Chapter 11. The Uniform Plane Wave

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1 Chapter 11. The Uniform Plane Wave
Wave Propagation in Free Space 목원대학교 정보통신공학전공

2 목원대학교 정보통신공학전공

3 Uniform Plane Wave: Its value is uniform through any plane, z=constant. TEM wave: E and H fields lie in a plane that is transverse to the direction of propagation (transverse electromagnetic wave) 목원대학교 정보통신공학전공

4 Wave Propagation in Dielectrics
목원대학교 정보통신공학전공

5 목원대학교 정보통신공학전공

6 목원대학교 정보통신공학전공

7 The Poynting Vector and Power Considerations
The total power flowing into this volume is the total ohmic power dissipated within the volume plus the time rate of increase of electric and magnetic energy within this volume. 목원대학교 정보통신공학전공

8 목원대학교 정보통신공학전공

9 목원대학교 정보통신공학전공

10 Propagation in Good Conductors: Skin Effect
목원대학교 정보통신공학전공

11 목원대학교 정보통신공학전공

12 목원대학교 정보통신공학전공

13 Wave Polarization In the previous sections, with the wave propagating along the z axis, E was taken to lie along x, which then required H to lie along y.(linearly polarized) However, the directions of E and H within the plane perpendicular to z may change as functions of time and position. The wave polarization is defined as its electric field vector orientation as a function of time, at a fixed position in space. 목원대학교 정보통신공학전공

14 목원대학교 정보통신공학전공

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