Blessing in Hebrew: 1. %r;B' [Brak]: To be blessed by God

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Presentation on theme: "Blessing in Hebrew: 1. %r;B' [Brak]: To be blessed by God"— Presentation transcript:

1 Blessing in Hebrew: 1. %r;B' [Brak]: To be blessed by God (Genesis 27:29)

2 “the benefit for the person whose life is rooted to the words”
2. rv'a' [Yashar]: To go directly yrev.a;[Yasherei]: “The portion to those who work not run off the track.” “the benefit for the person whose life is rooted to the words”

3 The LORD has been mindful of us;
%r;B'[Brak] Psalm 115:12 The LORD has been mindful of us; he will bless [%rEïb'ñy> ] us; he will bless [%rEb'y>â ] the house of Israel; he will bless [%rEªb'y>] the house of Aaron;

4 rv'a' [Yashar] Psalm 1:1 “Blessed [yrev.a;] is
the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers” [NIV].

5 rv'a' [Yashar] Psalm 1:2: “2but their delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law they meditate day and night” [NRSV].

6 rv'a' [Yashar] Psalm 32:2 Blessed [yrev.a; ]is the man whose sin
the LORD does not count against him and in whose spirit is no deceit (NIV).

7 and on His law they meditate day and night” [NRSV]
Psalm 1:2 “but their delight is in the law of the LORD, and on His law they meditate day and night” [NRSV]

8 Psalm 1:3 “저는 시냇가에 심은 나무가 시절을 좇아 과실을 맺으며 그 잎사귀가 마르지 아니함 같으니 그 행사가 다 형통하리로다”

9 planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season.
Psalm 1:3 “They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do” [NLT]

10 Psalms 1:4-6 “악인은 그렇지 않음이여 오직 바람에 나는 겨와 같도다 그러므로 악인이 심판을 견디지 못하며 죄인이 의인의 회중에 들지 못하리로다 대저 의인의 길은 여호와께서 인정하시나 악인의 길은 망하리로다”

11 “Certainly the LORD guards but the way of the wicked
Psalm 1:6: “Certainly the LORD guards the way of the godly, but the way of the wicked ends in destruction” [NET].

12 A long obedience in the same direction
“지상과 천상을 통틀어 절대적인 사실은. . . 한 방향으로의 오랜 순종이 있어야만 하며, 그 때에만 인생을 살 만한 가치가 있게 해주는 결과가 있게 마련이고, 또 언제나 그래 왔다는 것이다” (프리드리히 니체)

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