No More 5번 국도?
CRT High Speed Train 310miles per hour = 498 km/h 300km/h
China as a Global Economy
US as a Global Economy
So…what’s up with the Exchange Rates? Romney: China is cheating!!!!! Why is US so sensitive about the exchange rates?
Exchange Rates $1 = 6.3 yuan. Big Mac Index: 1 = 3.9
Summary China vs US US so much ahead in terms of politics, foreign relations, military, and economy. Chinese Exports highly depend on US economy China reinvests into US bond (10% max) But Korea too close to China
Korea’s Strategy Between China and United States 부제: 두 형님 나라 사이에 끼어 있어 불쌍한 나라 대한민국
Free Trade Agreement First Country to sign FTA with China, EU, and USA Exports: China (30%), US (20%), EU (15%)
Economic Strategy
Military Create our own technology World top 10 Get help from US
Foreign Relations 중국: 역사: 동북공정 (고구려 = 중국 역사?) 역사: 동북공정 (고구려 = 중국 역사?) 경제: 수출 의존, 한국 기업 진 출, 기술 빼가기 영토 분쟁: 불법 조업 미국: 경제: (FTA, 소고기, 자동차) 군사: (장거리 미사일, 한미전 시통작권, 주한미군)
China & N. Korea Border
Conclusion: ㅅㅂ쫄지마 힘과 숫자로 하는 것이 아니라는 것을 보여주자. 3million vs 200,000K 고구려. vKHc (3min 15sec)
Food For Thought How did your perspective on China change after the presentation? Anything you want to add? What do you think Korea should do?
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