[15984] 딥 러닝 기술 및 응용 University of Science and Technology

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Presentation on theme: "[15984] 딥 러닝 기술 및 응용 University of Science and Technology"— Presentation transcript:

1 [15984] 딥 러닝 기술 및 응용 University of Science and Technology 2018.10.19

2 Things to learn 주제 토론: Random Forest (서신원) 딥러닝 실행 도구 (최붕기 박사님) 동영상 시청
Artificial Neural Networks MLP CNN Recursive NN Recurrent NN LSTM Sequence to Sequence Shallow neural networks (word2vec) CNN (SKT 이승은 slides)

3 MLP Three or more layers Non linear activation function

4 CNN One or more convolutional layers Pulling or fully connected MLPs
Non linear activation function

5 Recursive NN

6 Recurrent NN Recursive NN의 변형 Speech, handwriting rec.

7 LSTM (long short-term memory)
Recurrent NN의 일종 Temporal sequence Long-range dependencies

8 Sequence to sequence


10 Question? Comment?

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