팀 프로젝트 [데이터통신] 김진억 성보라 문제명 박상민 이혜영.

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Presentation on theme: "팀 프로젝트 [데이터통신] 김진억 성보라 문제명 박상민 이혜영."— Presentation transcript:

1 팀 프로젝트 [데이터통신] 김진억 성보라 문제명 박상민 이혜영

2 개 요 라우팅 테이블, ARP 캐시테이블, 데이터그램 단편화, ICMP

3 RoutingTable mask network next-hop interface / m1 / m0 / m1 / m1

4 ARP CashTable 규칙 1. 60초에 한번 갱신 2. 시도횟수는 5회로 제한 3. 타임아웃은 900초
State Queue Attempt Time-out Protocol Addr. Hardware Addr. F R :73:42:AC:AE:32 P F R :19:DB:A5:BD:18 규칙 1. 60초에 한번 갱신 2. 시도횟수는 5회로 제한 3. 타임아웃은 900초

5 0x00BODODF095D -> Host 물리주소
ARP CashTable State Queue Attempt Time-out Protocol Addr. Hardware Addr. P R :73:42:AC:AE:32 P F R :19:DB:A5:BD:18 Data bytes 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF CRC Preamble And SFD 0x00BODODF095D 0x0806 0x00BODODF095D -> Host 물리주소 0xBE > Host 논리주소 0x > R1물리주소 0xBE > R1논리주소 0X06 0X04 0x0001 0X001 0x0800

6 ARP CashTable State Queue Attempt Time-out Protocol Addr. Hardware Addr. P R :73:42:AC:AE:32 R :19:DB:A5:BD:18 F R 60초 경과

7 ARP CashTable State Queue Attempt Time-out Protocol Addr. Hardware Addr. R R :73:42:AC:AE:32 P F R :19:DB:A5:BD:18 60초 경과

8 ARP CashTable State Queue Attempt Time-out Protocol Addr. Hardware Addr. R R :73:42:AC:AE:32 P F R :19:DB:A5:BD:18 60초 경과

9 ARP CashTable State Queue Attempt Time-out Protocol Addr. Hardware Addr. R R :73:42:AC:AE:32 P F R :19:DB:A5:BD:18 60초 경과

10 ARP CashTable State Queue Attempt Time-out Protocol Addr. Hardware Addr. R R :73:42:AC:AE:32 F F R :19:DB:A5:BD:18 60초 경과

11 ARP CashTable State Queue Attempt Time-out Protocol Addr. Hardware Addr. R R :73:42:AC:AE:32 F F R :19:DB:A5:BD:18 60초 경과

12 ARP CashTable State Queue Attempt Time-out Protocol Addr. Hardware Addr. F R :73:42:AC:AE:32 R :19:DB:A5:BD:18 R 60초 경과

13 0x00BODODF095D -> Host 물리주소
ARP CashTable State Queue Attempt Time-out Protocol Addr. Hardware Addr. F R :73:42:AC:AE:32 R :19:DB:A5:BD:18 R Data 0x00BODODF095D CRC Preamble And SFD 0x457342ACAE32 0x0806 0x457342ACAE > R1 물리주소 0xBE > R1 논리주소 0x00BODODF095D -> Host 물리주소 0xBE > Host 논리주소 0X06 0X04 0x0001 0X002 0x0800 20초 경과

14 ARP CashTable 20초 경과 R 15 900 AC:AE:32:45:73:42
State Queue Attempt Time-out Protocol Addr. Hardware Addr. R AC:AE:32:45:73:42 R :73:42:AC:AE:32 F F R :19:DB:A5:BD:18 20초 경과

15 Destination IP address
Datagram Header Data VER HLEN DS Total Length Identification Flag Fragmentation Offset Time to live Protocol Header checksum Source IP address Destination IP address Option TokenRing's MTU 4,464byte

16 Destination IP address
Datagram Header 4000 byte VER HLEN DS 4020 14,567 1 000 Time to live Protocol Header checksum Source IP address Destination IP address Option TokenRing's MTU 4,464byte

17 Destination IP address
Datagram VER HLEN DS 4020 14,567 1 000 Time to live Protocol Header checksum Source IP address Destination IP address Option Header 4000 byte TokenRing's MTU 4,464byte Data 0x457342ACAE32 CRC Preamble And SFD 0x00BODODF095D 0x0806

18 Forwarding TokenRing's MTU 4,464byte CRC Data 0x457342ACAE32
Preamble And SFD 0x00BODODF095D 0x0806

19 RoutingTable mask network next-hop interface / m3 / m1 / m0 / m1

20 ARP CashTable R 3 600 AC:AE:32:45:73:42
State Queue Attempt Time-out Protocol Addr. Hardware Addr. P R :73:42:AC:AE:32 R AC:AE:32:45:73:42 R E3:45:73:24:2A:CA F

21 ARP CashTable R 3 600 AC:AE:32:45:73:42
State Queue Attempt Time-out Protocol Addr. Hardware Addr. R AC:AE:32:45:73:42 R :73:42:AC:AE:32 P F R E3:45:73:24:2A:CA

22 Destination IP address
Datagram Header 4000 byte VER HLEN DS 4020 14,567 1 000 Time to live Protocol Header checksum Source IP address Destination IP address Option ETHERNET's MTU 1,500byte DATA 4000Byte > MTU 1500Byte 단편화가 이루어져야 함

23 Destination IP address
Fragmentation Header 4000 byte VER HLEN DS 4020 14,567 1 000 Time to live Protocol Header checksum Source IP address Destination IP address Option 4020 14, Bytes 4000Byte = 1480Byte + 1480Byte Byte ETHERNET's MTU 1,500byte 1500 14, Bytes 14, Bytes 1060 14, Bytes

24 Fragmentation ETHERNET's MTU 1,500byte 4000Byte = 1480Byte +
Data 0xACAE CRC Preamble And SFD 0x457342ACAE32 0x0806 Data 0xACAE CRC Preamble And SFD 0x457342ACAE32 0x0806 Data 0xACAE CRC Preamble And SFD 0x457342ACAE32 0x0806 4020 14, Bytes 4000Byte = 1480Byte + 1480Byte Byte ETHERNET's MTU 1,500byte 1500 14, Bytes 1500 14, Bytes 1060 14, Bytes

25 Forwarding ETHERNET's MTU 1,500byte CRC CRC CRC Data 0x0806 Data
0xACAE CRC Preamble And SFD 0x457342ACAE32 0x0806 Data 0xACAE CRC Preamble And SFD 0x457342ACAE32 0x0806 Data 0xACAE CRC Preamble And SFD 0x457342ACAE32 0x0806 ETHERNET's MTU 1,500byte

26 RoutingTable mask network next-hop interface / m3 / m2 / m2 / m2

27 ARP CashTable F R 3 120 00:19:DB:A5:D0:B0
State Queue Attempt Time-out Protocol Addr. Hardware Addr. P R :19:DB:A5:D0:B0 F R :19:DB:CE:A5:32 R :19:DB:A5:D0:F0

28 ARP CashTable 0xACAE32457342 -> R3물리주소 0xB40E0004 ->R3논리주소
State Queue Attempt Time-out Protocol Addr. Hardware Addr. F R :19:DB:A5:D0:B0 P R :19:DB:A5:D0:F0 R :19:DB:CE:A5:32 Data bytes 0x CRC Preamble And SFD 0xACAE 0x0806 0xACAE > R3물리주소 0xB40E >R3논리주소 0x > 목적지 물리주소 0x8C060C > 목적지 논리주소 0X06 0X04 0x0001 0X001 0x0800

29 ARP CashTable 10초 경과 0x0000F06AB074 -> 목적지 물리주소
State Queue Attempt Time-out Protocol Addr. Hardware Addr. F R :19:DB:A5:D0:B0 P R :19:DB:A5:D0:F0 R :19:DB:CE:A5:32 Data 0xACAE CRC Preamble And SFD 0x0000F06AB074 0x0806 0x0000F06AB > 목적지 물리주소 0x8C060C > 목적지 논리주소 0xACAE > R3물리주소 0xB40E >R3논리주소 0X06 0X04 0x0001 0X002 0x0800 10초 경과

30 ARP CashTable 10초 경과 F R 3 120 00:19:DB:A5:D0:B0
State Queue Attempt Time-out Protocol Addr. Hardware Addr. F R :19:DB:A5:D0:B0 R :00:F0:6A:B0:74 R :19:DB:A5:D0:F0 R :19:DB:CE:A5:32 10초 경과

31 Destination IP address
Datagram Header 1480 byte VER HLEN DS 1500 14,567 1 000 Time to live Protocol Header checksum Source IP address Destination IP address Option X.25's MTU 576Byte DATA 1480Byte > MTU 576Byte 단편화가 이루어져야 함

32 Datagram X.25's MTU 576Byte 1480Byte = 544 + 544 + 392 1500
14, Bytes 1500 14, Bytes 1060 14, Bytes 564 14, Bytes 564 14, Bytes 564 14, Bytes X.25's MTU 576Byte 564 14, Bytes 564 14, Bytes 516 14, Bytes 412 14, Bytes 412 14, Bytes

33 IP HEADER + 8byte Datgram
Forwarding Data 0x8C060C20 CRC Preamble And SFD 0xACAE 0x0806 Data 0x8C060C20 CRC Preamble And SFD 0xACAE 0x0806 Data 0x8C060C20 CRC Preamble And SFD 0xACAE 0x0806 Data 0x8C060C20 CRC Preamble And SFD 0xACAE 0x0806 Data 0x8C060C20 CRC Preamble And SFD 0xACAE 0x0806 Data 0x8C060C20 CRC Preamble And SFD 0xACAE 0x0806 Data 0x8C060C20 CRC Preamble And SFD 0xACAE 0x0806 목적지 호스트에 혼잡이 일어나 데이터그램이 폐기 되었음을 ICMP를 이용하여 라우터에 알림 목적지에서 혼잡발생 Tyep 4 Code 0 Checksum Unused (All 0s) IP HEADER + 8byte Datgram

34 데이터 전송 완료 감사합니다

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