Contents 전력시장 도입경위 및 특징 2. CBP 전력시장 운영절차 년도 시장운영실적 4. 전력시장 전망


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국내 전력시장 현황 및 전망 시장운영팀 과장 문경섭 ( 2005. 10

Contents 전력시장 도입경위 및 특징 2. CBP 전력시장 운영절차 3. 2004년도 시장운영실적 4. 전력시장 전망 My presentation will cover Firstly, the establishment of competitive electricity market in Korea. Secondly, Market and System Operation Thirdly, Long-term Power Development Plan of Korea. 4. 전력시장 전망

1. 전력시장의 도입경위 및 특징 그냥 지나침

CBP 전력시장 도입 경위 전력산업구조개편 기본계획 확정 (’99.1) 한전 사업단 체제로 개편 발전부문 분할(안) 확정 한전 사업단 체제로 개편 발전경쟁시장 모의운영 개시 전력산업구조개편 관련 법률안 국회 통과 (’00.12) 발전부문 분할 및 CBP시장 개설 (’01.4) 6개 발전회사 분할, 전력거래소 신설 ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

전력시장 구조의 변화 CBP TWBP 과거 독 점 시 장 양 방 향 입찰시장 (발전경쟁) (도매경쟁) (소매경쟁) (수직독점) 독 점 시 장 양 방 향 입찰시장 (발전경쟁) (도매경쟁) (소매경쟁) (수직독점) ( ~ ‘00) (‘01 ~ 현재) ( ? ) ( ? ) ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

전력산업의 구조 변화 산업구조 수직독점 부문별분할 시장형태 독점시장 경 쟁 시 장 소 유 권 국가소유 부분민영화 서 비 스 수직독점 부문별분할 시장형태 독점시장 경 쟁 시 장 소 유 권 국가소유 부분민영화 서 비 스 일방공급 소비자선택 가격구조 총괄원가 균형가격 ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

현 전력시장의 구조(1) CBP 전력시장 / 전력거래소 한전(송전, 배전, 판매) <시장거래> 자체 선로 전기. 열 판매 특 정 구 역 (잉여전력) (부족전력) <시장거래> <보완공급> CHP 발전자회사 민간사업자 (IPP) 자가용설치자 대규모 소비자 구역전기사업자 <직접구매> ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

현 전력시장의 구조(2) 전력거래소(KPX) 발전부문 경쟁을 통하여 전력시장에 전력공급 한전의 6개 발전자회사 기타 민간 발전사업자, 자가용 발전기 등 송배전, 판매부문 기존 한전의 독점체제 유지 전력시장에서 결정된 가격으로 전력 구입 전력거래소(KPX) 중립적 입장에서 전력시장 및 계통운영 담당 ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

직접구매 제도 직접구매 개요 직접구매자의 시장가격 직접구매자 재정보증 대상 : 수전설비 용량 5만 kVA 이상의 전기사용자 시행시기 : 2003년 1월 1일 법적근거 : 전기사업법 제32조 직접구매자의 시장가격 단일 시장 개념 적용 전력량가격, 용량가격, 부가정산금, 직접구매수수료, 송전요금 등 직접구매자 재정보증 현금 및 비현금 재정보증 ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

구역전기사업제도 구역전기사업 개요 과부족전력의 거래가격 정의 : 특정구역에 전기, 냉방 및 난방을 생산, 공급하는 사업 자격 : 당해구역 전력수요의 70% 이상 발전설비 보유 규모 : 3.5만kW(소형), 15만kW(집단), 25만kW(산업단지) 시행 : 2004년 7월 1일 근거 : 전기사업법 제2조 10의2 과부족 전력의 전력거래 보완공급(한전) 또는 전력시장(전력거래소) 중 선택 가능 과부족전력의 거래가격 전력시장(전력거래소) : 시장운영규칙 적용 판매 : 비중앙급전 발전기로 구분 구매 : 기존 판매사업자(한전)와 동일한 기준 보완공급(한전) : 보완공급약관 적용 ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

CBP 전력시장의 특성 (1) 강제적 전력시장(Mandatory Pool) 모든 전력거래는 전력시장/전력거래소를 통해야 함 모든 시장참여자는 의무적으로 전력거래소 회원으로 가입 한전과 PPA 체결 발전사업자는 선택권 유지 변동비 반영시장(CBP, Cost-Based Pool) 발전변동비에 기초한 발전경쟁 시장 변동비는 비용평가위원회가 사전 평가한 자료 적용 신규설비 유인을 위한 용량가격 지급 (한계설비 고정비) ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

CBP 전력시장의 특성 (2) 전력시장의 구분 전력시장의 가격구조 기저시장 : 원자력, 석탄 및 국내탄 발전기 일반시장 : 기저발전기를 제외한 일반발전기 전력시장의 가격구조 한계가격 : 전력량에 대한 지급 용량가격 : 중앙급전발전기의 가용용량에 대한 지급 비중앙급전발전기는 용량가격 지급 없음 기저발전기와 일반발전기별 구분 정산 ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

전력거래소 개요 설립 근거 (전기사업법 제35조) 전력거래소의 주요 업무 (법 제36조) 전력시장 및 전력계통의 운영을 위하여 설립되는 법인 전력거래소의 주요 업무 (법 제36조) 전력시장의 운영 및 부대 업무 전력계통의 운영 및 부대 업무 전력수급기본계획 업무(정부 위임업무) ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

회원의 자격 정회원 전력시장에서 전력거래를 하는 자 준회원 전력거래를 하지 않는 전기사업자 발전사업자 전기판매사업자 전력시장에서 전력을 직접 구매하는 전기사용자, 구역전기사업자 전력시장에서 전력거래를 하는 자가용전기설비 설치자 준회원 전력거래를 하지 않는 전기사업자 송전사업자, 배전사업자 및 건설중인 발전사업자 PPA를 체결한 발전사업자 ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

전력시장운영 규칙 ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

2. 전력시장 운영 절차 그냥 지나침

시장운영절차 전 력 시 장 운 영 규 칙 비 용 평 가 수요예측 발전입찰 가격결정발전계획 수립 한계가격결정 정 보 감 (발전회사) 수요예측 가격결정발전계획 수립 한계가격결정 운영발전계획 수립 실시간 급전운영 D - 1 10:00 계 량 정 산 및 결 제 D - 1 D - 1 15:00 D - 1 18:00 초기 : D+9 최종 : D+22 송전, 연료 제약 D D + 2 비 용 평 가 계 통 운 전 력 시 장 운 영 규 칙 정 보 공 개 분 쟁 조 정 감 ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

발전비용 평가 매월 : 연료의 열량단가 분기별 : 기술적 특성자료 및 발전비용요소 매년도 : 기준용량가격 결정, 각종 계수 기타 : 계통운영보조서비스 정산단가 등 제출 대상 : 중앙급전 발전기 평가자료 검 토 작성 · 제출 심사 ·평가 시장운영 적용 및 검증 (발전사업자) (전력거래소) (비용평가위원회) ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

중앙급전발전기 중앙급전 발전기 비중앙급전 발전기 20MW 초과하며, 급전지시에 응동 가능한 발전기 복합모드, 동일한 주변압기 연결, 동일수계 사용 수력 및 양수발전기 제주화력 모선에 연결된 2기이상의 발전기 동일모선에 연결되어 있는 2기 이상의 발전기를 1기로 간주 중앙급전 발전기의 의무 및 보상 의무적으로 발전입찰 및 급전지시 준수 의무 한계가격 및 용량가격으로 보상 비중앙급전 발전기 중앙급전 대상 제외 발전기 2만kW 이하로서, 급전지시에 응동 불가한 발전기 대체에너지를 이용한 발전기 발전기의 발전비용 요소를 결정할 수 없는 발전기 급전지시없이 자체적으로 운전가능 전력량은 계통한계가격으로 보상 (용량가격 지급 없음) ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

발전 입찰 입찰 대상 및 방법 입찰내용 입찰시간 변경입찰 대상 : 중앙급전발전기 방법 : 입찰전용 단말기 (비상시 FAX 등 가용한 통신수단 이용) 입찰내용 거래일의 시간대별 가능출력(공급가능용량), 제약 발전량 발전기 기술적 특성 입찰시간 마감시간 : 거래전일 오전 10시 대상기간 : 34시간(거래전일 19시 ~ 거래 익일 04시) 변경입찰 마감시간 이후 거래시간 이전까지 변경 가능, 가격결정에서 제외 ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

전력수요예측 전력수요의 의미 수요예측 프로그램 수요예측 방법 수요예측시 고려사항 송전단 기준의 시간대별 발전량 (송배전손실전력량 포함) 수요예측 프로그램 단기 수요예측 시스템(LOFY2000) 일간 및 주간 예측 가능 수요예측 방법 가격결정발전계획 : 프로그램의 자동예측 운영발전계획 : 경험자의 판단으로 예측결과 보정 수요예측시 고려사항 기상청 자료 : 전국 5대도시 최대/최저온도, 조도(1~10) 반영 과거 수요패턴(토, 일, 월, 평상일 및 특수일)과 비슷한 3~5개 패턴 ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

가격결정 발전계획 수립 거래일 예측수요에 대한 발전계획 수립 가격결정발전계획 수립 원칙 경제급전 원리 적용 발전기 운전조합(기동, 정지) 결정 시간대별 발전기 출력 결정 가격결정발전계획 수립 원칙 비제약조건 : 연료, 송전, 열공급 등의 제약조건 무시 경제급전 원리 적용 (전력수요 만족, 발전연료비 최소화를 위한 발전기 조합 및 발전력 분배) 발전기 비용 및 기술적특성자료 : 비용평가위원회 사전 결정 ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

한계가격 결정(1) LNG(L) 원자력(N) 석 탄(C) 중 유(O) O C L 24시 0시 수요 SMP 결정 발전기 BLMP 결정 발전기 ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

한계가격 결정(2) 전력수요와 입찰자료를 기초로 발전계획 수립 시간대별 배분된 발전량에 대한 발전가격 산정 한계가격 결정 제외 발전기 1시간 이내 발전한 발전기는 발전량을 입찰량으로 조정 최소출력 이하, 최대 증발률 및 감발률 초과 시간대별로 운전되는 발전기의 변동비 중 가장 높은 값을 한계가격(기저, 일반)으로 결정 ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

계통한계가격 사례

운영발전계획 수립 운전예비력 반영 각종 제약조건 반영 양수발전소 양수계획 반영 기타 사항은 가격결정발전계획과 동일 주파수조정 예비력 운전상태 대기 예비력 각종 제약조건 반영 발전사업자의 제약입찰 : 열공급 및 연료제약 전력거래소의 송전제약 기타 제약 : 전력계통 안정운영, 발전기의 기술적특성 및 시험 등 양수발전소 양수계획 반영 기타 사항은 가격결정발전계획과 동일 ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

실시간 급전운영 발전기 운전 제어 계통 신뢰도 유지 급전자동화시스템(EMS)운용을 통한 중앙 급전지시 발전기의 계통 병입 및 병해 지시 발전기 자동제어(AGC) 경제배분 및 주파수조정 계통 신뢰도 유지 발전기 고장대비 예비력 유지 송전선로 과부하 방지 전압/무효전력 조정 ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

계 량 전력의 계량 계량데이터 취득 계량장치의 정밀등급 계량기 설치 위치 시간대별 발전량에 대한 계량, 데이터 저장 및 전송 계 량 전력의 계량 시간대별 발전량에 대한 계량, 데이터 저장 및 전송 시간대별 발전량 데이터를 전력거래시스템에서 관리 계량데이터 취득 발전량데이터 취득 주기 : 5분(12개의 데이터 누적) 측정 자료 : 유효전력량(kWh), 무효전력량(kVARh) 계량장치의 정밀등급 계기용변성기 : 0.3 ~ 0.5급 전력량계 : 0.2 ~ 2.0급 계량기 설치 위치 주변압기 고압측(송전단) ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

전력거래의 정산 전력의 시간대별 거래량 확정 변동비 정산 : 계획발전량, 한계가격, 실 발전량 고려 계량값 누락 및 오차 정산 제약기동 및 제약정지 발전량 확인 변동비 정산 : 계획발전량, 한계가격, 실 발전량 고려 용량가격 정산 : 한계설비 자본비용의 연금화 정산원칙 구 분 가격결정발전계획 포함 가격결정발전계획 불포함 실 발전량 한계가격 + CP ① 자기제약 : 한계가격 + CP ② 계통제약 : 자기변동비 + CP 미 발전량 한계가격 - 자기변동비 + CP CP ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

결 제 정산금의 지급 거래 차수별로 전력거래 정산금 지급 5차 21 ∼ 25일 익월 23일 4차 16 ∼ 20일 익월 15일 결 제 정산금의 지급 거래 차수별로 전력거래 정산금 지급 5차 21 ∼ 25일 익월 23일 4차 16 ∼ 20일 익월 15일 3차 11 ∼ 15일 익월 10일 2차 6 ∼ 10일 익월 5일 1차 1 ∼ 5일 당월 말일 6차 25 ∼ 말일 익월 26일 구 분 전력거래일 대금 지급일 ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

3. 2004년도 시장운영실적 (2005 전력시장 운영통계 기준) 그냥 지나침

회원 현황 (’05. 8월, 계통설비용량 : 61,737 MW) 구 분 회원수 설비용량 (MW) 비율 (%) 정회원 판매사업자 구 분 회원수 설비용량 (MW) 비율 (%) 정회원 판매사업자 1 - 한전자회사 6 55,740 85.4% 집단에너지 14 1,368 2.1% 대체에너지 24 106 0.2% 자가용설비 9 2,565 3.9% 민간발전사 3 828 1.3% 소 계 57 60,606 92.9% 준회원 PPA 사업자 3,875 5.9% 한난/수자원 779 1.2% 4,654 7.1% 합 계 63 65,260 100% ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

회원수 변화

’04년 회사별 전력거래 실적 ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

’04년 회사별 전력거래 금액 및 단가 ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

연도별 전력거래 실적

발전원별 입찰률 및 이용률 입찰률 (%) = (입찰용량  설비용량)  100 ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009. 입찰률 (%) = (입찰용량  설비용량)  100 이용률 (%) = (평균발전전력  설비용량)  100

발전원별 정산단가 ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

요소별 정산금액 ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

발전원별 SMP 결정 실적 ○ Korean government, in order to improve the electricity industry efficiency, unveiled “The basic plan for restructuring of the electricity supply industry”. ○ in December 2000, National Assembly approved the revision of Electricity Business Act. ○ And, in April 2001, the KOREC, a regulator and KPX, a market and independent system operator were established, respectively. ○ Government’s “Market Competition Plan” indicates step by step introduction of competition, therefore, generation competition started in 2001 and it will evolve into wholesale competition and finally into retail competition in 2009.

4. 전력시장 전망 (제도개선 사항 중심) 그냥 지나침

CBP 제도개선의 배경 가. 전력산업구조개편계획 (초기계획) 나. 배전분할 중단 도매전력시장 도입 중단 발전경쟁 도매경쟁 소매경쟁 [’01~ ’02] [’03 ~ ’08] [’09~ ] 나. 배전분할 중단 도매전력시장 도입 중단 발전경쟁단계 및 CBP 체제 지속예정 ’04. 7 정부, 배전분할 중단 발표

현 CBP 거래제도의 특성 가격안정측면 시장경쟁요소 원가주의 비용 산정개념(가격안정요소)과 한계비용 시장가격 개념의 혼합시장 소비자 요금의 규제 기저와 일반시장으로 이원화 변동비 및 CP의 이원화 연료가격변동에 의한 요금부담 최소화 요금기저와 균형유지를 위한 푸울 시장가격 조정(α, β계수 등) 가격안정측면 기저와 일반시장가격 결정시 한계가격으로 결정 변동비 및 기술적 자료 반영의 수시성(→상황반영) 공급가능용량 입찰 허용 용량요금 지급으로 발전소 건설투자 신호 제공 시장경쟁요소 원가주의 비용 산정개념(가격안정요소)과 한계비용 시장가격 개념의 혼합시장

현 CBP 제도의 성과 시장안정화 도모 전력산업의 투명성, 객관성 확보 및 제공 좌초비용 발생 방지 원천적 가격담합 방지 시장이원화로 시장가격 및 소비자가격 안정 용량요금 지급으로 발전부분 신규투자 유인 제공 전력산업의 투명성, 객관성 확보 및 제공 발전부분 비용요소에 대해 위원회에서 평가 독립기관(KPX)에 의한 거래관리 좌초비용 발생 방지 원천적 가격담합 방지 시장지배력 행사 방지

현 CBP 제도의 문제점 경쟁요소가 배제되는 구조로 후퇴하는 경향 기저/일반시장 구조의 한계 장기투자신호 제공의 한계 단일구매자이며 모회사인 한전의 영향력 회원사의 수지균형 중시 기저/일반시장 구조의 한계 현재 규칙상 가격안정화를 위한 각종 계수는 시장개설 초창기 상황에 맞추어 설계 시장환경 변화발생시 시장운영규칙 반영에 한계 장기투자신호 제공의 한계 일률적 용량요금 지급으로 과다 설비투자 유인 지역적 투자신호 미제공

CBP 제도개선의 방향 단일 시장가격(SMP)와 차액정산계약 도입 지역적 신호의 제공 용량요금 지급기준의 개선 계통운영보조서비스 보상기준 개선 전력산업 관련 정책과의 연계 전기요금 정책 장기전력수급기본계획

CBP 제도개선 방향 CBP 최종소비자 한국전력공사 [단일 구매자] 발전사 단일한계가격(SMP) 규제된 CfD 요금규제 용량가격(CP)지급기준 개선 지역적 차등가격 적용 보조서비스 보상기준 개선 요금규제 시장가격과 전기요금 정책연계

Thank You Thank you for listening.