person American Court of Law action ⑥ _____________ ⑤ _____________ 증인

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Presentation on theme: "person American Court of Law action ⑥ _____________ ⑤ _____________ 증인"— Presentation transcript:

1 person American Court of Law action _____________ _____________ 증인 판사 _____________ 배 심 _____________ _____________ 검사 변호사 피고인 _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ 원고 _____________ 형사____________ 사건 민사____________ Audience

2 person American Court of Law action swear judge _____________ witness _____________ 판사 _____________ jury 증인 배 심 eyewitness _____________ guilty _____________ sentence innocent prosecutor the accused defendant 검사 변호사 피고인 charge _____________ _____________ file a suit _____________ _____________ _____________ sue sb 원고 plaintiff _____________ criminal 형사____________ 사건 민사____________ civil Audience

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