연구 진행 상황 보고서 Insulin Pump CPF & BEPatch DBS & 안면자극 약물 주입 펌프 2주전 계획 연구

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Presentation on theme: "연구 진행 상황 보고서 Insulin Pump CPF & BEPatch DBS & 안면자극 약물 주입 펌프 2주전 계획 연구"— Presentation transcript:

1 연구 진행 상황 보고서 Insulin Pump CPF & BEPatch DBS & 안면자극 약물 주입 펌프 2주전 계획 연구
Software validation 문서 작성 완료 F/W 수정 임상시험 진행 임상시험 데이터 2차 분석 디바이스 수정 실험 진행 연구 결과 11/4 (금) 임양호 이사님 미팅 임상시험 진행 (N = 124) 임상시험 data 정리 - CPF device (동헌) - Actiheart (중우) - FITBIT (순빈) 전자석 제작 (크기 1/2) 실험 진행 (11/10)  동작확인 문제점 및 대책 목표 및 계획 Software validation 문서 수정 주입 정확성 Test 시험검사 version 전달 (11/16) 임상시험 데이터 분석 - CPF device - Actiheart - FITBIT 최종 version H/W 확정

2 연구 진행 상황 보고서 AEP X-Project 2주전 계획 연구 결과 문제점 및 대책 목표 및 계획
전극 version 1 완성 H/W version 1.1 casing 연구 결과 H/W version 1.1 제작 완료 문제점 및 대책 목표 및 계획 실험 진행 (Multi frequency SSVEP, 전극 위치)

3 [CPF] H/W 수정 Version 3.3 Flexible PCB
F/W 수정  Power consumption 20% 감소 착용 편의성 향상 Flexible PCB

4 [X-project] H/W 18.5mm 37mm Version 1.1 2 Ch. EEG Bluetooth 4.0
Headset type 18.5mm 37mm

5 [X-project] H/W Version 1.1 Analog Front-End ADC ISP connector
Electrode BAT Power circuit Switch Micro USB for charge MCU Bluetooth

6 Switching regulator (-3V)
[X-project] H/W Block diagram Li-polymer BAT Switch ON Linear regulator (3V / DVDD) Linear regulator (1.8V / AVDD) OFF Micro USB B type Li-polymer Charge IC Switching regulator (-3V) Linear regulator (-1.8V / AVSS) ADC MCU Bluetooth 4.0 Ch.1 INA HPF LPF SPI UART Ch.2 INA HPF LPF

7 [X-project] H/W Version 대 제작

8 [X-project] H/W Noise level (μVrms) Device #1 Device #2 Device #3
Ch.1 Ch2. 0.1049 0.1087 0.5637 0.5011 0.1045 0.1152 0.1213 0.1119 0.1166 0.1073 X 0.1075 #1 #3 #5 #2 #4 #6

9 ※ KEITHLEY 2400 SourceMeter 사용
[X-project] H/W Power consumption 3.7V) Bluetooth data 전송 중 측정 (2Ch. 250SPS) Device #1 Device #2 Device #3 Device #4 Device #5 Device #6 5.482 5.292 5.957 5.908 5.879 5.863 #1 #3 #5 #2 #4 #6 ※ KEITHLEY 2400 SourceMeter 사용

10 [X-project] H/W specifications
H/W version 1.1 EMOTIV Dimension 37 x 18.5 mm Number of Channels 2 14 Sampling rate 250 SPS 128 SPS (Sequential sampling) ADC reference ±2.42V - Amplification 5,940 V/V Dynamic range (Input referred) ±407.4μV 8400μV(pp) Noise level (Vrms) 0.11μVrms Resolution 14bit, 1 LSB = 0.51μV Bandwidth 1-35Hz (2-order butterworth filter) 0.2-45Hz, Digital notch filter Communication Bluetooth 4.0 Proprietary wireless, 2.4GHz Power 3.7 Li-polymer (105mAh) Li-polymer Power mode (Battery life) 6mA (17 Hr.) 12 hours Battery charge Micro USB B type Others Real-time contact impedance measurement Real-time contact quality using patented system

11 [X-project] In-ear electrode
In-ear (active) electrode Type Materials Impedance Advantages Disadvantages 1 Ear foam + Conductive cloth 2~4Ω Inexpensive Electrode 교체 어려움 제작시간 소요 (1EA – 약 30분) 완성도 낮음 2 EcochG electrode 전극 교체 간단 제작에 소요되는 시간이 없음 완제품으로 H/W 완성도 향상 Expensive Connector : 80,000 (1EA) Electrode : 7,000 (1EA) 전극 사용 횟수 제한 Type 1 Type 2

12 [X-project] H/W Case Active electrode Ground electrode Switch
Reference electrode Micro USB ※ Reference : 480mm Ground : 220mm - Ear clip electrode Reference : Contra ear lobe Ground : Ipsi ear lobe

13 [X-project] H/W Device 착용 (version 1)

14 [X-project] H/W Alpha wave test
Eye open (20s) – Eye close (20s) – Eye open (20s) – Eye close (20s)

15 Previous In-ear-EEG Paper electrode & location
Research group Electrode (Active) Ref / GND electrode Others university of California, San Diego YU-Te Wang et al. REF: forehead GND: x Skin preparation. Conductive gel Imperial College V. Goverdovsky et al. REF: helix GND: earlobe Gold cup electrode + paste No skin preparation. Saline solution University of Oldenburg Stefan Debener et al. REF: mastoid GND: contra mastoid Off-line the data were re-referenced M.G. Bleichner et al. REF: FCz GND: Fz 1. Developing an Online Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential-Based Brain-Computer Interface System Using EarEEG (2015) 2. In-Ear EEG From Viscoelastic Generic Earpieces: Robust and Unobtrusive 24/7 Monitoring (2016) 3. Unobtrusive ambulatory EEG using a smartphone and flexible printed electrodes around the ear (2015) 4. Exploring miniaturized EEG electrodes for brain-computer interfaces. An EEG you do not see? (2015)

16 [X-project] H/W Device 착용 (version 2) Snap electrode
Reference : Mastoid Ground : Forhead

17 [X-project] H/W Signal test Alpha wave test SSVEP test (10Hz) Eye open
Stimulation off Eye open Eye close Stimulation on

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