한상철 (Han, Sangchul) 상허연구동 102호 ( )

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1 한상철 (Han, Sangchul) 상허연구동 102호 ( 840-3605 ) schan@kku.ac.kr
Java Programming II 한상철 (Han, Sangchul) 상허연구동 102호 ( )

2 평가 출석(10%, 10점 만점) 중간고사(40%, 100점 만점) 최종고사 (40%, 100점 만점) 과제 (10%)
3회 결석: 감점 없음 4회부터 결석 1회에 -1점 10회 초과(1/3 초과) 결석 시 F 성적 부여. 중간고사(40%, 100점 만점) 최종고사 (40%, 100점 만점) 과제 (10%) 과제 문제가 시험문제로도 출제됨. 비교과프로그램 3회 참여를 과제 1회로 계산.

3 평가 상대평가 동점자가 있을 경우 다소 변동 A+ : 10% A : 15% B+ : 20% B : 10% C+ 이하 : 45%

4 교재 Java How to Program 명품 Java Programming 뇌를 자극하는 Java 프로그래밍 강의슬라이드
Harvey Deitel & Paul Deitel (Pearson Inc.) 명품 Java Programming 황기태, 김효수 (생능출판사) 뇌를 자극하는 Java 프로그래밍 김윤명 (한빛 미디어) 강의슬라이드

5 Schedule 1. Outline of class - Introduction, Setup for programming environments 2. Classes and Objects: A Deeper Look - Time class case study 3. Classes and Objects: A Deeper Look - Controlling access, 'this' reference, overloaded constructors 4. Classes and Objects: A Deeper Look - Set- and Get- methods, Enumerations, static class members 5. Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance - Superclass & subclass, protected members 6. Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance - Relationship between superclass and subclass

6 Schedule 7. Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance - Constructors in subclass, Class object 8. Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism - Polymorphism example, Abstract class and method 9. Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism - Case study: using polymorphism 10. Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism - Case study: using interfaces 11. Exception Handling - Error-handling overview, Examples, Java exception hierarchy 12. Exception Handling - finally block, Stack unwinding, Chained exception

7 Schedule 13. File IO – character stream classes - Formatter, Scanner - FileReader, FileWriter 14. File IO – byte stream classes - FileInputStrea, FileOutputStream - ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream 15. Collection - Stack, Vector, ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, HashMap 16. Collection examples

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