가능성의 현실화 – AI를 어떻게 도입할 것인가

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1 가능성의 현실화 – AI를 어떻게 도입할 것인가
김연주 전무 IBM Watson Platform

2 The “Big Five” Building Blocks
Operating Infrastructure The “Big Five” Building Blocks

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5 기업들의 AI 도입 계획 조사: 2016 vs 2017 (IDC)
Source: 2016 Vertical IT and Communications Survey, Cognitive / AI adoption survey, June 2017 by IDC


7 AI 기술에 대한 적용 및 투자 계획에 대한 3,069명 서베이 참여자들의 응답 결과, 4가지 그룹으로 분류됨
11% 28% 23% 38% 향후 2-3년 동안 AI에 투자할 가능성 AI로 가능해진 현재의 자동화 수준 혁신가 (Reinventors) AI를 활용중이며, 향후 대규모 투자 예정 탐험가 (Tacticians) AI를 활용 중이나 향후 소규모 투자 예정 열정가 (Aspirationals) 처음으로 AI에 투자할 예정 관찰자 (Observers) AI를 활용하지 않고 있으며 투자 계획도 없음 Source: Q3.5d – How likely is your enterprise to invest in the following technologies to enable your strategic goals? [Cognitive/AI]; C.5 – Which of the following best describes the level of process automation within your enterprise today?; n=3,069 The answers, we found, could depend on an enterprise’s approach to and use of advanced analytics and data as a foundation for Digital ReinventionTM. We segmented respondents by their current use of AI to automate or autonomize their business processes, as well as their planned future investment in this technology over the next two to three years. Our analysis across their responses revealed significant differences in the organizations’ capabilities, strategy and view of future advantage.  We have named these groups: Reinventors, Tacticians, Aspirationals and Observers. Reinventors (11% of surveyed CxOs) have already implemented AI-solutions, and have significant investments in artificial intelligence planned in the future. Tacticians (28%) have also already implemented AI-solutions, but have planned minimal investments in the future. Aspirationals (23%) are currently planning their first investments in AI. Observers (38%) do not have AI solutions enabled today, and are not intended to invest in AI in the future. For the most part, they intend to remain on the AI technology sidelines.

8 혁신가들은 AI 기술적용을 통해 가능성을 현실화하기 시작함
기업의 재구성 Reframing the Enterprise 개인을 위한 경험 In Pursuit of the Personal 미래의 경쟁력 Becoming Future Proof 가능성의 현실화 Looming in sight… Data 확보를 위해 EcoPartner 와의 개방적 협력체계 구성 IoT, BlockChain, RPA 등 신기술 적용을 통해 양질의 Data 확보 AI 기술적용을 통한 “Segment of One” 마케팅 추구 증가하는 불확실성에 대한 상황 분석력과 의사 결정력 증대에 초점 Source: Q3.5d – How likely is your enterprise to invest in the following technologies to enable your strategic goals? [Cognitive/AI]; C.5 – Which of the following best describes the level of process automation within your enterprise today?; n=3,069 The answers, we found, could depend on an enterprise’s approach to and use of advanced analytics and data as a foundation for Digital ReinventionTM. We segmented respondents by their current use of AI to automate or autonomize their business processes, as well as their planned future investment in this technology over the next two to three years. Our analysis across their responses revealed significant differences in the organizations’ capabilities, strategy and view of future advantage.  We have named these groups: Reinventors, Tacticians, Aspirationals and Observers. Reinventors (11% of surveyed CxOs) have already implemented AI-solutions, and have significant investments in artificial intelligence planned in the future. Tacticians (28%) have also already implemented AI-solutions, but have planned minimal investments in the future. Aspirationals (23%) are currently planning their first investments in AI. Observers (38%) do not have AI solutions enabled today, and are not intended to invest in AI in the future. For the most part, they intend to remain on the AI technology sidelines.


10 AI 도입을 위한 준비와 고려사항 DATA TECH USE CASE PEOPLE
Private Data 및 Public Data 확보 가능 여부 Private Data는 필요한 형식으로 구조화되어 있는지 기업의 AI 적용은 “Science Project”가 아님 Build or Buy: AI Solution Vendor로부터 소싱, 빠른 적용 DATA TECH USE CASE PEOPLE 중요성/유의미성을 갖는 Key 프로세스에 적용 Small & Quick Win에서 시작, Land & Expand식 확장 전략 IT와 비즈니스 유저의 공동 프로젝트 향후 조직 내 AI 적용을 리딩할 Data Scientist 그룹 조성


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