Out of darkness, at Thy word Issued into glorious birth,

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Presentation on theme: "Out of darkness, at Thy word Issued into glorious birth,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Out of darkness, at Thy word Issued into glorious birth,
거룩 거룩하신 하나님 천지 주재 우리 주 Out of darkness, at Thy word Issued into glorious birth,

2 Out of darkness, at Thy word Issued into glorious birth,
말씀으로 만물을 친히 창조하신 후 Out of darkness, at Thy word Issued into glorious birth,

3 All Thy works before Thee tood, and Thine eye beheld them good,
지으신 것 보시고 매우 좋다 하셨네 All Thy works before Thee tood, and Thine eye beheld them good,

4 전능하신 창조 주 모두 찬양합니다 While they sang with sweet accord, “Holy, holy, holy Lord!”

5 거룩하신 하나님 삼위일체 우리 주 Holy, holy, holy, Lord, One Jehovah ever more,

6 Father, Son, and Spirit, we, Dust and ashes, would adore:
성부 성자 성령이 하나이신 주로다 Father, Son, and Spirit, we, Dust and ashes, would adore:

7 Lightly by the world esteem’d, From that world by Thee redeem’d,
천한 인간 우리도 구속함을 받아서 Lightly by the world esteem’d, From that world by Thee redeem’d,

8 Sing we here with glad accord,
은혜로신 구세주 높이 찬양합니다 Sing we here with glad accord, “Holy, holy, holy Lord!”

9 Holy, holy, holy, Lord, All Heav’n’s Triumphant choir shall sing,
거룩하신 하나님 만왕의 왕 우리 주 Holy, holy, holy, Lord, All Heav’n’s Triumphant choir shall sing,

10 While the ransom’d nations fall At the foot-stool of their King:
구속 받은 만민이 주께 경배합니다 While the ransom’d nations fall At the foot-stool of their King:

11 성도들과 천사들 거문고에 맞추어 Then shall saints and seraphim, Harps and voices, swell one hymn,

12 Blending in sublime accord, “Holy, holy, holy Lord!” Amen.
영원하신 만유 주 길이 찬양합니다 아멘 Blending in sublime accord, “Holy, holy, holy Lord!” Amen.

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