What is…Beta Gamma Sigma?


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Presentation transcript:

What is…Beta Gamma Sigma? BGS: International honor society serving business programs accredited by AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. The Mission: to encourage and honor academic achievement in the study of business, to foster personal and professional excellence, to advance the values of the Society, and to serve its lifelong members. Values of the Society: Honor(beta) and integrity Pursuit of wisdom(gamma) Earnestness(sigma)

BGS in ewha 재무/회계 인사/전략 마케팅 창업 국제 Interested in understanding micro & macro economic environment (기업 valuation, F/S analysis) 마케팅 Innovative, creative, daring 창업 Open minded, interested in international setting (global work environment) 국제 Building corporate level strategy (has responsibility to present guidelines for BGS ewha) Customer oriented (Identifying customers’ needs, strategically planning the 4Ps) 인사/전략: 박지원(1385062), 강연설(1385009), 조혜경(1385145), 신수윤(1142036), 류원희(1285046), 김주현(1385031) 마케팅: 변유진(1385069), 류지은(1385049) 국제: 현다영(1385155), 김희연(1385043), 이누리(1385102), 류인영( ), 이선진(1285096), 허소영(1285150) 재무/회계: 오남경(1217019), 최수영(1085153), 강연수(1285006), 김세연(1001078)

BGS…subdivided, yet “one” 방학마다 2개 기업 선정, 학기 중 1개 기업 선정 후 심층적 연구 이 분석결과는 블로그에 축적 재무/회계 Is the firm satisfying its shareholders? What are the systematic and unsystematic risks of the firm? 인사/전략 What strategy is bringing competitive advantage to this firm? 마케팅 Will this firm continuously satisfy the needs of its customers? What can be done to better satisfy their needs? 창업 What innovative factors does this company have? Will those be sustainable? What factors can we benchmark? 국제 What international setting is the firm in? Will it perform better through diversification (in terms of expanding the company into different regions)? Why and How?

BGS , the first project 각 사회분야에서 활발하게 활동하고 계시는 선배님들과 “가치”있고 “지속적”인 만남을 어떻게 가질 수 있을까?

BGS , the first project 사업하고 계시는 선배 들 조사 연락 후 feasible time 선 정 창업팀 글로벌 팀 사업하고 계시는 선배 들 조사 Specific industry If possible, individual taste 연락 후 feasible time 선 정 글로벌 기업에 계시는 선배들 조사 Specific industry If possible, individual taste 연락 후 feasible time 선 정

BGS , the first project 첫 모임(BGS&졸업하 신 선배들)에 대한 전 반적인 계획 수립 인사/전략 마케팅 첫 모임(BGS&졸업하 신 선배들)에 대한 전 반적인 계획 수립 Who? How many? Theme선정 (fun/serious?) 장기적, 지속적인 교 류 전략 수립 선배님들을 선정된 dimension 별로 분류 Ex. 연령대, industry Develop 4Ps Product, place, promotion, price What will “we” deliver to the graduates to satisfy their needs?

Mini workshop 1. effective time management 2. mission statment

How is my time used? 1 week 168hrs School related time Personal studying Relationship building Exercising Transporting Eating/Sleeping Lost time? On average, 19hrs/week = lost time

Stephen Covey’s time management BGS TRASH

Mission statement example-Harley-Davidson, Inc Slogan / Motto: Define your world in a whole new way. Mission Statement: We fulfill dreams through the experience of motorcycling, by providing to motorcyclists and to the general public an expanding line of motorcycles and branded products and services in selected market segments. Description: Harley-Davidson, Inc., is the manufacturer of a line of motorcycles, with over 32 models of touring and custom Harleys. Aside from their line of motorcycles, Harley-Davidson also offers motorcycle accessories, motorcycle clothing apparel, and engines.

Mission statement example- BGS ewha Slogan / Motto: Be more and give more Mission Statement: We fulfill dreams (our purpose is) _____________by providing (we achieve our purpose by) ______________

Idea Box, and the Blogger 1-2명 책임감 있는 블로거 주요 업무: 각 부서의 모든 자료 정리&update 이누리(13), 류인영(12)

부회장 및 각 부서 리더 선발 재무/회계 인사/전략 마케팅 창업 국제 Core value: 책임감 부회장=오남경 김세연 Anytime anywhere까지는 아니어도 BGS문제가 생긴다면 바로 연락할 수 있는 사람… 인사/전략 신수윤 마케팅 창업 국제 허소영

각 팀 리더 task: 4주 계획 수립-example Week1(11/8): Movie night -We will watch Trading Places(movie) and have discussion afterwards. Week 2(11/11): Seminar- Introduction to portfolio management 1 -This will be a short seminar to help enhance your background knowledge for portfolio management (you will learn about: asset classes and financial securities) Week 3(11/18): Seminar- Introduction to portfolio management 2 -This seminar will be on efficient diversification and optimal portfolio decision. Please bring laptops/netbook or rent one from school as we will be using excel. Week 4(11/25): Discussion- Global financial crisis 2008 -We will discuss the implications of the crisis, the changes made after the crisis, and how it has influenced the world economy. *Announcement:  Charles Chang’s Presentation on “Thoughts on Chinese Economy” . Time: 7-9pm, 11/14(Thursday) Location: to be announced Lecturer: Professor Charles Chang, Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance Those that would like to attend the seminar, please contact me via email.

BGS ewha… symbol? 의견 받습니다