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Published byAgnes Christoffersen Modified 6년 전
Integrated Marketing Communications: Advertising, Sales Promotion,
CHAPTER 13 Integrated Marketing Communications: Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public Relations 1 The Marketing Communications Mix 2 Integrated Marketing Communications 3 Setting the Overall Communication Mix 4 Advertising 5 Sales Promotion 6 Public Relations 2005학년도 1학기 마케팅 강의안 Copyright 2005 Kichan Kim, Jiyun Park & Hyunju Cha
1. The Marketing Communications Mix
Marketing Communications Mix(Promotion Mix) 현대의 마케팅 : 좋은 제품을 개발하고, 가격을 매력적으로 결정하며, 제품을 표적 고객들이 이용할 수 있도록 하는 것 이상의 활동을 필요로 한다. 기업은 또한 현재 및 예상 잠재 고객들과 커뮤니케이션해야 하며, 이러한 커뮤니케이션은 우연적이 아니라 계획적으로 실시되어야 함 The specific mix of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations a company uses to pursue its advertising and marketing objectives Five major promotion tool - Advertising : Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor - Sales promotion : Short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sales of a product or service - Public relations : Building good relations with the company’s various publics by obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good corporate image, and handling or heading off unfavorable rumors, stories, and events - Personal selling : Personal presentation by the firm’s sales force for the purpose of making sales and building customer relationships - Direct marketing : Direct connects with carefully targeted individual consumers to both obtain an immediate response and cultivate lasting customer relationships 2005학년도 1학기 마케팅 강의안 Copyright 2005 Kichan Kim, Jiyun Park & Hyunju Cha
2. Integrated Marketing Communications
The Changing Communications Environment Two major factors - As mass markets have fragmented, marketers are shifting away from mass marketing - Vast improvements in information technology are speeding the movement toward segmented marketing 2005학년도 1학기 마케팅 강의안 Copyright 2005 Kichan Kim, Jiyun Park & Hyunju Cha
2. Integrated Marketing Communications
The New for Integrated Marketing Communications 대량 마케팅에서 표적화 마케팅으로의 변환과 커뮤니케이션 경로, 촉진수단을 보다 다양하게 혼합하여 조화롭게 사용하게 됨으로써, 마케팅 관리자들은 더욱 더 복잡한 소비자 욕구에 직면 통합적 마케팅 커뮤니케이션(integrated marketing communication: IMC) - The concept under which a company carefully integrates communications channels to deliver a clear, consistent, and compelling message about the organization and its product Integrated marketing communications 광 고 인적판매 Carefully blended mix of promotion tools 일률적이며, 분명하고 또한 강력한 기업 및 제품 메시지 공중관계 판매촉진 직접마케팅 2005학년도 1학기 마케팅 강의안 Copyright 2005 Kichan Kim, Jiyun Park & Hyunju Cha
3. Setting the Overall Communication Mix
The Nature of Each Promotion Tool Advertising Personal selling Sales Promotion Public relations Direct Marketing 2005학년도 1학기 마케팅 강의안 Copyright 2005 Kichan Kim, Jiyun Park & Hyunju Cha
3. Setting the Overall Communication Mix
Promotion Mix Strategies Push strategy Pull strategy Producer marketing activities (personal selling, trade promotion, other) Reseller marketing activities (personal selling, advertising sales promotion, other) Producer Retailers & wholesalers Consumers Demand Demand Producer Retailers & wholesalers Consumers Producer marketing activities (consumer advertising, sales promotion, other) 2005학년도 1학기 마케팅 강의안 Copyright 2005 Kichan Kim, Jiyun Park & Hyunju Cha
4. Advertising Advertising Major decisions in advertising
Message decisions Message strategy Message execution Objectives setting Budget decisions Campaign evaluation Communication Objectives Sales objectives Affordable approach Percent of sales Competitive parity Objective and task Communication Impact Sales impact Media decisions Reach, frequency, impact Major media types Specific media vehicles Media timing 2005학년도 1학기 마케팅 강의안 Copyright 2005 Kichan Kim, Jiyun Park & Hyunju Cha
4. Advertising Setting Advertising Objectives
Advertising objective - A specific communication task to be accomplished with a specific target audience during a specific period of time Possible Advertising Objectives To Inform Telling the market about a new product Describing available services Suggesting new uses for a product Correcting false impressions Informing the market of a price change Reducing buyers’ fears Explaining how the product works Building a company image To Persuade Building brand preference Persuading customers to purchase now Encouraging switching to your brand Persuading customers to receive a sales call Changing customer perceptions of product attributes To Remind Reminding customers that the product Keeping the product in customers’ minds May be needed in the near future during off-season Reminding customers where to buy the product Maintaining top-of-mind product awareness 2005학년도 1학기 마케팅 강의안 Copyright 2005 Kichan Kim, Jiyun Park & Hyunju Cha
4. Advertising Setting the Advertising Budget
광고 목표가 결정되면 제품과 시장별로 광고 예산을 책정해야 한다. 광고에 어느 정도를 지출해야 하는가 하는 문제는 마케팅 의사결정 상 상당히 어려운 문제 - Affordable method: 가용자원법 - Percentage-of-sales method: 매출액비율법 - Competitive-parity method: 경쟁사기준법 - Objective-and-task method: 목표과업법 2005학년도 1학기 마케팅 강의안 Copyright 2005 Kichan Kim, Jiyun Park & Hyunju Cha
4. Advertising Developing Advertising Strategy
Creating the Advertising Message - Message Strategy : The first step in creating effective advertising messages is to decide what general message will be communicated to consumers-to plan a message strategy - Message Execution: The advertiser now has to turn the big idea into an actual ad execution that will capture the target market’s attention and interest Selecting Advertising Media - Deciding on Reach, Frequency, and Impact - Choosing Among Major Media Types - Selecting Specific Media Vehicles - Deciding on Media Timing 2005학년도 1학기 마케팅 강의안 Copyright 2005 Kichan Kim, Jiyun Park & Hyunju Cha
4. Advertising Evaluating Advertising Other Advertising Considerations
The advertising program should evaluate both the communication effects and the sales effects of advertising regularly. Measuring the communication effects of an ad-copy testing-tells whether the ad is communicating well Other Advertising Considerations Organizing for Advertising - Advertising Agency: A marketing services firm that assists companies in planning, preparing, implementing, and evaluating all or portions of their advertising programs International Advertising Decisions 2005학년도 1학기 마케팅 강의안 Copyright 2005 Kichan Kim, Jiyun Park & Hyunju Cha
5. Sales Promotion Sales Promotion Rapid Growth of Sales Promotion
Short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service Rapid Growth of Sales Promotion Several factors have contributed to the rapid growth of sales promotion, particularly in customer markets Sales Promotion Objective Sales promotion objectives vary widely. Sellers may use consumer promotions to increase short-term sales or to help build long-term market share 2005학년도 1학기 마케팅 강의안 Copyright 2005 Kichan Kim, Jiyun Park & Hyunju Cha
5. Sales Promotion Major Sales Promotion Tools
Consumer Promotion Tools - Samples: A small amount of a product offered to consumers for trial - Coupons: Certificate that gives buyers a saving when they purchase a specified product - Cash refund offer: Offer to refund part of the purchase price of a product to consumers who send a “proof of purchase” to the manufacturer - Price pack: Reduced price that is marked by the producer directly on the label or package - Premium: Good offered either free or at low cost as an incentive to buy a product - Advertising specialty: Useful article imprinted with an advertiser’s name, given as a gift to consumers - Patronage reward: Cash or other award for the regular use of a certain company’s products or services - Point-of-purchase(POP) promotion: Display and demonstration that takes place at the point of purchase or sale - Contests, sweepstakes, games: Promotional events that give consumers the chance to win something-such as cash, trips, or hoods-by luck or through extra effort Trade Promotion Tools - Discount: A straight reduction in price on purchases during a stated period of time - Allowance 2005학년도 1학기 마케팅 강의안 Copyright 2005 Kichan Kim, Jiyun Park & Hyunju Cha
6. Public Relations Public Relations
Another major mass-promotion tool is public relations-building good relations with the company’s various publics by obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good corporate image, and handling or heading off unfavorable rumors, stories, and events. Public relations departments may perform any or all of the following functions - Press relations or press agentry - Product publicity - Public affairs - Lobbying - Investor relations - Development 2005학년도 1학기 마케팅 강의안 Copyright 2005 Kichan Kim, Jiyun Park & Hyunju Cha
6. Public Relations Major Public Relations Tools
공중관계 전문가들은 그들의 직무를 수행하기 위해 몇 가지의 수단을 활용 - 가장 중요한 수단 중의 하나가 뉴스 - 둘째, 연설 역시 제품 및 기업을 홍보하는 효과가 있다. - 셋째, 특별한 사건 즉 기자회견, 기자단 순회방문, 성대한 개점식, 불꽃놀이에서 레이저 쇼나 커다란 풍선 띄우기, 복수매체 제시 및 인기연예인 출현 등이 포함된다. 2005학년도 1학기 마케팅 강의안 Copyright 2005 Kichan Kim, Jiyun Park & Hyunju Cha
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