Spiritual Children Education & Settlement Plan (Based on example case of Gye Hyung Lee ∙Deok Lae Kang family) 안녕하세요 양운성입니다. 오늘 여러분 앞에 이렇게 선 것은 여러분도 아시겠지만.


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Presentation transcript:

Spiritual Children Education & Settlement Plan (Based on example case of Gye Hyung Lee ∙Deok Lae Kang family) 안녕하세요 양운성입니다. 오늘 여러분 앞에 이렇게 선 것은 여러분도 아시겠지만 저의 어떠한 활동이나 실적을 말씀드리는 것이 아니고 저에 믿음의 부모이신 이계형강덕례가정의 신종족메시아 활동에 대해서 몇가지 관점에서 정리해서 말씀드리고자 선 것입니다. 세계선교본부의 요청이 왔을 때 저는 자격이 안된다 생각하여 피하고 싶었지만 공적인 마음을 더 크게 가지고 용기를 내어 여러분에게 소개해 드리겠습니다. 특히 믿음의 어머니이신 강덕례권사님의 활동내용이 주가 되겠습니다. 강권사님의 전도와 양육의 특징을 말한다면 강권사님이 밖에서 전도해 오면 집에서 남편이신 이계형장로님과 함께 믿음의 자녀를 친자식 기르듯이 키우신 것입니다. 물론 여러 가지 개인적인 환경과 특징에 따라 모든 믿음의 자녀를 그렇게 기를 수는 없었지만 기본적으로 그렇게 키웠습니다. 직계자녀들과 함께 믿음의 자녀를 함께 키웠기 때문에 말 못할 사정과 어려움도 많았을 것은 충분히 짐작이 되실 것입니다. 세계평화통일가정연합 세계본부

Heaven Role of Church and Members’ Mission in the Era of Cheonilguk Tribes/ Tong Ban (local area) Community Family Individual 한 개인이 전도가 되어 가정을 이루고 종족을 형성해 나가는데 있어서 무엇보다도 중요한 것은 한 개개인이 그리고 각 가정이 얼마나 신앙적 역량을 키우느냐 하는 것이 관건일 것입니다. 그래야 튼튼한 공동체가 되기 때문입니다. 대그룹 교회에서는 이런 면에서 여러가지 교육과 환경을 조성해주어야 할 것입니다. Work shop Family Hoondokhae Home Group Tribal Messiah Activity Church(Big Group)

Ⅰ. Obstacles Elements which interrupts the settlement of spiritual children 믿음의 자녀가 정착하는데 있어서 방해하는 요소들이 있습니다. 이것에 대해서는 먼저 새식구가 인도되는 과정과 사례를 말씀드리면서 말씀드리도록 하겠습니다.

New Tribal Messiah’s Guidance for New Members Connecting point to new members Know-How based on the example case 새식구를 인도하는 것은 크게보면 전혀 모르는 사람을 전도를 하는 것이나 주변의 관계를 타고 들어가서 전도하는 2가지를 말할 수 있을 것입니다.

Connecting new member (Example 1) Deok Lae Kang (1800Couples) Street (40days witnessing activity) Younger brother Yi Jung Kim (6000 couples) Myung Hwan Kim (40 Million couples) Jong Sang Kim (40 Million couples) local Sung Ho Kim (360,000 couples) local 전도자의 전도동기 김이중(기도와 정성, 새벽5시, 당당함) 김성호(강순옥권사에 의해 연결- 강권사가 직접 키우는 과정이 많았음) local Younger brother Jae Man Noh (40 Million couples) Bong Gu Seo (400 Million couples 2ndstage ) local Sang Jung Kim (6500 couples)

Connecting new member (Example 2) Elder brother Chul Soo Kim and 4 more (6500 couples) Kyung Soo Kim (30,000 couples) Deok Lae Kang (1800 couples) street (40days witnessing activity) Elder brother In Gyu Kim (6500 couples) Jin Gyu Kim (6500 couples) cousin Hak Gyu Kim and 2 more (30,000 couples)

Connecting new member (Example 3) Deok Lae Kang (1800 couples) Coach of Eldest son Roe Sung Yang (360,000 couples) Parent Dae Kyung Yang, Young Hee Park (400 Million couples 5th stage) Younger brother Chul Woong Choi (360 million couples) Young Sang Lee (400million couples 1st stage) Young Il Choi (400million couples 4th stage) Un Sung Yang (360 Million couples) Friend

Obstacles Elements which interrupts the settlement of New Members 1) Lack of Giving Faithful Vision (Persistence) 2) Horizontal Support Foundation (Physical parents & close friends etc.) 3) Case of continuous passive attitude of faithful life 4) Human relationship inside church 5) Case of giving overwhelming responsibility comparing with level of faith development 6) Negative viewpoint of big group church

Ⅱ. Basic Principles of New Membership Settlement

1. Basic Principles of New Membership Settlement Big Smile( Appearance of those who were saved) + Action with full of kindness and love (Model of Ideal Family) + Persistent attention and encouragement (nurturing) + Disciplined Personality(Horizontal relationship) + Best Sermon & Culture of Service(Worship)

2. Key of New Membership Settlement Sincere message from spiritual parent ,Create empathy about family, love as essential fact in human life Image of happy family Meeting with family(bring the guest to home and introduce him(her) to family members after meeting three times outside) 3. Establish the stable relationship Spiritual parents give love to spiritual children just like physical parent Connect the guest with other spiritual children(Karaoke, Billiards etc.) 주변의 믿음의 형제들이 전도되는 과정을 들으며 믿음의 부모가 나를 전도하기 위해 얼마나 정성을 드리고 고생을 했는지를 간접적으로 느끼며 신앙의 중심을 잡아나갔다.

3. Serving of Spiritual Parents for New Members Pre-& Post- New Member Care after Divine Principle Workshop Send him(her) to workshop with other spiritual children While giving him a ride, encourage him to have a motivation and arrange the situation Spiritual parents who come from far away to give a speech(words of God & True Parents) directly Condition of other spiritual brothers who make effort to support => When one receives overflowing love, he wants to give this love back. 가정에 가면 준비된 환경(식사, 주변의 형제들이 대하는 태도) 나를 위해 차를 가지고 와줌(멀리서) 받는 것이 도가 차면 돌려주게 되는 현상

4.[Giving Hope] regarding substantial spiritual children Deliver providential messages when there is an important providence through Hoondokhae or personal meeting 2. Conditions never disappear!(The earth is a subject) All conditions offered by parents can be passed down to the descendants. Let us appreciate to have opportunity to offer conditions 3. Share the joy as a representative and overcome the sadness as a representative. 세상과 비교하여 내가 얼마나 복된 사람인지 인지시켜줌 참부모님의 말씀을 중심삼고 전도하는 사람이 복받는다는 교육을 해줌 영계에 대한 설명을 통해 지상의 삶이 위하여 사는 아름다운 삶이어야 함을 강조해줌

5. Education Road Map 1)Divine Principle Workshop: Guide new guest to participate workshop in order to give him a basic explanation about Unification Church and reach further understanding in detail 2)Periodic Phone Coaching: Change of mind in life, Checking the news about church from surrounded people, Discussion about self-change and challenge task, counseling about conflict relationship etc. 3)Associate among spiritual children and build a contact relationship: Make brotherhood(sisterhood) among spiritual children with similar ages group I witnessed, Make them participate reunion of all spiritual children 4)Invite them to family event: Invite them for family festival for baby 5)Make a relationship(relate with family of new guest):The parents of candidates for spiritual children, meeting with brothers & sisters

Ⅲ. Continuing Care Plan for Spiritual Children

1. Intermediate Leader Training Plan Raise the intermediate leader Set the intermediate leaders as middle position ancestor of progenitor in belief and let them establish branch family (Unity with spiritual parents at heart , members who are trusted by other brothers and sisters) In case of Seoul and Gochang, many members play core roles in reality by cooperating with big group of church 믿음의 부모의 지치지 않는 신앙 전진하는 신앙필요

2. Things inherited by spiritual parent when spiritual children establish branch family 1)Absolute faith toward True Parents 2)Ceaseless passion (marching forward without pausing) 3)Showing practical foundation and nurturing 4)Continuing attention and love 5)Focusing on 2nd Generation

3. New Tribal Messiah’s Hope and Task The word of Messiah is like an ancestor of Hometown. The king of tribe is Tribal Messiah. The position of Tribal Messiah is the position of 2nd parents, the position of Jesus Christ. It can be said,” I am dispatched as Tribal Messiah centering on True Parents”. You can go to the position of Adam after saving your tribes. (217-125, 1991 05 12) Why does this term, Tribal Messiah appear? The position of Messiah is the position of parents. Without becoming a subject of true love there is no word of parents’ position. Original thing which remains in this fallen world is the parents’ heart for their children. The reason why I declare all of you to become Tribal Messiah is that if you take your responsibility instead of True Parents Heaven will support you. (185-242, 1989 01 08, 199-186, 1990 02 16)

2) Task Everything will be prosperous if you have glorious family without fall. After you can be children, couple, family from parents, your family can inherit all True Parent’ victory and the absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal things from God’s characteristics. Since blessed families have ideal families as representative of God, my family is a center to show absolute authority. In order to be so, you need to be qualified to have the 4 Great attributes of God. We have to be the absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal parents, children, couple and family. Heavenly fortune stays and protect such a family. (294-328,1998.08.09) Originally, Home church means a unity of Adam’s family in love completely centering on God without failing in the Garden of Eden. In this way family church starts and developed by family tribal church and further more family national church and finally make one world as a form of ideal of family in worldly level.(102-230, 1979 01 01)

New Tribal Messiah’s Victorious Perfection and the Model 3)Conclusion Settlement of Hoondokhae Vertical oneness/ Individual perfection I Individual model Settlement of Home church 3 realms of Kinship/ 4 great realms of the heart Family Family model New Tribal Messiah’s Victorious Perfection and the Model Tribe Restoration of tribe Community/ Family Federation World of Culture of Heart Nation Restoration of nation Settlement of 12 tribes perfection as representatives God’s sovereignty/people/territory World Completion of Cheonilguk The Settlement of the Era of True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, Construction of original world of ideal of creation.

I(individual model)-family(family model)-tribe(restoration of tribe)-nation(restoration of nation)-world Thank you!