CISMING WEBSITE 비즈앤테크컨설팅 작 성 일 2017.01.09 버 전 1.9.


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Presentation transcript:

CISMING WEBSITE 비즈앤테크컨설팅 작 성 일 2017.01.09 버 전 1.9


회원국간의 교류의 장 형성 (고객 커뮤니케이션 강화) CONCEPT KEYWORD World’s 3rd largest multidisciplinary organization with 135 MEMBER NATIONS 135개 회원국을 보유하고 있는 세계에서 3번째로 큰 국제 조직 세계군인 스포츠소개 및 게임정보제공 기업/국가/행사 플랫폼 파트너 외국기업(스폰서)에게 이윤/ 혜택 스폰서 유치 브랜드 정립 및 정보전달 회원국간의 교류의 장 형성 (고객 커뮤니케이션 강화) SYNERGY GOOD WILL CULTURE PEACE CREATIVITY INTERNATIONAL

REFERENCE 액티브화면 다소산만 비쥬얼강조에 의한 직관적인 전달력 감소 시즈밍의 사업성격과 유사한 기구 가장직관적이고 전달성이 좋음 세계올림픽협회(WOA) 세계 장애인 올림픽 국제펜싱연맹 국제수영연맹 유니세프 월드비젼

CISMING CISM EVENTS NEWS CONTACT US MARKET CISMING WEBSITE MAIN member CISMING CISM EVENTS NEWS CONTACT US MARKET TYPE01 슬로건: Global Platform for Creative Peacemakers 슬로건이 로고의 CISMING 밑에 써져 있기 때문에 웹사이트에 쓰이는 로고는 저 문구를 빼고 사용 부탁드립니다. 1. 진행될 경기안내 배너롤링 - oman football cup - sochi winter games - Mongolia judo competition - Indonesia world cadet games 2. Event > game list 페이지로 이동 3. News > news 페이지로 이동 4. Event > MWG 페이지로 이동 5. SICM > SPONSORSHIP CATEGORY 페이지로 이동 2017 OMAN FOOTBALL CUP Football, along with track and field and swimming, was one of the first sports in which a championship was officially organized for by CISM… 2019 Wuhan MWG The 7th Military World Games will be hosted in Wuhan, China in 2019… 1 GAME NEWS STORIES SPONSOR 2 3 4 5 © 2017 CISMING. All rights reserved.

TYPE02 1 2017 OMAN FOOTBALL CUP - 2019 Wuhan MWG CISMING CISM EVENTS NEWS CONTACT US MARKET member TYPE02 1. 배너 마우스 오버시 내용이 나타남 MORE버튼을 클릭하면 해당페이지로 이동 1 2017 OMAN FOOTBALL CUP - Football, along with track and field and swimming, was one of the first sports in which a championship … 2019 Wuhan MWG MORE

메인 화면 이미지 비전 3. 글로벌 커넥션 “FRIENDSHIP THROUGH SPORTS” Never forgetting our motto, Taking every step towards WORLD PEACE 3. 글로벌 커넥션 THE THIRD largest international multidisciplinary organization in the world holding 135 member nations 2. 2019 WUHAN MWG THE BIGGEST MILITARY WORLD GAMES to be held in 2019 in WUHAN, CHINA

서브메뉴 참조 메뉴 상단에 CEO와 CI를 제외한 페이지들에 위와 같이 워드가 들어갔으면 좋겠습니다. (i.e. 올림픽 페이지)

Would you like to sponsor us? 메인화면 구성 Main Images CISMING 비전 – 이미지? 로고? We are a marketing agency established to jointly work with CISM on sponsorship for military sports games. We strive for creativity and to present a global platform for the 135 member countries (and more) to interact. CISM 단체 소개 Founded on the 18th of February, 1948, the International Military Council is one of the largest multidisciplinary organizations in the world. 게임리스트 – 이미지로 가는게 나을지? 리스트로 가는게 나을지? 뉴스 Would you like to sponsor us? (클릭하면 스폰서 페이지) GAME LIST NEWS Would you like to sponsor us?

Sponsorship doesn’t always have to come in as money. For CISMING, sponsoring an event is always a fun and creative project that we enjoy working with. Besides the big ones like 2019 Wuhan MWG, there are many annual competitions in different countries that are awaiting your support. We are open for all kinds of ideas that will catch people’s attention, like planning festivals and flash mobs, holding pop-up stores and showcases, or just about anything that makes sense in our marketing realms. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you or your company would like to be a part of CISM’s events! NEWS CISM Address: Bubang Annexed Building Samsungro 530 Gangnam-Gu, Seoul South Korea Email: Tel: +82 2 569 9103 Fax: +82 2 569 9104 © 2017 CISMING. All rights reserved.

CISMING WEBSITE CISMING > CEO CEO 사진은 없으며, 서명만 넣음 International Council of Military Sports (CISM) holds military sports competitions including the Summer and Winter games every 4 years and annual championships. Soldiers from 135 member nations strip themselves from their own ideologies and religions to cultivate friendship with people who are so different from each other. Physically wounded soldiers also gather in courage and efforts to participate as proud military athletes, enduring through hard training and pain to challenge themselves and inspire those around them. Seeing these scenes with my very own eyes, I’ve realized that peace wasn’t so far. One thing that burdened my heart so heavily were the soldiers who couldn’t participate in this global event due to financial hardships. Even with the littlest support, they could enjoy this festival of peace through sports. Seeing with my own eyes of how CISM events touched the hearts of the soldiers and audience and uplifted their spirit inspired me to take these events to the next level. CISMING was thus established to introduce an official marketing program to CISM to raise funds and become a global platform for communication between the 135 member nations. The first target for our sponsorship program is the 2019 Wuhan Military World Games. We are now in charge of all marketing programs for CISM events and hope to expand our works to reach and touch the hearts of every single nation. We promise to become a reliable partner and family to CISM, working each little step towards bringing everyone together in peace. We will stand by our works, strong and proud, to show the world what matters the most to us. I hope you will join us in our journey in participating in the most global platform to be made. 1 세계 군인 스포츠 위원회(CISM)는 ‘Friendship Through Sports’ 의 정신으로 4년마다 동, 하계 군인 체육대회를 또 매년 종목별 게임들을 주관합니다. 135개의 회원국 군인들이 이 순간만큼은 이념과 종교를 초월하여 평화롭게 땀을 흘립니다. 또한 불편한 몸이지만 상이군인 게임에 참여하여 우정을 나누는 상이군인들을 보면서 ‘평화’는 우리에게 멀리 떨어져 있는 것이 아님을 깨달았습니다. 하지만 제가 발견한 한 가지 안타까운 점은 각기 다른 국가의 형편으로 인해 출전하지 못하는 군인선수들이 있다는 것 이었습니다. 작은 경제적 도움만 있다면 스포츠를 통한 교류의 장에서 평화의 축제를 함께 즐길 수 있을 텐데 말입니다. CISMING은 건전한 방법의 마케팅 프로그램을 CISM에 도입하여 기본적인 경제적 지원을 하며, 135개 회원국의 소통 창이 되고자 건립되었습니다. 그 첫 번째 타겟 목표는 2019 우한 세계 군인 체육대회 입니다. 앞으로 저희는 CISM이 주최하는 각종 대회의 마케팅을 총괄적으로 담당합니다. 세계 군인 스포츠 위원회가 세계 평화 유지 역할을 잘 감당할 수 있도록 든든한 조력자가 되겠습니다. CISM의 마케팅 회사, 세계 최대의 글로벌 플랫폼 CISMING을 기대해주십시오. 감사합니다. D1

D2 Team 개인을 대표 할 수 있는 사진들 속에 이름, 이메일, 전화 , 인사말/ 모토 /키 워드 1 Hello ~ CISMING WEBSITE CISMING > TEAM Team 개인을 대표 할 수 있는 사진들 속에 이름, 이메일, 전화 , 인사말/ 모토 /키 워드 1. 마우스 액션시 담당자의 인사말나타남 1 Hello ~ 권고문님 장은선 팀장님 오승연 윤화영 변호사 Advisor CT Kwon --------------------------------- Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:1 Manager Sunny Eunsun Chang --------------------------------- Now then, stand still and see this great thing the LORD is about to do before your eyes. 1 Samuel 12:6 Coordinator Emma Seungyun Oh --------------------------------- The artist’s job is not to succumb to despair but to find an antidote for the emptiness of existence. Chief Legal Officer Whayoung Yoon --------------------------------- Hello everyone. D2

CISMING D3 Vision GROWTH THROUGH INTERNATIONALEXCHANGE CISMING WEBSITE CISMING > VISION Vision GROWTH THROUGH INTERNATIONALEXCHANGE 원활할 교류를 통한 발전 비전을 잘 담아낼 수 있는 비쥬얼 차트 예시 INCREASE IN AWARENESS OF MILITARY SPORTS GAMES THROUGH CREATIVE MARKETING 세계군인올림픽 마케팅을 통해 군인 올림픽 인지도 향상 및 기업 브랜드 인식 제고 CISMING GLOBAL PLATFORM 글로벌 플랫폼 PROVIDE A GLOBAL PLATFORM FOR PEACE FOR THE 135 MEMBER NATIONS TO INTERACT 135개의 회원국들이 평화를 위해 화합할 수 있는 글로벌 플랫폼 제공 “FRIENDSHIP THROUGH SPORTS” WITH MILITARY SPORTS GAMES 세계군인올림픽을 통한 세계 평화 ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL GROWTH THROUGH ACTIVE INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE 원활한 교류를 통한 균형적인 경제/문화 발전 기여 CREATIVE MARKETING 마케팅 [차트 밑에 넣어주세요] We are a marketing agency established to jointly work with CISM on sponsorship for military sports games. We strive for creativity and to present a global platform for the 135 member countries (and more) to interact. Enforcing the motto of “Friendship through Sports,” everyone here has a common goal of working towards world peace. We expect to see both economic and cultural growth through this global exchange of friendship and stronger ties between different nations. CISMING promises to be a company of honest and professional work that embodies the spirit and bravery of all our soldiers and staff. We take pride in achieving something so special and distinct from other international sports games and sincerely hope that you will join us in our journey. ENFORCING CISM’S MOTTO OF “FRIENDSHIP THROUGH SPORTS” IN PROMOTING WORLD PEACE 세계 군인 스포츠 위원회의 ‘스포츠를 통한 우정‘ 모토와 부합하는 세계적인 화합의 장- 세계 평화 유지 SYSTEM CIRCULATION 선순환 시스템 구축 D3

CISMING CORPORATE IDENTITY CISMING WEBSITE CISMING > CORPORATE IDENTITY Corporate Identity CISMING CORPORATE IDENTITY CISMING Identity comes from its vision of serving as a Global Platform for Creative Peacemakers. The earth represents the 135 nations that CISM has as its current members and its hope to reach other remaining countries. Two leaves from an olive branch are embracing the earth as if it is being held preciously by both hands to represent our aspiration for world peace. 두 손으로 지구를 감싸 안는 형상으로 큰 월계수 두 잎이 지구를 품고 있다. 푸른 지구는 135개의 회원국을 상징한다. 글로벌 플랫폼을 구축하여 세계 평화에 이바지 하고자 하는 염원을 담았다. D4

Colonel Abdulhakeem Alshino CISMING WEBSITE CISM > CISM CISM 회장 사진은 상체만 나오게 반으로 잘라서 배경을 없애주세요. Founded on the 18th of February, 1948 in Nice (France), the International Military Sports Council (CISM) is one of the largest multidisciplinary organizations in the world with the largest number of disciplines represented. CISM organizes various sporting events for the armed forces of its 135 member countries – soldiers, who may previously have met on the battlefield, now meet in friendship on the sports playing field. Over 20 annual World Championships and the Military World Games every four years are hosted with over 7,000 participants including Olympic Medalists and World Champions. Five founding nations – Belgium, Denmark, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands – created CISM while meeting in Nice at a fencing event. Although they were only European countries, the nations had a global project in mind. With USA joining in 1951, 31 new member countries joined the organization in just four years. CISM continued to gain international renown and proudly established its place as an official international organization. The organization continues to grow to this day with its most important philosophy, “friendship though sports,” which is set in CISM’s mission statement in 1998, signed by all member nations at the time. All staff members and participating athletes are well aware of the role they are expected to play in CISM as organizers and competitors. Military athletes represent the Armed Forces of their different countries and even when they are called upon to defend their own people, they shall never forget that they are also members of one big family, united by CISM through friendship. “To continue the honorable history of our organization, I have entrusted CISMING with all marketing rights and responsibilities to secure sponsorship for our games. I have great faith in the agency to expand beyond our limits and look forward to the changes it will bring in the near future.” CISM President Colonel Abdulhakeem Alshino D5 다음 계속 ^

CISM CISM Member Countries 135개 회원국 목록은 별첨 CISMING WEBSITE

SPONSORSHIP LEVELS D7 Sponsorship #1 CISM Global Partner CISMING WEBSITE CISM > SPONSORSHIP CATEGORY Sponsorship SPONSORSHIP LEVELS 1. 다운로드 버튼을 클릭하면 관련 자료를 파일로 다운로드 #1 CISM Global Partner #2 CISM Global Sponsor #3 CISM Global Provider #4 CISM Summer Games Partner #5 CISM Winter Games Partner #6 CISM Cadet Games Partner #7 CISM Football Cup Partner #8 CISM Games Official Supplier CISM Global Partners, CISM Global Sponsors and CISM Global Providers are the top three sponsors based on a 4-year sponsorship program, paying a specified fee per year for 4 years. They have the most privileges and benefits as CISM Global partner, sponsor and provider, and are guaranteed priority and exclusivity for all CISM events. Each game’s partner and supplier (#4-#8) sponsor a specific CISM event. Sponsoring companies may choose to sponsor more than one CISM event. D7 다음 계속 ^

CISM Official Supplier CISMING WEBSITE CISM > SPONSORSHIP CATEGORY Sponsorship CISM GA Partner CISM Media Partner CISM GA Supplier CISM Official Supplier Besides sponsoring CISM Games, companies can choose to sponsor CISM Annual General Assembly, which is hosted in a different country every year with more than 700 delegates from member countries attending the event. They may also choose to become CISM Media Partner or CISM Official Supplier. If you wish to sponsor a specific CISM event not listed in the category above, please contact us at D7 다음 계속 ^

festival Sponsorship products showcase flash mob pop-up store CISMING WEBSITE CISM > SPONSORSHIP CATEGORY Sponsorship Sponsorship, however, doesn’t always have to come in as money. For CISMING, sponsoring an event is always a fun and creative project that we enjoy working with. Besides the big ones like 2019 Wuhan MWG, there are many annual competitions in different countries that are awaiting your support. We are open for all kinds of ideas that will catch people’s attention, like planning festivals and flash mobs, holding pop-up stores and showcases, or just about anything that makes sense in our marketing realms. CISMING의 스폰서 프로그램은 열려있습니다. 창의적인 아이디어와 프로젝트를 가지고 있다면 저희와 함께 하실 수 있습니다. 경기기간동안 페스티벌 진행부터 사람들의 눈길을 사로 잡을 수 있는 팝업스토어, 군인과 민간인이 함께 기획하는 플래시 몹 댄스 등 마케팅이라는 영역 안에서 무한 가능성을 펼쳐보자고요! 2019 중국 우한 군인 체육대회 뿐 아니라 매년 열리는 경기들이 당신의 관심과 아이디어를 기다리고 있습니다. festival products showcase 상품 쇼 케이스 flash mob 플래시 몹 pop-up store pop-up 스토어상품

D6 Why Sponsor CISM? ADVERTISEMENT NETWORKING OPPORTUNITY CISMING WEBSITE CISM > WHY Sponsor CISM? Why Sponsor CISM? 다운로드 버튼을 클릭하면 관련 자료를 파일로 다운로드 Networking opportunity, product showcase, hospitality program 제목에 웹사이트와 맞는 색 추가. (조금더 비주얼적이게 보일수 있게) CISM celebrates all soldiers, no matter their country, who have served their countries with pride. In honor of their bravery and spirit to make a sacrifice for their country, the organization has used sports to gather all of them in one place. Sponsoring CISM not only provides the company an opportunity for advertisement, but also an experience of creating something unique under partnership with 135 member nations. ADVERTISEMENT Sponsoring companies will be given an exclusive chance to advertise their company and products through venue signage, product promotional showcases, brand appearance on international broadcasting and through many other advertising methods. Each company is guaranteed a coverage space on the composite board and a chance to appeal to the public and VIP guests of the event. CISM Global Partners will be given a unique opportunity to exhibit and display their products and services through their own product exhibition exclusively to all or selected VIP guests and assembled ministers so as to promote potential sales targeting high authorities and specific audiences. NETWORKING OPPORTUNITY CISMING represents one of the most effective global marketing platforms, offering sponsors unrivaled opportunities to connect with consumers. One of the greatest sponsorship opportunities in this program, one of the best indeed, is the chance to network with and entertain senior and important military personnel at the event. Ministers of Defense, Senior Military Personnel and Senior decision makers from 135 participating countries will attend the event. Sponsoring companies will also be given a chance to interact with other international or local companies from different continents. Meeting new leaders and company representatives will open up a road for new business and a chance to enter into global markets that were previously hard to approach. HOSPITALITY PROGRAM CISM sponsors will receive a unique welcome function and hospitality program that includes military service protocol prepared for VIP guests and military officials. The program will include excellent services and events including Tour of Wuhan, Chinese traditional and new exotic performances, superb food and quality service. For more information on privileges provided for CISM sponsorship, please click here. [클릭하면 PDF 파일 다운로드] D6 1

Official CISM Sponsor/ Official CISM Supplier/ CISMING WEBSITE CISM > SPONSORSHIP CATEGORY Sponsorship Category 자료 다운 받을 수 있게 개발처리 (to be finalized by march 31, 2017) RIGHTS Official CISM Partner Official CISM Sponsor/ National Partner Official CISM Supplier/ National Supplier Product Category Exclusivity   Right of First Refusal Marks and Logos Designation Sole and Exclusive Program Exhibition Product Showcase Event Hospitality Opportunities Product Integration Concession Program Merchandise Welcome Function TBD Event Hospitality Village TBD (Private) TBD (Shared) VIP Tickets Event Tickets X Accommod ation Television Broadcast Coverage Venue Signage Composite Boards Press Backdrop Accreditation Cards Match Program 1 (full) 1 (half) Website Graphics Standard Manual Event Research 관련자료 파일형식으로 다운로드 2017.03.31 업로드 가능

D8 Partners CISM MOU through CISMING CISMING WEBSITE CISM > PARTNERS Partners 파트너사 웹사이트 링크 CISM MOU through CISMING D8 다음 계속 ^

CISM MOU Partners Union International de Pentathlon Moderne (UIPM) CISMING WEBSITE CISM > PARTNERS Partners CISM MOU Union International de Pentathlon Moderne (UIPM) International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) (국제육상연맹) International Judo Federation(IFJ) (국제기자연맹) International Paralympic Committee (IPC) (국제장애인올림픽위원회) International Orienteering Federation (IOF) (국제오리엔티어링연맹) International Parachuting Commission (FAI) International Committee on Military Medicine (ICMM) http://www.cimm- United World Wrestling (UWW) (국제레슬링 연맹) International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) (국제배구연맹) International Equestrian Federation (FEI) (국제승마연맹)

PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES CISMING WEBSITE EVENTS> MWG (Military World Games) MWG 알림배너 형식으로 비쥬얼하게 표현 The Military World Games were created by CISM and happens every four years, always one year prior to the Olympic Games. The first competition took place in Rome, 1995. The event gathered more than 4 thousand athletes from 93 countries for 17 sports competitions in total. On occasion, the games also celebrated the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II and the signing of the UN Charter. The following games were held in Zagreb (Croatia/1999), Catania (Italy/2003), Hyderabad (India/2007), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil/2011) and Mungyeong (Korea/2015). 세계 군인 체육대회는 국제 군인스포츠위원회(CISM) 주관으로 4년마다 개최됩니다. 세계군인스포츠 위원회가 결성된 해1948년 CISM의 첫 게임 종목은 육상과 수영, 그리고 축구였습니다. EDITION HOST CITY PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES ATHLETES SPORTS 1st Rome, Italy 93 4,017 17 2nd Zagreb, Croatia 80 7,825 18 3rd Catania, Italy 81 3,217 11 4th Hyderabad, India 101 4,738 15 5th Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 113 20 6th Mungyeong, Korea 110 8,700 24 2019 Wuhan MWG 1 The 7th Military World Games will be hosted in Wuhan, China in 2019. The size of the competition is expected to be the largest compared to past events. Wuhan is the most populous city in Central China, being the capital of Hubei Province, and has reached a population of 10 million people as of 2015. The city serves as a major transportation hub for its key role in domestic transportation system and is also the largest economic city in Hubei Province. 제 7회 세계 군인 체육대회는 2019년 중국 우한에서 개최됩니다. 우한은 인구 1천 만명에 서울의 14배 크기의 면적으로 정치, 경제, 문화, 교통의 중심지로써 후베이성의 최대 거점 도시입니다. 지난 세계 군인 체육대회들 보다 훨씬 큰 규모로 치루 어질 것으로 기대하고 있습니다. D9 다음 계속 ^

MWG Wuhan, China CISMING WEBSITE WEB-003-0001 EVENTS> MWG (Military World Games) MWG Wuhan, China Provincial Capital – Wuhan The capital city of Hubei Province, Wuhan covers an area of 8,494 square km with a population of 11 million. It lies in the eastern Jianghan Plain at the intersection of the middle reaches of the Yangtze and Han Rivers. As a central metropolis of central China, the city carries a long history and splendid culture. Wuhan is known as the heart of Chinese geographic center and is often referred to as “Chicago of China” for serving as China’s major domestic transportation hub. Doubling Economic Output In 2010, Wuhan’s total economic output was RMB 551.576 billion (approximately 77 billion dollars). The 12th Five Year Plan encouraged Wuhan to reach a total economic output of over RMB one trillion. By the end of 2014, one year ahead of the schedule, Wuhan’s total economic output exceeded its goal, resulting in the elevated rank of the 8th highest in China. Wuhan was the only one in Central China, out of the nine Chinese cities, with total economic output greater than RMB one trillion. In 2015 September, Wuhan launched a plan to double its total economic output and surpass RMB two trillion by 2021. The city is China’s traditional manufacturing base, which has advantages in automobile, machinery manufacturing, iron and steel industry. It is now developing modern manufacturing industries, focusing on technology improvement and the development of industry clusters. Global Vision Wuhan was selected to become an Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone as an important part of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and a key city in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River City Cluster. It has been chosen to become a comprehensive innovation and reform pilot city. Wuhan also ranks no. 10 in China according to the China Urban Competitiveness Ranking on 2015. Shanghai, Hong Kong and Shenzhen took the top three places respectively. The assessment of the ranks is based on comprehensive economic competitiveness, industrial competitiveness, fiscal and financial competitiveness, human capital education competitiveness, etc. Last November (2015), the standing committee of the Wuhan Municipal Committee of the CPC submitted a draft of the Plan for the Systematic Promotion of Innovation and Reform and Accelerated Construction of an Innovative Industrial Center with Global Influence. Building an innovative industrial center that can give global influence requires also a global vision. It needs to centralize its economic activity and resources, create a national transportation hub, establish strong national information networks, etc. To achieve this grand goal, Wuhan launched the City Partners project and began inviting talents from across China and around the world to Wuhan to seek their advice and wisdom. This city’s glorious history has brought it to this moment, and it will continue to inspire Wuhan to achieve bigger, better and greater things.

D10 Game List 2019 - wuhan MWG (Military World Games) CISMING WEBSITE EVENTS> GAME LIST Game List 1. 국가경기를 클릭시 경기상세안내. 안내내용은 페이지 이동이 아닌 화면스크롤 이동 2019 - wuhan MWG (Military World Games) 2017 - oman football cup - sochi winter games - Mongolia judo competition 2018 - Indonesia world cadet games 1 2 2. 개최국의 위치는 아이콘으로 표시 지난 경기의 경우 회색 아이콘으로 나타남 지난경기 - 회색 현재경기 – 깜박거림 예정경기 - 칼라 아이콘 마우스클릭 또는 오버시 레이어 팝업 열림 경기에 대한 간략한 정보가 나타남 2 2017 OMAN FOOTBALL CUP Football, along with track and field and swimming, was one of the first sports in which a championship was officially organized for by CISM. The first championship dates back to 1948 in Prague and was continued until the 1st CISM Football Trophy was organized in 2013 by Azerbaijan. With its newly changed name, the 2nd CISM Football Cup will be hosted by Oman in 2017. Date : January 13th – 29th, 2019 우리가 직접 등록을 할 수 있는지? 드는 시간과 추가 요금은 어떻게 되는지? D10 다음 계속 ^

지도에서 개최국 마우스액션시 나타나는 기본정보 2017 OMAN FOOTBALL CUP Date : January 13th – 29th, 2019 Host Nation : Muscat, Oman Defending Champion : Iraq Participating Countries : - Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Guinea, Mali) - America (Brazil, Canada, USA) - Asia (Bahrain, Iran, Qatar, Syria) - Europe (France, Germany, Portland) 2018 INDONESIA WORLD CADET GAMES Date : 2018 – To be Confirmed Host Nation : Indonesia Previous Host Nation : Quito and Salinas, Ecuador Participating Countries : - To be Confirmed 2017 SOCHI WINTER GAMES Date : February 22nd – 28th, 2017 Host Nation : Sochi, Russia Previous Winning Country: France Participating Countries : - Europe: Bulgaria, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Slovenia, France, Italy, Greece, Finland, Switzerland, Belgium, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Austria, Russia - Asia: Republic of Korea, China - Pending: Iran, Pakistan Belarus, Marokko 2019 WUHAN MILITARY WORLD GAMES Date : October 15th – 30th, 2019 (TBC) Host Nation : Sochi, Russia Previous Winning Country: Russia Participating Countries : - Africa (tbc) - America (tbc) - Asia (tbc) - Europe (tbc) 2017 MONGOLIA JUDO COMPETITION Date : September 13th – 16th, 2017 Host Nation : Mongolia Participating Countries : Mongolia North Korea South Korea China Vietnam Myanmar Russia 다음 계속 ^

Game List 상세보기 2017 OMAN FOOTBALL CUP CISMING WEBSITE EVENTS> GAME LIST Game List 상세보기 소치 게임 st. basil’s cathedral를 제외한 모든 사진들은 CISM 웹사이트/yearbook에서 가져온 사진들로 원본 요청 이메일 보내놓은 상태입니다. 경기에 대한 전반적인 설명 경기일자 주최국 전년우승국 참가국 관련이미지 2017 OMAN FOOTBALL CUP Football, along with track and field and swimming, was one of the first sports in which a championship was officially organized for by CISM. The first championship dates back to 1948 in Prague and was continued until the 1st CISM Football Trophy was organized in 2013 by Azerbaijan. With its newly changed name, the 2nd CISM Football Cup will be hosted by Oman in 2017. The first namely trophy in 2013 changed to “Cup” for the second edition in Oman 2017, following the proposal of the current CISM President, Colonel Alshino, which gave the event more recognition. In January 2017, about 14 teams will meet in Oman for the 2nd CISM world Football Cup. 4 countries from Africa, 3 countries from Americas, 4 countries from Asia and 3 countries have confirmed to participate in the tournament. Iraq is currently the defending champion of the CISM Football Cup. With the opening ceremony on the 15th officially celebrating the event, the 2nd CISM Football Cup will host games for two weeks. 세계군인스포츠 위원회가 결성된 해1948년 CISM의 첫 게임 종목은 육상과 수영, 그리고 축구였습니다. 2013년 아제르바이젠에서 치뤄진 제 1회 CISM 축구 대회는 지금 2회를 맞이하였고 2017년 1월 14일부터 오만 무스카트에서 진행됩니다. Date : January 13th – 29th, 2019 Host Nation : Muscat, Oman Defending Champion : Iraq Participating Countries : - Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Guinea, Mali) - America (Brazil, Canada, USA) - Asia (Bahrain, Iran, Qatar, Syria) - Europe (France, Germany, Portland) footballcup.jpg 다음 계속 ^

Game List 상세보기 2017 SOCHI WINTER GAMES CISMING WEBSITE EVENTS> GAME LIST Game List 상세보기 2017 SOCHI WINTER GAMES The International Olympic Committee (IOC), the Aosta Valley Government and CISM HQ partnership fostered the participation of more than 40 countries in the 1st CISM Winter Military World Games. What made the 1st CISM Winter Games such a big success were the number of countries present for the event that was being held for the first time and the financial support from the International Olympic Committee. With the support and successful completion of the second Winter Games in France also, the 3rd CISM Winter MWG will be hosted by Russia the following February in 2017. Russia is a country of incomparable beauty, bounded by 12 seas of the Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific Oceans. The Russian Federation jointed CISM in 1992 and the country’s armed forces participated in the CISM World Military Parachuting Championship for the first time. For the next 20 years, the Russian team has traditionally held a leading position in competitions among men and women. Its team repeatedly won champions of CISM regional and world championships, establishing five world records. The 3rd CISM Winter MWG will be a big global sports event following the Sochi Olympics in 2014. 군인 동계 올림픽은 2009년 세계군인 올림픽 위원회와 국제올림픽위원회 (IOC), 이탈리아 발레다오스타 주 정부의 협력으로 시작되었습니다. 지속적인 관심과 성원으로 제 2회 동계 올림픽이 프랑스에서 성황리에 마쳤고 2017년 2월 러시아 소치에서 그 차갑지만 뜨거운 열정을 이어갑니다. Date : February 22nd – 28th, 2017 Host Nation : Sochi, Russia Previous Winning Country: France Participating Countries : - Europe: Bulgaria, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Slovenia, France, Italy, Greece, Finland, Switzerland, Belgium, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Austria, Russia - Asia: Republic of Korea, China - Pending: Iran, Pakistan Belarus, Marokko sochiwinter.jpg 다음 계속 ^

Game List 상세보기 MONGOLIA 2017 1ST CISM JUDO EAST TOURNAMENT CISMING WEBSITE EVENTS> GAME LIST Game List 상세보기 MONGOLIA 2017 1ST CISM JUDO EAST TOURNAMENT Judo is one of the sports that is perfectly suited for the training of soldiers. The training of fighting spirit, physical endurance, courage, resoluteness, and strength of mind are essential for the battlefield. Judo was first established in the CISM calendar in 1996 with Vienna, Austria hosting the first CISM Judo Championship. The history of Judo continues to this day and the 37th World Military Judo Championships was recently hosted by Uster, Switzerland from December 7-12, 2016. With such great success of hosting the championships, CISM decided to expand the sport into a different tournament. CISM President traveled to Mongolia to meet with President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj of Mongolia, the Minister of National Defense and Mongolia CISM delegate to discuss organizing a 7-nation East Judo Tournament. Fruitful discussions have led to confirmation of the dates of the event and participating countries of Mongolia, North and South Korea, China, Vietnam, Myanmar and Russia. CISM and Mongolia hope to establish deeper relationships among the participating nations and continue this new tradition for a long time. Date : September 13th – 16th, 2017 Host Nation : Mongolia Participating Countries : Mongolia North Korea South Korea China Vietnam Myanmar Russia cismjudo2.jpg cismjudo1.jpg 다음 계속 ^

Game List 상세보기 2018 Indonesia world cadet games CISMING WEBSITE EVENTS> GAME LIST Game List 상세보기 2018 Indonesia world cadet games The CISM World Cadet Games are an international multi-sports competition organized every four years, open to the current military students / cadets of Land Force Academies, Naval Academies, Air Force Academies, and other military academies (Gendarmerie, etc.). CISM committed itself to give a special meaning to the event to deeply connect the event to a specific educational concept. Workshops forums, and educational seminars will be integrated into each edition of the CISM World Cadet Games to offer all the participants, an opportunity to exchange concepts of military training, inspire and get inspired by the programs of other military academies, acquire valuable theories that they will use for their future commitments and to become better cadets, better soldiers and better military leaders. The Turkish Armed Forces were entrusted with the organization of the 1st CISM World Cadet Games, which were organized from 17th to 24th, October 2010 at the Turkish Military Academy located in Ankara. The following sports were selected for the 1st CISM World Cadet Games 2010: Shooting, Track & Field, Orienteering, Volleyball, Obstacle Run and Obstacle Swimming. The 2nd CISM World Cadet Games were held from August 30th to September 4th in Quito and Salinas, Ecuador for the following sports: Military Pentathlon, Orienteering, Shooting, Swimming, Track and Field and Volleyball. The 3rd CISM World Cadet Games will be held in Indonesia. 앞으로 경찰, 군인이 될 간부 후보생들에게도 CISM은 총과 칼이 아닌 스포츠를 통해 우정을 나누는 방법을 전수합니다. 전세계 학생 군인들이 4년에 한 번씩 종합 스포츠 경기 대회 출전을 위해 모입니다. 135개 회원국의 학생 군인들이 서로 영감을 받으며 건강한 자극을 받을 수 있는 교류의 장을 CISM 조직위원회는 워크샵, 세미나 등 다양한 방법으로 제공합니다. 1st Cadet Games: 2010 in Ankara, Turkey 2nd Cadet Games: 2014 in Quito and Salinas, Ecuador 3rd Cadet Games: 2018 in Indonesia Date : 2018 – To be Confirmed Host Nation : Indonesia Previous Host Nation : Quito and Salinas, Ecuador Participating Countries : - To be Confirmed Indocadet.jpg 원본없음 다음 계속 ^

Game List 상세보기 2019 Wuhan MWG CISMING WEBSITE EVENTS> MWG (Military World Games) Game List 상세보기 2019 Wuhan MWG The Military World Games were created by CISM and happens every four years, always one year prior to the Olympic Games. The first competition took place in Rome, 1995. The event gathered more than 4 thousand athletes from 93 countries for 17 sports competitions in total. On occasion, the games also celebrated the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II and the signing of the UN Charter. The following games were held in Zagreb (Croatia/1999), Catania (Italy/2003), Hyderabad (India/2007), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil/2011) and Mungyeong (Korea/2015). 세계 군인 체육대회는 국제 군인스포츠위원회(CISM) 주관으로 4년마다 개최됩니다. 세계군인스포츠 위원회가 결성된 해1948년 CISM의 첫 게임 종목은 육상과 수영, 그리고 축구였습니다. The 7th Military World Games will be hosted in Wuhan, China in 2019. The size of the competition is expected to be the largest compared to past events. Wuhan is the most populous city in Central China, being the capital of Hubei Province, and has reached a population of 10 million people as of 2015. The city serves as a major transportation hub for its key role in domestic transportation system and is also the largest economic city in Hubei Province. 제 7회 세계 군인 체육대회는 2019년 중국 우한에서 개최됩니다. 우한은 인구 1천 만명에 서울의 14배 크기의 면적으로 정치, 경제, 문화, 교통의 중심지로써 후베이성의 최대 거점 도시입니다. 지난 세계 군인 체육대회들 보다 훨씬 큰 규모로 치루 어질 것으로 기대하고 있습니다. Date : October 15th – 30th, 2019 (TBC) Host Nation : Sochi, Russia Previous Winning Country: Russia Participating Countries : - Africa (tbc) - America (tbc) - Asia (tbc) - Europe (tbc) wuhan2019.jpg

CISMING WEBSITE NEWS > NEWS NEWS 큰블록구조. 페이지구분이나 더보기 버튼 없이 마우스 스크롤하면 뉴스목록이 계속 나타남 내용에 따른 기사 분류: [News], [MOU], [Visit], [Event], etc. 검색기능 전체 3,456 건 37th WMC Judo – Uster (SUI) – Asian and European domination 16 DEC 2016 Launching of the Trophy of the 2nd Military World Football Cup 2017 in Muscat (OMA) 16 DEC 2016 37th WMC Judo – Uster (SUI) – Opening Ceremony 16 DEC 2016 D11

37th WMC Judo – Uster (SUI) – Asian and European domination CISMING WEBSITE NEWS > NEWS NEWS 37th WMC Judo – Uster (SUI) – Asian and European domination 16 DEC 2016 USTER (SUI) – The competitions of the 37th WMC Judo started on December 10 in the Buchholz Uster Sport Sporthalle with the team competition. Five competitors of each nations are facing in their respective weight category. The women’s team competition, a round-robin tournament, was dominated by China (Lan, Wang, Huang, Yan and Li) who managed to win the gold medal ahead of Russia, silver medalist. France & Poland are sharing the third place of the competition. . (Source: CISM Media & Communication Department) (Pictures: Mr. Maxime Morlet and WO Dominique Einsweiler) LIST

VIDEOS Cycling 16 DEC 2016 3rd World Winter Games CISMING WEBSITE NEWS > VIDEOS VIDEOS Total 3,456 건 Cycling 16 DEC 2016 3rd World Winter Games  16 DEC 2016 37th WMC Judo – Uster (SUI) – Opening Ceremony 16 DEC 2016

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D13 POSTINGS SIGN IN 회원(국)전용 CISMING WEBSITE MARKET > POSTINS POSTINGS 회원(국)전용 로그인버튼을 클릭하면 MARKET > POSTINS 메뉴가 나타남 회원(국)은 부여받은 회원아이디와 비번으로 로그인 아이디 : nat_kor 비번: kor_123# (8지리) 회원가입버튼은 없으며, 회원으로 가입하고자 한다면 담당자에게 연락하라는 메시지로 대신한다. 비번의 재요청도 담당자이메일로. CISMING CISM EVENTS NEWS CONTACT US MARKET member SIGN IN ID SIGN IN PASSWORD Your ID or password was entered incorrectly. Please contact us if you wish to become a member. E-mail address : Telephone : +82 2 569 9103 Recover your account. D13

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D15 POSTINGS What is the procedure for corporate sponsorship 국가명 CISMING WEBSITE MARKET > POSTINS POSTINGS 비밀글 전체 3,456 건 What is the procedure for corporate sponsorship RE 국가명 16 DEC 2016 제목입니다. 국가명 16 DEC 2016 제목입니다. 1 국가명 16 DEC 2016 Please type your password for private posts. PASSWORD OK < BACK D15 REPLY

POSTINGS What is the procedure for corporate sponsorship 국가명 CISMING WEBSITE MARKET > POSTINS POSTINGS What is the procedure for corporate sponsorship 국가명 16 DEC 2016 Norway_sports_information 01.pdf 내용이 위치합니다. . 16 DEC 2016 시즈밍 내용이 위치합니다. LIST