2011 년 12 월 25 일 위치타 침례교회 Wichita Korean Baptist Church ▣ 영어예배 (English worship 10:00 AM) ▣ 주일예배 (Sunday worship 11:00 AM) ▣ 수요기도회.


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Presentation transcript:

2011 년 12 월 25 일 위치타 침례교회 Wichita Korean Baptist Church ▣ 영어예배 (English worship 10:00 AM) ▣ 주일예배 (Sunday worship 11:00 AM) ▣ 수요기도회 (Wednesday worship 7:00 PM) ▣ 토요기도회 (Saturday pray 6:00 AM) 예배안내 Wichita Baptist Church 9736 Chamberlin Wichita, KS Phone: (316) 상담 : (316) 말씀 말씀 Message Because Jesus is Born … 1. We can be born again… 2. We can know what God is like… 3. We can live as if Jesus were living our life… 4. We know how to overcome temptation… 5. We know that our suffering has a purpose… 6. We know that that heaven and earth are joined together We know that this world is not our home; we’re just passing through to that world to come…

주일 예배순서 주일 예배순서 Order of worship 인도자 ( Liturgist ): 이재상 개회기도 ( Invocation ) ··········································· 찬 송 ( Hymn ) ················································ 대표기도 ( Prayer ) ····················································· 헌 금 ( Offering ) ····················································· 헌금 기도 (Prayer) ··································································· 성찬식 (Communion) ··········································· 성경봉독 ( Scripture ) ············································· 광 고 ( Announcement ) ························································ ◈성도의 교제 ( Fellowship ) ···························································· 성탄축하무대 ······················································· 말 씀 ( Message ) ······················································· ◈ 헌신의 찬양 ( Song of Dedication )····················································· ◈축 도 ( Benediction ) ··········································· ◈ 표에서는 일어서 주시기 바랍니다 (Please rise at ◈ mark if you are able) 2011 년 12 월 25 일 위치타 침례교회 Wichita Korean Baptist Church 사역을 돕는 이들 교회소식 교회소식 Announcement 1.Boujakly 목사님께서 내년에도 계속 말씀 전해 주시겠습니다. (Pastor Boujakly will continually give us messages in next year) 2. 올해는 주일이 1 월 1 일 인것과 담임 목사님이 안 계신 관계로 송구영신 예배 (12/31) 가 없겠습니다. (There is no New Year’s Eve service this year since Jan 1 st is Sunday.) 3. 주일학교가 오전 10 시에 시작합니다. 아이들을 늦지 않게 보내주시기 바랍니다. 새 목사님이 부임하시기 전까지 10 시에 시작하겠습니다. ( Sunday school will be at 10 am until new pastor comes. Please have children here promptly at 10 because our time is shorter now.) 4. Lottie Moon Christmas Offering 에 동참해 주시기 바랍니다. US Goal: 175 Million USD, Church Goal: 1000 USD 자세한 정보는 을 방문하세요. 12 월 4 일 12 월 11 일 12 월 18 일 12 월 25 일 주일 예배 대표기도 (Prayer) Rick Oakely 양화옥연성구방성은 헌금 (Usher) 양현아 예배 위원 (Worship Committee) 다같이 ( All together ) ▣ 담임목사 : ▣ 협력선교사 : 기찬종, 김덕정, 김동욱, 김창의, 박용대, 황길상 ▣ 반주 : 지현주 ▣ 찬양인도 : 방성은, 양현아, 김표은 방성은 양현아 Pastor Boujakly 123 장 : 저 들 밖에 한밤중에 The First Noel, the Angel Did Say 인도자 ( Liturgist ) 다같이 ( All together ) Pastor Boujakly 다같이 ( All together ) Pastor Boujakly 인도자 ( Liturgist ) 12 월 섬기는 목장 December serving schedule 식사 (Lunch) Banaba, Philippine 설겆이 (Dish washing) Korea 예배당 (Main worship) ABS 어린이 교실 및 입구 (Classroom & hall) Mongol 화장실 (Restroom) China 교육관 (Education Building) New Mexico 친교실 (Fellowship Room) Vietnam Because Jesus is Born … 빌립보서 (Philippians) 2: 장 : 기쁘다 구주 오셨네 Joy to the World 바이올린 연주 조지은, 조재은 주일학교 학생들 / Youth Group Pastor Boujakly