Above & Beyond the Call of Duty

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Presentation on theme: "Above & Beyond the Call of Duty"— Presentation transcript:

1 Above & Beyond the Call of Duty

2 Why Change? Did You Know 2016 (2016-01, 6:56)
“To Live is to change.” - John Henry Newman - Did You Know 2016 ( , 6:56) 10 Unbelievable near-Future Technologies ( , 9:55) - Touch Hear, Smart Wearable, High-tech weapons, Smart Refrigerator, Organ Cloning, Genetic Engineering - Invisibility Cloak, Space Elevator, Mind Meld, Immortality 10 Future Technologies That May Change the World ( , 10:41) - Screenless Display, Holographic TV, 3-D Printing, Virtual Reality, Wireless Electricity, Neurohacking, Invisibility - Hypersonic Trains, Flying Cars,, Autonomous Robots Artificial Intelligence ( , 11:46) Changing World of Work ( , 6:19) Where Good Ideas Come From ( , 4:06) Changing Education Paradigms ( , 11:40) Do Schools Kill Creativity? ( , 19:21) “Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” – Vivian Greene –

3 Education Paradigms 교육 패러다임
Competition 경쟁 Rule- & Exam-based 규칙과 시험 기반 Independent & Creative 독립적 & 창조적 Competence 능력 Passive & Conventional 수동적 & 인습적 Task- & Skills-based 작업과 기술 기반

4 What is “to Learn”? 공부 (功夫): Achievement of Man Education Learning
study that requires patience, energy, and time to complete Education process by which society transmits its accumulated knowledge has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, and acts 교육은 사회가 축적된 지식을 전달하는 과정으로 사람의 생각, 감정, 행동 형성에 큰 영향을 끼친다 Learning (사전) Acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, practice or study (심리학) Changes in “capability” or “knowledge”

5 Learning: Old vs. New The old way The new way
Passing down of knowledge Memorization-based learning The new way Build on prior knowledge to solve problems to learn something new Competence-based learning

6 Competence vs. Knowledge/Skill
Knowledge and Skill Knowledge is acquired as storable content (what we know) 지식은 저장할수있는 내용으로 취득하는것이다 Skill is an ability, acquired through training, to perform actions which achieve a desired outcome 기술은 원하는 결과를 얻을수있는 작업수행법을 훈련을 통해 배우는 것이다 Competence Processes by which we create knowledge (how we know) 지식을 생산하는 기구 (Kegan, 2002) Ability to apply knowledge and skills in various situations 지식과 기술을 다양한 상황에 응용할수있는 힘 (Chisholm, 2005)

7 Why Learn? Succeed 성공하기 위해 Survive 생존하기 위해 Thrive 번성하기 위해
in the age of information and global competition Survive 생존하기 위해 by adapting (적응) to ever changing world Thrive 번성하기 위해 to be true to our human nature To Live Well

8 How to Learn? Do not take things for granted
ask what, why, why not, how understand, not memorize Do not be afraid to be wrong Try new ways of looking at things to solve problems In a world which is doing its best to make you like anybody else. To be nobody but yourself means to fight the hardest human battle ever and to never stop fighting. - E.E. Cummings –

9 Passion Education Active Learning
ABCD Competence Knowledge Education Active Learning

10 ABCD: Above & Beyond the Call of Duty
Task: Organize

11 ABCD: Above & Beyond the Call of Duty
Task: Organize → Solution 1

12 ABCD: Above & Beyond the Call of Duty
Task: Organize → Solution 2

13 ABCD: Above & Beyond the Call of Duty
Task: Organize → Solution 3

14 ABCD: Above & Beyond the Call of Duty
Color Size Tone Shape Task: Organize → Solution ABCD

15 ABCD: Above & Beyond the Call of Duty
Color Size Tone Shape Task: Organize → Solution ABCD +  What, Why, How (Who, When, Where)

16 Conformity vs. Individuality Diversity in Aptitudes
The Way of ABCD Do what you love What are you good at? What do you want to do for the rest of your life? Love what you do Aim true. Do your best. Count your blessings. Conformity vs. Individuality Diversity in Aptitudes Feed your passion It is wisdom to know others; It is enlightenment to know oneself. - Lao Tze –

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