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Symptoms Caused by Virus Disease : In general, fungi cause local or general necrosis or killing of plant tissues and they often result in reduced growth.

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Presentation on theme: "Symptoms Caused by Virus Disease : In general, fungi cause local or general necrosis or killing of plant tissues and they often result in reduced growth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Symptoms Caused by Virus Disease : In general, fungi cause local or general necrosis or killing of plant tissues and they often result in reduced growth (stunting) of plant organs or entire plants A. Necrotic symptoms B. Symptoms associated with excessive enlargement or growth and distortion of plant parts C. Other (in addition to the above)

2 (1) Leaf spots ( 잎점무늬 ) (2) Blight ( 마름증상 ) (3) Canker ( 궤양 ) (4) Dieback ( 가지마름 ) (5) Root rot ( 뿌리썩음 ) (6) Damping-off ( 모잘록 ) (7) Basal stem rot ( 기부줄기썩음 ) (8) Soft rots and dry rots ( 물렁썩이와 마른썩이 ) (9) Anthracnose ( 탄저 ) (10) Scab ( 더뎅이 ) (11) Decline ( 쇠퇴 ) (12) Stripe ( 줄무늬 ) A. Necrotic symptoms

3 Host : Rose Name : Rose mosaic Cause : Prunus necrotic ringspot virus; Apple mosaic virus 장미 모자이크병 ( 국내미기록 ) Rose mosic; note foliar symptoms, oncluding line patterns, ring spots, and mottles

4 Host : Rose Name : Rose mosaic Cause : Prunus necrotic ringspot virus; Apple mosaic virus 장미 모자이크병 ( 국내미기록 ) Rose mosic; note ring spots symptom on leaves

5 Host : Rose Name : Rose mosaic Cause : Prunus necrotic ringspot virus; Apple mosaic virus 장미 모자이크병 ( 국내미기록 ) Rose mosic; note mottle (left) and yellow net (right) symptom on leaf.

6 Host : Rose Name : Rose mosaic Cause : Prunus necrotic ringspot virus; Apple mosaic virus 장미 모자이크병 ( 국내미기록 ) Rose mosic; note yellow mosaic symptom on leaf (left) and portion of a plant (right).

7 Host : Chrysanthemum Name : Chrysanthemum aspermy Cause : Tomato aspermy virus Systemic foliar symptoms on Nicotiana tabacum ‘Samsun’ inoculated with Tomato aspermy virus. 국화 모자이크병 ( 국내기록 )

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