The Church's one foun-da-tion is Je -sus Christ her Lord;

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Presentation on theme: "The Church's one foun-da-tion is Je -sus Christ her Lord;"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Church's one foun-da-tion is Je -sus Christ her Lord;
1. 교회의 참된 터는 우리 주 예수라 The Church's one foun-da-tion is Je -sus Christ her Lord; 그 귀한 말씀 위에 이 교회 세웠네 she is his new cre -a -tion, by wa -ter and the word:

2 from heaven he came and sought her to be his ho-ly bride;
주 예수 강림 하사 피 흘려 샀으니 from heaven he came and sought her to be his ho-ly bride; 땅 위의 모든 교회 주님의 신부라 with his own blood he bought her, and for her life he died.

3 E -lect from ev-ery na-tion, yet one o'er all the earth,
2. 온 세계 모든 교회 한 몸 을 이루어 E -lect from ev-ery na-tion, yet one o'er all the earth, 한 주님 섬기면서 한 믿음 가지네 her char-ter of sal-va-tion, one Lord, one faith, one birth;

4 one ho –ly Name she bless-es, par-takes one ho-ly food,
한 이름 찬송 하고 한 성경 읽으며 one ho –ly Name she bless-es, par-takes one ho-ly food, 다 같은 소망 품고 늘 은혜 받도다 and to one hope she press-es, with ev-ery grace en-dued.

5 Mid toil and trib –u -la -tion, and tu -mult of her war
3. 땅 위의 모든 교회 주안 에 있어서 Mid toil and trib –u -la -tion, and tu -mult of her war 하늘의 성도 들과 한 몸을 이루네 she waits the con-sum-ma-tion of peace for ev-er-more;

6 till with the vision glorious her longing eyes are blessed,
오 주여 복을 주사 저 성도 들같이 till with the vision glorious her longing eyes are blessed, 우리도 주와 함께 늘 살게 하소서 아멘 and the great Church victorious shall be the Church at rest. Amen

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