The Marketing Plan PowerPoint Presentation prepared by Charlie Cook, The University of West Alabama © 2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not.


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Presentation transcript:

The Marketing Plan PowerPoint Presentation prepared by Charlie Cook, The University of West Alabama © 2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part, except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use. PowerPoint Presentation prepared by Charlie Cook, The University of West Alabama © 2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part, except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use. Chapter 7 PART 3 DEVELOPING THE NEW VENTURE BUSINESS PLAN

What is Small Business Marketing? Small Business MarketingSmall Business Marketing  Business activities that direct the creation, development, and delivery of a bundle of satisfaction from the creator to the targeted user and that satisfy the targeted user.  창안자 ( 창업자 ) 가 목표고객에게 만족의 보따리 ( 제품, 상품, 서비스 ) 를 창안, 개발 및 이전 ( 판매, 제공 ) 을 지향하고 목표고객을 만족시키는 사업활동 7–2

Bygrave & Zacharakis, Entrepreneurship, New York: Wiley, 2014 © Entrepreneurs face unique marketing challenges  Limited by:  Financial and managerial resources  Time  Market information  Muddling decision-making with personal biases and beliefs  Establishes poor relations with multiple audiences

마케팅활동 Small Business Marketing ActivitiesSmall Business Marketing Activities  Identification of the target market 목표시장 파악  Determining target market’s potential 목표시장 잠재적 규모 계산  Preparing, communicating, and delivering a bundle of satisfaction to the target market 목표시장에 만족보따리를 준비, 홍보 및 판매 7–4

7–5 창업성공 사례 : 핵심은 시장성 높은 사업아이디어의 창안과 개발 및 판매 핵심은 시장성 높은 사업아이디어의 창안과 개발 및 판매






차량 소유의 대중화 시대 맥도날드 (1909~1971) 형제는 일반 대중들이 너도 나도 모두 차를 한 대씩 소유하자 새로운 영업 아이디어를 생각해냈다. 차 량 안에서 음식을 주문하고 받아갈 수 있는 드라이브 인 서비스 식당을 차린 것이다. 맥도날드 형제는 삶의 환경이 변화하는 트렌드에 맞춰 사업모 델을 착안해 내었다 년에는 메뉴와 서비스를 대폭 줄이고, 햄버거와 음료수만 테이크 아웃 (Take Out) 으로 가격을 대폭 낮춰 판매하여 대박을 내었다.

대량 복제 아이디어도 시대를 읽는 눈에서 나온다 1902 년 시카고에서 태어나 53 세까지 주방용품 세일즈맨을 하고 있 던 레이 크록은 캘리포니아의 작은 드라이브 인 식당에서 신제품 믹 서기를 무려 8 대나 구입했다고 하는 소식을 듣고, 믹서기 영업을 벤 치마킹할 목적으로 그는 맥도날드 형제의 가게를 찾아갔다. 그리고 문전성시를 이루는 그 작은 식당을 직접 보았다. 그날 그는 그의 운명을 바꿀 놀라운 사업 아이디어를 떠올린다. 레이 크록은 맥도날드 형제의 식당운영 시스템을 복제하여 전국의 도로변마다 세우면 크게 성공할 거라고 생각했다.

글로벌 프랜차이즈 기업의 태동 레이 크록은 맥도날드 형제에게 프랜차이즈 사업을 제안했고, 매장 이름을 비롯하여 메뉴, 매장 구조, 운영 방식, 심지어 맥도날드 햄버거의 상징물인 금색 아치까지도 맥도날드 형제가 사용하던 것을 그대로 복제했다. 맥도날드 햄버거 체인이라는 일생일대의 기회를 잡은 레이 크록은 아내와 친 구들의 만류에도 불구하고 1955 년 4 월 15 일, 자신의 고향인 시카고에 맥도날 드 1 호점을 개장한다. 물론 처음부터 대박을 내면서 성공가도를 달린 것은 아니었다. 그러나 여러 가지 어려움에도 불구하고 그는 “ 품질, 서비스, 청결 그리고 가치 ” 라는 자신의 경영철학을 고수하며 체인점을 끝내 성공시켰다..

글로벌 프랜차이즈 기업으로 도약 1960 년에 맥도날드의 지점 수는 200 개를 돌파했다. 레이 크록이 자서전을 발표한 1976 년에 맥도날드는 창립 20 주년 만에 총수입이 10 억 달러를 넘어섰고, 22 개국에 4,177 개의 매장 을 거느렸다. 그리고 1980 년대에는 총수입 100 억달러에 매장이 1 만개를 돌파 했다. 이 모든 것이 최초의 맥도날드 형제의 식당 경영 시스템에 기초하 여 시대와 현지 환경 변화에 맞춰서 이루어진 복제에서 출발했다

20 페덱스의 사명 (Mission): 어떠한 대가를 치르더라도 사 명감을 갖고 배달한다.



23 나이키 Just do it! 페덱스 Absolutely, positively has to be there overnight! The World on Time 맥도날드 I'm lovin' it. 시스코 Discover all that's possible on the internet 마이크로소프트 Where do you want to go today 월마트 Always low prices. Always! Save Money. Live Better

자동차 회사 (Porsche, Hyundai, Toyota) 의 Tagline 사례

회사명칭과 관련된 엠블렘 I 포드, 현대, 도요타렉서스, 혼다, 스쯔기

32 FedEx 의 광고 : 신속의 상징화

7–33 EXHIBIT 7.1 The Three Levels of a Product and/or Service Fundamental benefit or solution sought by customers. Basic product/service plus extra or unsolicited benefits to the consumer Basic physical product/service that delivers the benefits.

Marketing Philosophies Make a Difference Production-Oriented 제품지향적 철학Production-Oriented 제품지향적 철학  Emphasizes development of the product and production efficiencies over other activities. 성능 우수제품 개발 Sales-Oriented 판매지향적 철학Sales-Oriented 판매지향적 철학  Favors product sales over production efficiencies and customer preferences. 제품 효능 / 고객선호 충족 Consumer Oriented 소비자지향적 철학 —The Right Choice 올바른 선택 : 소비자 욕구 파악Consumer Oriented 소비자지향적 철학 —The Right Choice 올바른 선택 : 소비자 욕구 파악  All marketing efforts begin and end with customers  The focus is on consumers’ needs, which is most consistent with long-term success of the firm. 7–34

7–35 EXHIBIT 7.2 The Marketing Plan and Supporting Marketing Activities

The Formal Marketing Plan 마케팅계획 Market Analysis 시장분석Market Analysis 시장분석  Customer profile 소비자 명세서 : 목표시장 / 목표고객  A description of potential customers in a target market  Sales forecasts 판매예측 (3 가지 상황 : 현실적 / 비관적 / 낙관적 )  “Most likely,” “pessimistic,” and “optimistic The Competition 경쟁업체The Competition 경쟁업체  Profile of key management personnel 핵심경영자 명세서  Overall strengths and weaknesses (SWOT 분석 : 강약점분석 )  Related products being marketed or tested 관련제품  Likelihood of competitors’ entry into target market 목표시장에 경쟁자의 진입가능성 7–36

The Formal Marketing Plan (cont’d) Marketing Strategy 마케팅전략 /4P Mix 전략Marketing Strategy 마케팅전략 /4P Mix 전략  Product and/or service section 제품 / 서비스  Decisions affecting the total product  Distribution(Place) section 유통  Decisions regarding product delivery to customers  Pricing section 가격  Setting an acceptable value on the product  Promotional section 촉진  Communicating information to the target market 7–37

The Nature of Marketing Research Marketing Research 마케팅조사Marketing Research 마케팅조사  The gathering, processing, reporting, and interpreting of market information Outside Sources 외부 자료원Outside Sources 외부 자료원  Hiring professional marketing researchers 외부조사 전문가 위탁  Using the Internet for web-based surveys and online focus groups 인터넷 활용 인터넷 활용 7–38

The Nature of Marketing Research Steps In the Marketing Research Process 마케팅조사과정 단계Steps In the Marketing Research Process 마케팅조사과정 단계 1. Identifying the informational need 정보요구사항 파악  Why do we need to know this? 2. Searching for secondary data 2 차 자료 ( 간접 / 발간 / 공표자료 ) 검색 2 차 자료 ( 간접 / 발간 / 공표자료 ) 검색  Who has researched this topic already? 1. Collecting primary data 1 차 자료 ( 직접수집 ) 수집  Who do we ask and what do we ask them? 2. Interpreting the data 자료 해석  Got the information, now what does it mean? 7–39

Methods for Collecting Primary Data 기본자료 (1 차 자료 ) 수집 방법 Observational Methods 관찰법Observational Methods 관찰법  Human 인간  Mechanical 기계 Questioning Methods 질문법Questioning Methods 질문법  Surveys 설문조사  Mail 우편  Telephone 전화  Personal interviews 개인 인터뷰  Experiments 실험 7–40

Designing and Testing a Questionnaire 설문 문항 설계와 실시 Ask questions that relate to the issue.Ask questions that relate to the issue. Use open-ended and multiple-choice questions.Use open-ended and multiple-choice questions. Carefully consider the order of the questions to avoid producing biased answers to later questions.Carefully consider the order of the questions to avoid producing biased answers to later questions. Ask sensitive questions near the end of the questionnaire.Ask sensitive questions near the end of the questionnaire. Word questions as simply, clearly, and objectively as possible.Word questions as simply, clearly, and objectively as possible. Pre-test the questionnaire on a small representative sample of respondents 예비조사.Pre-test the questionnaire on a small representative sample of respondents 예비조사. 7–41

Interpreting the Data Gathered 자료 해석 7–42

Understanding Potential Target Markets 잠재적 목표시장의 이해 Market Ingredients 시장 구성요소 : 잠재적 고객Market Ingredients 시장 구성요소 : 잠재적 고객  A group of (1) customers or potential customers who have (2) purchasing power and (3) unsatisfied needs Market Segmentation 시장세분화Market Segmentation 시장세분화  The division of a market into several smaller customer groups with similar needs 유사요구 고객별 시장분활 Focus Strategy 원가우위 / 제품차별화 전략수립Focus Strategy 원가우위 / 제품차별화 전략수립  A type of competitive strategy in which cost and differentiation-based advantages are achieved within narrow market segments. 7–43

Bygrave & Zacharakis, Entrepreneurship, New York: Wiley, 2014 © Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning frame strategic ‘ends’  Detect customer segments in your market  Decide which profitable segments to target  Position your offering in the minds of your target segments

Bygrave & Zacharakis, Entrepreneurship, New York: Wiley, 2014 ©  Detect customer segments in your market  Decide which profitable segments to target  Position your offering in the minds of your target segments Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning frame strategic ‘ends’

Bygrave & Zacharakis, Entrepreneurship, New York: Wiley, 2014 ©  Detect customer segments in your market  Decide which profitable segments to target  Position your offering in the minds of your target segments Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning frame strategic ‘ends’

Bygrave & Zacharakis, Entrepreneurship, New York: Wiley, 2014 © Marketing mix = Ways you employ Means to achieve Ends  The 4-P’s are derived from your choice of target segment & positioning  All 4 variables are interdependent…a change to one, may require a change to the others.

Market Segmentation and Its Variables Segmentation Variables 세분화 변수Segmentation Variables 세분화 변수  The parameters used to distinguish one form of market behavior from another for the purpose of market segmentation Benefit Variables 혜택변수Benefit Variables 혜택변수  Specific characteristics that distinguish market segments according to the benefit sought Convenience, cost, style, trends (depending on the nature of the particular new venture)Convenience, cost, style, trends (depending on the nature of the particular new venture) Demographic Variables 인구통계변수Demographic Variables 인구통계변수  Specific characteristics that describe customers and their purchasing power Age, marital status, sex, occupation, income, and locationAge, marital status, sex, occupation, income, and location 7–48

Types of Market Segmentation Strategies 시장세분화 전략의 형태 Unsegmented Strategy 비세분화 전략 (Mass Marketing)Unsegmented Strategy 비세분화 전략 (Mass Marketing)  A strategy that defines the total market as the target market. Multisegment Strategy 다수 세분화 전략Multisegment Strategy 다수 세분화 전략  A strategy that recognizes different preferences of individual market segments and develops a unique marketing mix for each. Single-Segment Strategy 단일 세분화 전략Single-Segment Strategy 단일 세분화 전략  A strategy that recognizes the existence of several distinct segments but focuses on only the most profitable segment. 7–49

7–50 EXHIBIT 7.4 An Unsegmented Market Strategy

7–51 EXHIBIT 7.5 A Multi-Segment Market Strategy

7–52 EXHIBIT 7.6 A Single-Segment Market Strategy

Estimating Market Potential 잠재 시장 규모추정 The Sales Forecast 판매예측The Sales Forecast 판매예측  A prediction of how much of a product or service can be sold within a market in a defined period of time.  Assesses the new venture’s feasibility 신사업 타당성 평가.  Assists in planning for product scheduling, setting inventory levels, and personnel decisions 생산일정계획, 재고보유수준, 담당직원의 의견 반영 Limitations to Forecasting (for Entrepreneurs)Limitations to Forecasting (for Entrepreneurs)  Unique new business circumstances  Lack of familiarity with quantitative methods  Lack of familiarity with the forecasting process 7–53

7–54 Dimensions of Forecasting Difficulty 예측 난이도 관련 조건

The Forecasting Process 예측과정 : Two Dimensions of Forecasting The Starting PointThe Starting Point  Breakdown process (chain-ratio method)  Forecasting begins with a macro-level variable and works down to the sales forecast (top-down).  Buildup process  All potential buyers in various submarkets are identified and then the estimated demand is added up (bottom-up). 7–55

Forecasting and Predicting Variables Direct ForecastingDirect Forecasting  Use of sales as the predicting variable Indirect ForecastingIndirect Forecasting  Use of related variables related to sales as proxies to project future sales 7–56

Selecting a Pricing Strategy 가격책정 전략 16–57 Penetration Pricing Follow-the- Leader Pricing Dynamic Pricing What the Market Will Bear Price Lining Variable Pricing Skimming Pricing Pricing Strategies

58 Pricing Strategies Factors affecting the pricing decision 가격 책정에 영향을 주는 요인 : Factors affecting the pricing decision 가격 책정에 영향을 주는 요인 :  The degree of competitive pressure 경쟁의 정도  The availability of sufficient supply 공급 수준  Seasonal or cyclical changes in demand 수요의 계절성  Distribution costs 유통비용  The product’s life-cycle stage 제품수명주기 단계  Changes in production costs 제조원가의 변동  Prevailing economic conditions 현재의 경제상태  Customer services provided by the seller 고객서비스  The amount of promotion 판매촉진비용  The market’s buying power 시장규모 ( 구매력 )

Optimum Price 최적가격 결정 요소 Optimum price is based on:  Demand for the product or service 제품 / 서비스 수요  Value delivered to the customer 고객에 제공하는 가치  Prices set by competing firms 경쟁기업의 가격  Your business strategy and product placement 회사 사업전략과 제품 위치 59

Price Setting 가격 책정  Decide what is the right price 자사 제품 적정 가격 결정  Examine existing market prices for similar products and services 유사제품의 기존가격 검토  Consider your business costs 사업원가 검토 60

Pricing Strategies  Skimming 상류층흡수 ( 고가 ) 가격 – Setting a price at the highest level the market will bear, usually because there is no competition at the time. 경쟁자 없을 경우 소비자가 감당할 수 있는 최고수준 가격 책정  Prestige or premium pricing 명품 / 할증가격 – Setting a price above that of the competition so as to indicate a higher quality or that a product is a status symbol. 경쟁자보다 더 높은 가격 책정 ( 더 높은 품질 / 신분상징표시 ) 9-61

Pricing Strategies  Penetration Pricing 침투 ( 최저가 ) 가격 – Setting a price at the lowest level the market will bear  Odd-even pricing 홀수가격 – Setting a price that ends in the number 5, 7, or 9.  Partitioned pricing 추가항목별 부가 가격 – Setting the price for a base item and then charging extra for each additional component. 62

Pricing Strategies  Captive pricing 종속 ( 인질상품 ) 가격 – Setting the price for an item relatively low and then charging much higher prices for the expendables 소모품 it uses. 면도기와 면도날, 프린터기와 토너  Price lining 제품 품질, 용량별 단계가격 – The practice of setting (usually) three price points: good quality, better quality, best quality. 63

64 Table 10.5 Pricing for the Product Life Cycle Product Life Cycle StagePricing StrategyReasons/Effects Introductory Stage Unique productSkimming—deliberately setting a high price to maximize short-term profits Initial price set high to establish a quality image, to provide capital to offset development costs, and to allow for future price reductions to handle competition Nonunique productPenetration—setting prices at such a low level that products are sold at a loss Allows quick gains in market share by setting a price below competitors’ prices Growth Stage Consumer pricing—combining penetration and competitive pricing to gain market share; depends on consumer’s perceived value of product Depends on the number of potential competitors, size of total market, and distribution of that market Maturity Stage Demand-oriented pricing—following a flexible strategy that bases pricing decisions on the level of consumer demand Sales growth declines; customers are very price-sensitive demand level for the product Decline Stage Loss leader pricing—pricing the product below cost in an attempt to attract customers to other products Product possesses little or no attraction to customers; the idea is to have low prices bring customers to newer product lines Source: Adapted from Colleen Green, “Strategic Pricing,” Small Business Reports (August 1989): 27–33.

The Communication Process in Promotion 17–65 Marketing communications that inform and persuade consumers Personal Selling Sales Promotional Tools Advertising

17–66 EXHIBIT 17.2 Four-Step Method for Determining a Promotional Budget