 尸 : 乙 is a NP-affix(that is object case-affix 을/를), 尸 is a VP-affix(that is adnominal ending ‘-ㄹ/을’) 2. There are distinguished NP-affixes and VP-affixes NP-affixes : 乙, 矣/衣(의), 中(에), 臥/果(와/과), 万(만), … VP-affixes : 尸, 音(-ㅁ/-음), 多(-다), 羅(-라), 齊(-제), 去(-거-), 乎(-오-), 飛(-나-), 賜(-시-), …
Middle Korean Nominals, Verbals, and Grammatical units were distinguished. Nominal-class : X는 N이라. (國 나라히라/新은 새라) Predicate-class : X는 Vㄹ씨라.(異 다를씨라/制는 씨라) Expletive-class : X는 입겨지라.(之 입겨지라/於는 아모그 논 겨체 쓰는 字ㅣ라)
Modern Korean 1 : the grammatical consciousness of silhak-scholar(scholar of the Realist School of Confucianism) In the traditional Idu-way orthography and the study on translation of the Sayeokwon[司譯院], More thorough understanding on the Korean grammar The Sin[申景濬]’s [訓民正音韻解] An item in ‘語辭終聲’, 助辭 : 東方之語甚敏 中國之一字 非但以二三字呼之 而其語截處 助辭甚多 多至五六字 以吏讀觀之 可知也… 是乎(이온), 爲白去乎(거온).. 語助辭(終結語尾) : “語之終 多用羅多阿ㅏ也所古吾之置 等辭 皆支攝內聲也”…. 一以爲句節分明之道 一以防推移弄奸之辭
Modern Korean 2: The Official Translaters’ Grammar
Modern view of grammar had been established Lee(李鳳雲)’s [國文正理](1897) : 語吐名目 – on the Chinese study in Ching[淸] era The past[過去](엿네다, 엿소, 엿다), The future[未來](겠네다, 겟소, 겟다), The present[現在](네다, 오, 다), the imperative[命令](시오, 오, 여라), The prohibition[禁止](맙시오, 마오, 말라), the antonym[反辭](아니겠네다, 아니겟소 ), the request[動辭](시다, 세, 자), the adverb[語助](대개, 가령, 대뎌, 므릇), the capacity[範圍](능히, 범, 위, 부득불), the subordinate conjunction [連辭](고, 야, 며, 니), the exclamation[讚揚](혜여, 로다, 여, 이여), the declarative[文辭](라, 지라, 리오, 로다), the coordinate conjunction[相對](오, 요, 며, 고), the supposition[疑訝](여도, 지, 듯, 나 ), the cause[緣故](고로, 으로, 로, 니), 自爲反辭(나, 지, 너라), 限定( 지, 큼, 쯤, 얼), the interrogative[問辭](넷, 냐, 뎃, 더냐), the response[答辭](네다, 오, 다, 데다), the configuration[形容](모양, 형샹, 꼴, 양), the manner[態度](즛)
Modern Korean Grammar 3 : Foreign missionaries’ study of Korean Grammar
The approch in needs for evangelization : They have made quit massive effects on Korean grammarians afterwards. Dallet, 「朝鮮語」, 1874 Ross, 「朝鮮語初步」, 1877 Ridel, 「韓語文法」, 1881 Underwood, 「韓英文法」, 1890 등
Modern Korean Grammar 4 : Korean grammarians’ Korean Grammar
The primary Korean grammar –Yu[兪吉濬]’s 「朝鮮文典」(Tokyo: 1906). According to Latinate grammar, he divided eight parts of speech(名詞, 代名詞, 動詞, 形容詞, 副詞, 後詞(助詞), 接續詞(助詞, 語尾), 感歎詞), and he set-up four constituent of sentence(主語, 說明語, 客語, 修飾語) for the Korean Ju[周時經]’s studies of the korean grammar 「國文文法」(1905년경 필사), 「國語文法」(1910) : nine parts of speech 「말의 소리」(1914) : six parts of speech. 임(Noun), 엇(adjetive), 움(verb), 겻(), 잇(conjunct), 긋(final) In 「國文文法」 , after establishing ‘기(씨)’ and ‘다’, he divided ‘다’ as the three units ‘모(句)’, ‘드(文)’, ‘미(發話)’ In 「말의 소리」, he created ‘늣씨(元詞)’ corresponding to Morpheme
Modern Korean Grammar 5 ; Japanese Grammarians’ Korean grammar.
前間恭作의 [韓語通](1909) : 大槻文彦(1897)에 따라 10품사(名詞, 數詞, 代名詞, 動詞, 形容詞, 副詞, 接續詞, 感動詞, 弔異乎波, 助動詞)를 설정. 명사 : 말음절에 따라 분류, 冠形詞를 接頭語로 처리. 수사 : 명사의 성질을 가진 것, 명사 위에 冠하는 것, 年月日을 표하는 것, 順位를 표하는 것의 네 가지로 구분 대명사 : 人代名詞와 疑問代名詞로 구분. 인대명사는 다시 第一人稱, 第二人稱, 第三人稱으로, 의문대명사는 다시 人(누), 事物(무엇), 場所(어디), 時(언제), 不定(아무), 數(몇), 指示(어느) 등으로 구분하여 설명. 용언(동사+형용사) : 어간을 받침에 따라 분류. 相을 所相, 勢相, 使役相으로 나누고 尊稱을 둠. 敍法은 直說法, 疑問法, 命令法, 連用法, 接續法, 連體法, 揷入法, 不定法으로 나누어 설명. 존재사 : ‘잇-’(有), ‘업-’(無), ‘계시-’(在)를 동사와 형용사 중간에 있는 것으로 봄. 조사 : 弔異乎波는 일본어의 助詞와 대응시켜 설명.
高橋亨의 [韓語文法](1909) Following to 大槻文彦(1897), he sets up 10 part of speech. Declensional element(名詞, 數詞, 代名詞), conjugational element(形容詞, 助動詞) and adverbials(副詞), conjunct(接續詞), exclamation(感動詞), assistant element(助詞). 代名詞: 人稱(自稱, 對稱, 他稱, 不定稱), 事物(近稱, 遠稱, 中稱) 體言 : 助動詞 ‘이다’+ 疑問, 指定, 時間 等. 用言(動詞+形容詞) : 助動詞(affix+ending)+活用. 變格活用. 動詞의 性 : 自動, 他動. 動詞의 相 : 通常, 使役, 被動. 助動詞, 助詞
<the 3 types of inquiries on Korean grammar>
Lee(李克魯, 1935, “임자씨의 토”) : Three view of ‘토(the korean agglutinate affix). First, all ‘토’ is word. Second, the nominal-‘토’ is word and the verbal-’토’ is an ending. Third, all ‘토’ is an ending Kim(金敏銖, 1954/1960) : Three view of Korean Grammar The first type – analysis system : Both of the nominal-‘토’ and the verbal-’토’ is a word. Ju(周時經) etc. 그 | 꽃 | 이 | 퍽 | 곱 | 다 (6word) The second type – eclectic system : the nominal-‘토’ is a word and the verbal-’토’ is not a word. Choi(崔鉉培) etc. 그 | 꽃 | 이 | 퍽 | 곱다 (5word) The third type – synthetic system : Both of the nominal-‘토’ and the verbal-’토’ is not a word. Cheong(鄭烈模) etc. 그 | 꽃이 | 퍽 | 곱다 (4word)
Present-day Korean grammar
Structural Grammar(構造文法) : after mid-1950’s, to introduce the structural grammar of the West. Martin(1954), Lukoff(1954), … Jang(장하일, 1957), Kim(김민수, 1960) Generative Grammar(生成文法): after 1970’s, to introduce the transformational generative Grammar of Chomsky(1957, 1965). Lee(이홍배, 1968), Lee(이혜숙), Yang(양동휘), … Kim(김민수, 1968), Hong(홍웅선), … Functional Grammar(機能文法) : after 1990’s, Gibon, Filmore, … New approaching about to interrelationship of meaning and language form.
【연습 문제】 1. Check this out: how previous grammar books treat case markers and verbal inflection affixes. Do you agree with them? 2. What is the ‘늣씨’(nus.ssi) of Ju sigieong? cf. 김민수(1977) or 이병근(1979).
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