Personal improvement project Fall, 2015 Prof. Baekseo Seong
Personal improvement project Develop your own personal quality checklist Gather data (sufficiently during the semester) Analyze the results Study how to improve it assignment 2
guidelines 모든 수강생은 각자 개인개선프로젝트를 시작하고, 학기 내 진행 하여 결과를 제출해야 함 프로젝트를 추구하는 데 잘한 것보다 꾸준한 노력으로 개인이 받 을 성과가 중요함 8~10 개의 개선 항목 ( 다음의 가능체크리스트 목록을 참조 ) 을 선 택 일주일 정도 데이터를 수집한 후, 단순 그래프를 그려서 “ 결함 ” 수 준을 결정 이들 항목과 목표를 친구나 동료, 가족, 교수, 선후배 등과 공유하 면 도움이 될 것임. Don’t to be too critical! 중간 정도에 진행과정을 정리하는 것이 최종에 유리. 최종 보고 서는 기말에 제출함 3
( 예시 ) 체크리스트 Review class notes after each class No text messaging during classes Limit phone calls to ten minutes No more than half hour per day spent on social networking websites No more than x hours of TV per week Update schedule daily on PDA or computer calendar Get up promptly Ensure that project members are informed o project progress, each day or each week Complete all reading assignments as due Inform professor of essential absence vie text or phone message at least 24 hours in advance Work in library(or more quiet place) to avoid interruptions No more than one “junk food” snack per day Exercise in gym for at least one hour, twice per week Turn off cell phone during classes Prepare or buy, and eat, breakfast every day or call parents at least once per week Ensure that bank account in never overdrawn by checking balance online at least every other day 4
프로젝트 마감 후 다음 질문에 답하시오. What did your analysis reveal? Did you experience the same thing that certain items disappeared as problems in a short period of time, simply because you began to measure them? How did you feel about discussing your “defects” with others? How does the personal quality process tie into processes in a work environment? 5