Intermediate Korean 1 : Syllabus

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1 Intermediate Korean 1 : Syllabus
Hyunsoon Cho-Min (University of Memphis)

2 What we are going to cover today…
Syllabus Review key grammar points and verbs

3 Course Introduction: syllabus & schedule
Credits: 3.0 Class Hour / Classroom: M/W 4:00-5:25 / Jones Hall 226 Course Website: Hyunsoon Cho-Min Office hours: TBA

4 Course Materials Textbook (required): Audio files:
Integrated Korean: Beginning 1, Second Edition, by Youn-mee Cho, Hyo Sang Lee, Carol Schulz, Ho-min Sohn, Sung-ock Sohn. Univ. of Hawai’I Pr ess, ISBN: Textbook (required): Integrated Korean: Beginning 2, Second Edition, by Youn-mee Cho, Hyo Sang Lee, Carol Schulz, Ho-min Sohn, Sung-ock Sohn. Univ. of Hawai’I Press, ISBN: Audio files: Visit the Sakai course site for listening and grammar exercises, and homework assignments. Download the audio files from

5 At the end of the semester, you will have..
(1) Ability to read Korean sentences more naturally. (2) Ability to understand different verb endings of Korean and identify them. (3) Ability to comprehend and initiate simple conversations in Korean. (4) Ability to write a short essay on a topic. (5) Knowledge of Korea about cultural practices, politics, history and etc.

6 Class structure Textbook Practice : writing /speaking/ reading
Example of language use in real life (ex. Drama, K pop, or other video learning material) Cultural lesson

7 Course Grading Class attendance and participation : 10 %
Dictation: 10% Weekly online homework: 15 % Chapter quiz: 15 % Mid-term : 15 % Oral Test : 10 % Interview: 10% Final exam : 15 %

8 Homework & Quiz Homework (15 %): Quiz (15%): 2 quizzes in total
Ecourseware (quiz section) questions each week No time limit Unlimited attempts Quiz (15%): 2 quizzes in total A large part of questions will be from online homework. Quizzes will be given after reviewing the chapter. Elementary Korean I

9 Reading homework & Oral Test
Students will create and perform a skit with his/her partner using words and phrase we will learn through the semester. Detailed guidelines TBA Interview (10%): Oral evaluation will be given in the form of the interview with the instructor. Detailed guidelines TBA

10 Written Test Dictation (10%): Midterm Exam (15 %): Final Exam (15%):
Dictation will be given at the beginning of every class unless noted otherwise. At the end of the semester, two lowest scores will be dropped. Midterm Exam (15 %): Covers Lesson 8 and 9 Includes listening and writing Final Exam (15%): Covers everything we will learn Includes listening and writing

11 Course Grade / Schedule
Grade will not be rounded up. A – B – C+ 93 – A 83 – B 73 – C 90 – A – B – C Please see the website / ecourseware for a tentative schedule Schedule can be changed without notification. Regularly check ecourseware for schedule change. Elementary Korean I

12 Study abroad U Of M Program deadline for Spring: October 1
ISEP (International Student Exchange Program)Program dea dline for Spring : September 1 ISA (International Studies Abroad) Program deadline for Spring : November 1

13 Review: Korean grammar & Verbs
Hyunsoon Cho-Min (University of Memphis) Elementary Korean

14 Review: Grammar 제인은 피자를 좋아해요. Jane pizza likes.
Verbs are usually placed at the end of the sentences while subjects are in the beginning and objects are in between. S + O + V 제인은 피자를 좋아해요. Jane pizza likes.

15 Review: Grammar 제인은 학생이에요. 삼학년이에요.
Subjects are often dropped especially they are repeated from the previous sentence. 제인은 학생이에요. 삼학년이에요. Jane is a student. (She is) a Junior.

16 Review: Grammar Particles come immediately after a word or pronoun and show the function. Subject particle: 이/가 Topic particle: 은/는 Object particle: 을/를 Locative/Time particle : 에/에서

17 Jane is in front of the building.
Review: Grammar Particles come immediately after a word or pronoun and show the function. 제인은 빌딩 앞에 있어요. Jane is in front of the building.

18 Review: Grammar Verbs are made up with stem and endings. Koreans change verb endings to deliver the degree of politeness, tense, and other subtle meanings. 있다. (dictionary) : 있 + 다. 있어. (casual) : 있 + 어 있어요. (polite/present) : 있 + 어요. 있습니다. (formal) : 있 + 습니다. 있었어요. (polite/past) : 있+ 었어요. (었+ 어요.) 있을 거예요. (probability) : 있 +을 거예요. Elementary Korean I

19 Review: 있어요. 없어요. 있어요. : there is, have
없어요. : there is not. Don’t have Stem Polite/present Polite/past Probability 있어요. 있었어요. 있을 거예요. 없어요. 없었어요. 없을 거예요.

20 Review: 있어요. 없어요. 제인 없어요. 제인 있어요?

21 Review: 이에요. 예요. 이에요. 예요. : to be (existence) Stem Polite/present
Polite/past Probability 이에요./예요. 이었어요. 일거예요.

22 Review 먹어요. : eat Stem Polite/present Polite/past Probability 먹 먹어요.
먹었어요. 먹을 거예요.

23 Review: Vocabulary

24 Review 해요: do ( Noun+해요.) 게임해요. 공부해요. 좋아해요. 사랑해요. 쇼핑해요. 노래해요. 컴퓨터해요.
Stem Polite/present Polite/past Probability 해요. 했어요. 할 거예요. 게임해요. 공부해요. 좋아해요. 사랑해요. 쇼핑해요. 노래해요. 컴퓨터해요.

25 Review:

26 Review 가요: go Stem Polite/present Polite/past Probability 가 가요. 갔어요.
갈 거예요.

27 Review 좋아요: be good Stem Polite/present Polite/past Probability 좋 좋아요.
좋았어요. 좋을 거예요.

28 Review 좋아해요: like Stem Polite/present Polite/past Probability 좋아하
좋아해요. 좋아했어요. 좋아할 거예요.

29 Review: Practice 피자 좋아해요? 햄버거 라면 네, 좋아해요. 아니요, 안 좋아해요.

30 Review 사요: buy Stem Polite/present Polite/past Probability 사 사요. 샀어요.
살 거예요.

31 Dictation 있어요. 먹어요. 학교에 가요.

32 End 끝 Any questions?

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