Shakespeare Class: Mon 8,9, Wed 8(402 College of Humanities)


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Presentation transcript:

Shakespeare Class: Mon 8,9, Wed 8(402 College of Humanities) Prof. Jeongho Kim 063-270-3214, 010-3672-2709

William Shakespeare(1564-1616)

The Globe Theatre

Shakespeare’s House at Stratford-upon Avon

강의계획서 수업목표: 본 강의는 William Shakespeare(1564-1616)의 드라마작품 이해를 그 목표로 한다. 장르적 특성 이해를 바탕으로 대표적 드라마작품들을 분석함으로써 소기의 목표에 이르도록 할 것이다. 본 강의의 세부목표로는 1) 극작가 셰익스치어 연구, 2) 엘리자베스 시대 정신 및 극장의 이해, 3) 비극 및 역사극에 나타난 셰익스피어의 의도 및 주제 이해, 4) 셰익스피어극과 영화 작품 비교 분석, 5) 21세기에 비춰 본 셰익스피어 극의 가치 등이다. 수강생들은 구체적 연극작품들을 분석하고 영화화된 자료화면들도 감상할 것이다. 수강생들은 조별 편성되며, 각 조는 특정 작품을 분석 발표할 것이다. 또한 연극작품을 감상함으로써 강의 중 부족한 부분인 공연 맥락에 대한 이해를 촉구할 것이다. 제 1주(Sep 3): 교재/수업방식/평가방식 소개, 조 편성(3개조) 제 2주(Sep 7,9): Who’s Shakespeare? Shakespeare in Love(Film) 제 3주(Sep 14,16): How to Analyze Drama / Romeo & Juliet (Team 1) 제 4주(Sep 21,23): Romeo & Juliet 제 5주(Oct 30) : Romeo & Juliet 제 6주(Oct 5,7): Rome & Caesar (Video), Shakespeare in Itlay 제 7주(Oct 12,14): Julius Caesar (Team 2) 제 8주(Oct 19): Mid-term Exam

제 9주(Oct 28): Julius Caesar 제10주(Nov 2,4): Julius Caesar 제 11주(Nov 9,11): Hamlet (Team 3) 제 12주(Nov 16,18): Hamlet 제13주(Nov 23, 25): Hamlet 제14주(Nov 30, Dec 2): Hamlet 제15주(Dec 10): Final Exam Evaluation: 출석 10, 발표 20, 연극리포트 10, 중간 30, 기말 30, 중간, 기말고사는 원본 텍스트의 꼼꼼한 읽기 및 이해를 측정하기 위해 등장인물의 대사 분석 및 해석, 그리고 괄호 넣기 등이 포함될 것이다.

Casa di Giulietta at Verona

Letter and Sign on Juliet’s Wall

Caesar & Rome

Piazza del Campidoglio / Foro Romano

Hamlet’s Castle in Denmark

Team Members Team 1(영문 4): 남상현(조장), 김온유, 김정훈, 류가은, 민채련, 박가람, 박로경, 소리나, 송철하, 이나라, 이진호, 정희경, 한효정, 함윤경, 허정인 (15명) Team 2(영문 3): 김민솔(조장), 고석원, 김선영, 김유진, 서두리, 서진솔, 양경찬, 임효정, 정소연, 조주희, 채한영, 한아영(12명) Team 3(영문 2 및 타 학과 학생): 송소영(조장), 노어진, 정주리, 한누리, 정다영, 시옥민, 홍나현 (7명)

How to Analyze a Play 1. Biography of a Playwright 2. Plot Synopsis 3. Scene Break 4. Character Analysis 5. Memorable Quotes 6. Conspicuous Elements 7. Imaginary Staging/Casting 8. Character’s OST(K-Pop) 9. Topics for the Further Discussion

Drama Genres 1. Tragedy (tragōidia, “the goat song”) 1) Tragedy is a form of art based on human suffering that offers its audience pleasure 2) Aristotle in Poetics: -“The structure of the best tragedy should be not simple but complex and one that represents incidents arousing fear and pity--for that is peculiar to this form of art.” -This reversal of fortune must be caused by the tragic hero's hamartia, intellectual misjudgment. -“The change to bad fortune is not due to any moral defect or flaw, but a mistake of some kind.”

-The tragic hero may achieve some revelation or recognition (anagnorisis--"knowing again" or "knowing back" or "knowing throughout") about human fate, destiny, and the will of the gods. Aristotle terms this sort of recognition "a change from ignorance to awareness of a bond of love or hate." -“Tragedy is an imitation of an action that is admirable, complete (composed of an introduction, a middle part and an ending), and possesses magnitude; in language made pleasurable, each of its species separated in different parts; performed by actors, not through narration; effecting through pity and fear the purification of such emotions.”

Mimesis : "imitation", "representation“ Core terms Mimesis : "imitation", "representation“ Catharsis: "purgation", "purification", "clarification“ Peripeteia: "reversal“ Anagnorisis: "recognition", "identification“ Hamartia: "miscalculation“, “misjudgment”

2. Comedy (komoithia. “a village revel—singing”) 1) Comedy contains variations on the elements of surprise, incongruity, conflict, repetitiveness, and the effect of opposite expectations. 2) Satire and political satire use ironic comedy to portray persons or social institutions as ridiculous or corrupt, thus alienating their audience from the object of humor. 3) Parody borrows the form of some popular genre, but uses certain ironic changes to critique that form from within.

4) Screwball comedy derives its humor largely from bizarre, surprising (and improbable) situations or characters. 5) Black comedy is defined by dark humor that makes light of so called dark or evil elements in human nature. 6) A comedy of manners typically takes as its subject a particular part of society (usually upper class society) and uses humor to parody or satirize the behavior and mannerisms of its members. 7) Romantic comedy is a popular genre that depicts burgeoning romance in humorous terms, and focuses on the foibles of those who are falling in love.