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Sawasdee ka.

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1 Sawasdee ka

2 아자리 수티로지(빔) 비교문학 석사, CU 아동문학 학사, SWU 난미출판사 편집주간 8년간 소설 담당 3년간 아동도서 담당
3개월 간 육아도서 담당 Let me introduce myself a bit. I’m Ajaree Sutthiroj or you can call me Bim. I’m from Thailand. I’ve got Master degree in comparative literature from Chulalongkorn University and Bachelor degree in children’s literature from Srinakharinwirot University. I’ve been working in book business for nine years, starting from taking care of fictions, for juveniles and adults like Harry Potter series or Nobel books like Red Sorghum, until now I’m in charge of Children’s and parenting book department.

3 태국 출판시장 Here are the information PUBAT, which is the Publishers and Booksellers Association of Thailand, gathered from the Book Fair. Amount of PUBAT members joining the book fair Amount of booths in the book fair Amount of people joining the book fair Money spent in the book fair

4 도서전에 참가하는 태국출판서점협회 회원사 수
도서전에 참가하는 태국출판서점협회 회원사 수 The amount of publishers and booksellers tends to reduce every year as you can see from the graph and I believe it will reduce more. But this is only the publishers and booksellers, not the readers. So there’s hope still for reading which I will show you shortly.

5 도서전 전시 부스 수 The amount of booths in the book fair also tends to reduce. As the result from the amount of publishers and booksellers.

6 도서전 방문객 수 But for the amount of people joining the book fair, it reduces for a few years but then seems to be still. I believe it won’t get any worse.

7 도서전에서 지출된 금액 You can see from the money spent in the book fair, it seems that it didn’t change so much. Only in year 2016 that our beloved King Rama IX passed away, so people weren’t in the mood for spending on anything, not only on the books. So from these charts, I believe there’s still the light at the end of the tunnel for book business in Thailand.

8 태국 아동 출판시장(3분) Waiting

9 새로운 어린 독자들의 마음을 사로잡는 경험과 새로운 미디어를 이용하는 방법
Facebook examples We don’t use Youtube much since for us, it seems that this way isn’t efficient. Mostly we use Facebook to communicate with our customers that a book is now launched and they can buy it.

10 These are examples of how we use Facebook
These are examples of how we use Facebook. Now in Thailand, EF, which is Executive functions, is so famous. There are nine of them. So, we make sets of EF books for our customers. They can easily choose the set of EF books they like. The left photo is the post about EF book set I’ve just told you. The right photo is the post we share from one of the famous influencers about children in Thailand.

11 These are other examples.

12 새로운 미디어 : 전선을 뽑은 인터액티브 도서 I’m not so sure if the unplugged interactive books is new media. Let’s say it’s the thing we would like to promote in order to attract new young readers to read books more. Unplugged interactive books is the books children can read and play, without any program, applications, or anything else. I’ll show you the examples. - Near, Far - Now You See Me, Now You Don’t - Mamoko Series - Press Here I’ll read you an example. Which one would you like to hear? (Storytelling)

13 각 도서의 마지막에 있는 활동들 And after the book ends (or at some point), we create some activities children can do by themselves or questions that parents can talk to their children further. This is another way to make a book interactive. To add more value to a book. We believe that every book won’t end after reading it. Parents and children can continue doing something together. This make a family be a family. They can communicate more and understand each other more.

14 아동 독서의 미래와 독서 캠페인의 결과 태국 지방 프로젝트
우리는 태국 지방 프로젝트를 작업하고 있다. 우리는 태국 전국을 여행하는 고양이에 대한 전선을 뽑은 인터액티브 이야기를 만들고 있다. 이 책들에는 어린이들이 놀수 있는 게임들, 예를 드면 물건 찾기 등이 있을 것이다. 또한 우리는 어느 지방인지 어린이들에게 바로 말해주지 않을 것이다. 어린이들은 스스로 단서를 찾아서 추측을 해야한다. 첫번째 책에서 “타-고”라는 고양이는 자기의 생일 선물을 열어보려고 하지만 그의 가족은 생일 아침에 열어보라고 한다. 그래서 그 고양이는 태국에서 가장 먼저 햇볕이 드는 지방으로 간다. 가는 길에 그는 그가 가는 곳으로부터 엽서를 보낸다. 그의 가족은 그가 의도치 않게 남기는 실마리로 그가 어디에 있는 알게 된다. 그들은 타-고를 따라가서 그의 생일을 함께 축하한다.

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