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Yung Hyeock Lee, Ph.D., Korea National Police University

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1 Yung Hyeock Lee, Ph.D., Korea National Police University
Determinants and Consequence of Beliefs to obey Police Regulations in South Korea Yung Hyeock Lee, Ph.D., Korea National Police University

2 Importance of legitimacy
국민의 지지획득 정당성 인정받으면 다양한 정치적 영향력 행사 승인한 것

3 Legitimacy is a ‘murky’ concept
정부정책에 정당성을 부여한다고 해도, 계산적 고려하에 위반행위는 지속 타인이 법준수하기를 바라지만, 자신은 다른 방법을 선호 납세, 군 의무 등 개인에게 별로 이익 안되는 경우 법준수보다는 우회적 방법이 목적달성에 더 효과적

4 Tyler’s Processed-Based Model of Regulation
정당성은 도구적(instrumental)측면과 규범적 (normative) 측면으로 구성 전자는: 경찰역량 위하력 배분적(distributive justice)에 영향받음 후자는: 절차는 공정성(procedual justice)에 영향받음

5 Methodology 응답자수; 성인 1,016명 21문항과 9개 통제변수 한글로 번역 4 Likert-scale

6 Methodology Each item tested on the hypothesized latent constructs such as Fairness Police Performance Legitimacy Deterrence Compliance Cooperation Latent variables labeled as ‘Beliefs to obey Law Enforcement Authority’ (former) ‘Cynicism about Law’ (latter)

7 Methodology Using AMOS version 6.0 structural equation modeling,
Three items (3,4,5) reflected ‘Fair Justice’ Two items (6,7) reflected ‘Police Performance’ Three items (12,13,14) reflected ‘Deterrence of Law’

8 Figure 1

9 Fair Justice Defined by: 경찰은 공평하고 일관된 기준사용 공정하고 객관적 국민의 의견 존중

10 Key Elements of Fair Justice
Participation Neutrality Quality of interpersonal treatment

11 Results Fair justice a strong indicator of legitimacy in America but not in South Korea Normative factors less influential than utilitarian ones (i.e. police effectiveness, police trustworthiness) ‘legitimation deficit’

12 Legal Cynicism Defined by: 법에 대한 일반적 불신, 이기적
법은 지키는 자만 손해다.perceptions that the law presents inconveniences to their daily life 경찰요구 무시해도 된다 실제 위반회수

13 Fair Justice and Legal Cynicism
Fair justice shown to display negative effect on legal cynicism Fair procedural methods adopted in unbiased manner, high probability of negative legal cynicism Public display internal motivations for abiding by the law

14 Deterrence Defined by:
Belief that people will cease from engaging in criminal activity if they fear getting caught and punished In this study, it is defined by: When people violate the law, punishment will be certain, swift, and severe

15 Results Deterrence shown to have positive effects on beliefs to obey law enforcement in America but not in South Korea People perceive getting caught as an ‘unlucky’ incident Rebellion toward law policies by staging protests Both instances indicate lack of deterrence

16 Deterrence and Legal Cynicism
Deterrence shown to have negative effect on legal cynicism Imminent punishment deter engaging in criminal activity Severity and swiftness of punishment also deter engagement in potential criminal activity

17 Police Performance Defined by:
The effectiveness of police controlling crime and criminal behavior In this study, it is defined by: How well police catch criminals and prevent crimes

18 Results Police performance shown to have positive effects on legitimacy Effective crime control, criminal behavior, and increased professionalism lead to greater public confidence in police Result in public cooperation In South Korea, police viewed as sole institution responsible for controlling crime

19 Police performance and Legal cynicism
Police performance shown to have no effect on legal cynicism Lake City, Ill study Legal professional’s performance shown to have negative effect on legal cynicism Dishonesty by legal professionals cause public to lose face with entire legal system

20 Legitimacy and Cynicism: The Case with South Korea
High legitimacy has positive effect on legal cynicism Three possible explanations High expectations of legitimacy likely to perceive legal cynicism after unlawful practices witnessed in everyday life Benefits received from complying with the law Perceived notion law does not apply to people in everyday life

21 Conclusion Legitimacy a crucial factor in law-abiding, esp. in American settings due to Normative commitments to, and shared moral values with, the police Legitimacy a ‘murky’ concept in South Korea Normative commitments are less influential as a result of past colonial experiences Procedural justice is a proven factor for legitimate view on police institution in America Personal views about police important

22 Conclusion In South Korea, police performance is a proven factor for police legitimacy Sole institution for controlling crime Media’s portrayal of police take effect on public’s view

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