UpToDate Anywhere Hyeon-ah Jeong Customer Success Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "UpToDate Anywhere Hyeon-ah Jeong Customer Success Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 UpToDate Anywhere Hyeon-ah Jeong Customer Success Specialist

2 Agenda UpToDate is? Why do doctors trust UpToDate? UpToDate Redesign
UpToDate Product Demo Q&A

3 UpToDate is? UpToDate® is an evidence-based clinical decision support system authored by physicians to help clinicians make the right decisions at the point of care. Total users worldwide More than 1.7 million Total institutional sites worldwide More than 37,800 Countries 191 Topic views per month More than 50 million Topic views per year More than 550 million

4 Practice Changing UpDates
My customers What’s New/ Practice Changing UpDates 9,500+ Graded Recommendation 11,600+ 34,000+ Clinical topics Graphics 6,300+ 185+ Drug entries Medical calculators 1,500+ 480,000+ Patient topics Evidence links 6,900+ 25 Physician authors Specialties

5 Specialties covered by UpToDate
Allergy and Immunology Anesthesiology Cardiovascular Medicine Dermatology Emergency Medicine (Adult and Pediatric) Endocrinology and Diabetes Family Medicine Gastroenterology and Hepatology General Surgery Geriatrics Hematology Hospital Medicine Infectious Disease Nephrology and Hypertension Neurology Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s Health Oncology Palliative Care Pediatrics Primary Care (Adult) Primary Care Sports Medicine (Adolescents and Adult) Psychiatry Pulmonary and Critical Care Rheumatology Sleep Medicine

6 Contents in UTD

7 Why do doctors trust UpToDate?

8 Why do doctors trust UpToDate?

9 Why do doctors trust UpToDate?

10 Why do doctors trust UpToDate?

11 Why do doctors trust UpToDate?

12 Why do doctors trust UpToDate?

13 UpToDate Product Demo goal blood

14 UpToDate Product Demo Symptoms, disease, drug, lab abnormality, procedure, medical abbreviation, search phrase that you want to see taxis appendicitis Leuprolide abdominal wall defects hemorrhoids paraesophageal hernia colon cancer prostate cancer bladder cancer thyroid cancer pancreatic cancer urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma of the bladder

15 UpToDate Product Demo Leuprolide appendicitis in pregnancy
Component separation repair of large or complex abdominal wall defects Overview of the treatment of hemorrhoids Surgical management of paraesophageal hernia The latest guidelines for colon cancer External beam radiation therapy for localized prostate cancer Duration of adjuvant endocrine therapy for bladder cancer The updated WHO guidelines for appendicitis Overview of approach to long-term survivors of colon cancer Overview of the initial approach and management of bladder cancer Epidemiology and risk factors of urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma of the bladder Overview of the management of primary colon cancer/ thyroid cancer/bladder cancer in older adults Overview of the initial evaluation or prognosis of pancreatic cancer/prostate cancer Overview of surgery in the treatment of pancreatic cancer/prostate cancer

16 UpToDate Product Demo HPV vaccine dossing
The latest guidelines for Crohn disease Duration of adjuvant endocrine therapy for breast cancer The updated WHO guidelines for pancreatic cancer Overview of the treatment of head and neck cancer Overview of approach to long-term survivors of head and neck cancer Overview of the initial approach and management of disease Overview of the management of primary colon cancer/ thyroid cancer/bladder cancer in older adults Overview of the initial evaluation or prognosis of lung cancer Overview of surgery in the treatment of pancreatic cancer/prostate cancer

17 PC 화면 업투데이트 접속시 메인화면이 아래와 같이 변경되었습니다.
업투데이트 접속시 메인화면이 아래와 같이 변경되었습니다. 파란색 도구 툴바가 있어 기본적인 도구로 즉시 이동할 수 있습니다. INTERNAL USE ONLY - DO NOT DISTRIBUTE

18 컨텐츠 리뷰 시 토픽과 토픽 간의 여백을 두어 사용자의 리뷰 편의성을 높였습니다.
컨텐츠 리뷰 시 토픽과 토픽 간의 여백을 두어 사용자의 리뷰 편의성을 높였습니다. 사용자가 직접 를 눌러 글자 크기를 조절할 수 있어 리뷰 편의성이 향상되었습니다. Presenter notes: Within topics, line spacing and the font size have increased to improve readability. Formatting changes have also been made to improve scanability. For example, the section you click on from the topic outline in now highlighted. Users have the option to adjust the font size, directly from the menu bar. One of the options returns the font to the default font size used in the previous UI/UX INTERNAL USE ONLY - DO NOT DISTRIBUTE

19 메인 화면에 보이는 파란색 도구 툴바에는 Contents, Calculators, Drug Interactions 같은 기본적인 도구만 나열하였습니다.
Presenter notes: Note that the header information takes up less real estate. The new version is narrower. There are fewer links to click. The design is clearer, more streamlined, and design to help user access the most relevant links. INTERNAL USE ONLY - DO NOT DISTRIBUTE

20 What’s New, Practice Changing UpDates, Drug Information, Patient Education 같은 일부 링크는 Contents 메뉴 안에 있습니다. Presenter notes: Users will likely first notice the new color scheme, which features a blue navigation bar. Blue has been incorporated in other parts of the design, but the green that users are accustomed to is still present. The header has a fresh look and links and have been consolidated to focus on what’s most important to users. A dropdown menu (contents) allows you to select from a variety of other UpToDate resources, such as Drug Information and Practice Changing UpDates. Lab Interpretation has been added to the drop down menu. In the previous design, Lab Interpretation could accessed within the Contents page. The Topics by Specialty link is new. It was previously called Contents, and brought the user to a page with information other than the specialties covered by UpToDate. For example, it included What’s New, Authors and Editors, and Practice Changing UpDates. The new page is more focused – it includes only links to each of UpToDate’s 25 specialties. INTERNAL USE ONLY - DO NOT DISTRIBUTE

21 사용자 이름을 누르면 나의 계정 관리, 검색이력, 가장 많은 조회, 책갈피, 언어 변환, 도움말, 로그아웃 주요 기능을 이용할 수 있습니다.

22 모바일 화면 Previous New 모바일 업투데이트 접속 시, 우측 상단의 버튼을 눌러서 메뉴를 확인할 수 있습니다.
모바일 업투데이트 접속 시, 우측 상단의 버튼을 눌러서 메뉴를 확인할 수 있습니다. INTERNAL USE ONLY - DO NOT DISTRIBUTE

23 개인 계정 등록 절차 개인 계정 등록을 위하여 기관 접속이 된 PC에서 오렌지색 Register 를 클릭합니다.
개인 계정 등록지 작성을 완료합니다. Username은 개인 아이디, Password는 8자 이상 (대문자, 숫자 1개 이상 포함)입니다.

24 개인 계정이 이미 있는 유저는 우측상단 클릭 후 로그인합니다.
90일에 한번씩 기관 PC 업투데이트홈페이지에 서 개인 계정 로그인이 필요합니다.

25 Download the Mobile App
Go to your App Store Search: UpToDate Click on the UpToDate icon Download App Enter your UN/PW the first time you access the App

26 Award-Winning UpToDate Mobile App
Clinicians can now download and use one of “The Best Apps in Publishing” according to EContent Magazine

27 UpToDate - Anytime, Anywhere & From Mobile Devices
Direct access to UpToDate from any internet browser The UpToDate Mobile App for iOS and Android™ CME/CE/CPD credits and continuing education tracking may be earned whenever and wherever clinicians research a clinical question

28 90 Day Re-Verification In-application & messaging reminds clinicians to verify their affiliation with the organization to maintain remote access rights

29 감사합니다. 문의사항은 아래 메일로 보내주십시오.

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