The 2017 International Radon Symposium™


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Presentation transcript:

The 2017 International Radon Symposium™ AARST 2017 Development and Evaluation of a System to Evaluate the Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters Min-jun Kim 2017. 10. 6 The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

Radon Inert Gas Radioactive Gas Odorless Tasteless Colorless 1. Introduction Radon Inert Gas Colorless Tasteless Odorless Radioactive Gas 라돈은 주기율표 18족에 속하는 비활성기체로 무색 무미 무취의 방사능 물질입니다. The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

* The origins of radon on earth 1. Introduction * The origins of radon on earth 우라늄 238의 방사능붕괴로 생성되는 천연방사능 물질입니다. 라돈 방사능 붕괴를 통해 폴로늄 납 비스무스 붕괴합니다. The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

1. Introduction The 2017 International Radon Symposium™ * Human Health Risk ① 실내 공기오염물질 중 하나인 라돈은 주기율표 18족에 속하며 원자번호 86의 무색 무미 무취의 비활성 기체입니다. 공기보다 약 8배 무거우며 물에 상대적으로 잘 녹는 특성을 가지고 있습니다. 라돈이 비활성기체임에도 불구하고 실내공기오염물질인 이유는 바로 방사선은 방출 할수 있는 방사능을 가진 방사성물질이기 때문입니다. The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

1. Introduction The 2017 International Radon Symposium™ * Source of Radon 다음 그림은 이러한 실내 라돈의 원인을 나타낸 그래프 로서 토양 우물 외기 건축자재 등이 있고 그 중 토양 라돈이 가장 많은 비를 차지하고 있습니다. 라돈의 실내 유입경로로는 그림에서도 알수 있듯이 주로 집에 갈라진 틈으로 유입이 됩니다. 지금 이 슬라이드에 자료는 보통 3층 이하 저층집에서의 실내라돈을 나타낸 것이며 고층의 경우에는 공기보다 무거운 라돈의 특성 때문에 토양 라돈의 영향을 거의 없다고 볼수 있습니다. The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

* Management criteria of Indoor Radon Management criteria (㏃/㎥) 1. Introduction * Management criteria of Indoor Radon Country Management criteria (㏃/㎥) New construction Existing construction Korea 200 148(Multiuse facility) Germany 100 The United Kingdom Canada Sweden Norway USA 148 WHO 이 표는 국내 거주형태 종류와 구성을 나타낸 표입니다. 표를 보시면 일반 주택보다는 아파트가 많은 것을 알 수 있습니다. 이 말은 2,3층 이하의 거주형태보다 4층 이상에서 거주형태가 더 많다는 것이고 3층 이하의 저층이 많은 해외의 실내라돈양상과 국내의 실내라돈양상은 다를수도 있다는 것을 알수있습니다. The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

1. Introduction The 2017 International Radon Symposium™ * Sort of Air-cleaner Division Principle Dust filter method Use HEPA filter, Dust removal by principle of particle inertia and diffusion Adsorption filter method Adsorption of odor and harmful gas using activated carbon Wet method Removes dust and noxious gas by utilizing the adsorption effect of water Electric dust collection system Corona charge and electrostatic force to remove dust on the dust collecting board anion method Attach wall / bottom of anion charged dust , capture and decomposition harmful substances Plasma method Decomposition of harmful gases using OH radicals UV Photocatalyst Oxidation / reduction of OH radicals and active oxygen, decomposition of noxious gases Compound method Combination of filter type and electric dust collection 이 표는 국내 거주형태 종류와 구성을 나타낸 표입니다. 표를 보시면 일반 주택보다는 아파트가 많은 것을 알 수 있습니다. 이 말은 2,3층 이하의 거주형태보다 4층 이상에서 거주형태가 더 많다는 것이고 3층 이하의 저층이 많은 해외의 실내라돈양상과 국내의 실내라돈양상은 다를수도 있다는 것을 알수있습니다. The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

*Mechanism of Air-cleaner 1. Introduction *Mechanism of Air-cleaner 이 표는 국내 거주형태 종류와 구성을 나타낸 표입니다. 표를 보시면 일반 주택보다는 아파트가 많은 것을 알 수 있습니다. 이 말은 2,3층 이하의 거주형태보다 4층 이상에서 거주형태가 더 많다는 것이고 3층 이하의 저층이 많은 해외의 실내라돈양상과 국내의 실내라돈양상은 다를수도 있다는 것을 알수있습니다. The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

1. Introduction The 2017 International Radon Symposium™ * Sort of Filter 이 표는 국내 거주형태 종류와 구성을 나타낸 표입니다. 표를 보시면 일반 주택보다는 아파트가 많은 것을 알 수 있습니다. 이 말은 2,3층 이하의 거주형태보다 4층 이상에서 거주형태가 더 많다는 것이고 3층 이하의 저층이 많은 해외의 실내라돈양상과 국내의 실내라돈양상은 다를수도 있다는 것을 알수있습니다. The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

2. Development of a System to Evaluate the Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters 라돈은 주기율표 18족에 속하는 비활성기체로 무색 무미 무취의 방사능 물질입니다. The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

1st Chamber The 2017 International Radon Symposium™ 2. Development of a System to Evaluate the Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters * Radon source 𝑬𝒒𝒖𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 : 𝑬 𝟐𝟐𝟐 = 𝒎 + 𝝀 𝟐𝟐𝟐 ㆍ 𝑪 𝟎 ㆍ V 1st Chamber 𝑬 𝟐𝟐𝟐 : 𝑹𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒏 𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆 (𝑩𝒒ㆍ 𝒉 −𝟏 ) 𝒎 : 𝑹𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒏 𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒆 𝒔𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒆 (𝑩𝒒ㆍ 𝒎 −𝟑 ㆍ 𝒉 −𝟏 ) 𝝀 𝟐𝟐𝟐 : 𝑹𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒏 𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒚 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕 ( 𝒉 −𝟏 ) 𝑪 𝟎 : 𝑰𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝑹𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒏 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 (𝑩𝒒ㆍ 𝒎 −𝟑 ) 𝑽 :𝑬𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆 ( 𝒎 𝟑 ) weight (kg) m λ222 C0 V E222 (Bq/h) (Bq/h·kg) 0.5 33.46 0.0075 233.10 0.125 4.40 8.80 1 68.13 307.10 The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

The 2017 International Radon Symposium™ 2. Development of a System to Evaluate the Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters * Radon source Count m λ222 C0 V E222 (Bq/h) (Bq/h·kg) 1 time 68.34 0.0075 52.73 1 68.74 22.91 2 time 72.60 57.54 73.03 24.34 3 time 70.93 51.92 71.32 23.77 라돈은 주기율표 18족에 속하는 비활성기체로 무색 무미 무취의 방사능 물질입니다. The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

* Stabilization of radon concentration in the 1st chamber 2. Development of a System to Evaluate the Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters 1st Chamber * Stabilization of radon concentration in the 1st chamber 라돈은 주기율표 18족에 속하는 비활성기체로 무색 무미 무취의 방사능 물질입니다. The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

The 2017 International Radon Symposium™ 2. Development of a System to Evaluate the Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters * Optimal flow setting 1st Chamber 2nd Chamber The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

The 2017 International Radon Symposium™ 2. Development of a System to Evaluate the Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters * Optimal flow setting LPM Chamber Initial concentration(Bq/m3) Equilibrium concentration (Bq/m3) Equilibrium time (h) Average concentration of Maintenance concentration (Bq/m3) 0.7 1st Chamber 448.07 - 2nd Chamber 25.53 1.3 486.18 497.65 18 480 20.7 397.38 400 4 405.52 165.39 5 150 55.13 161.69 10 430.67 118.4 2 80 11.98 115.81 The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

* Evaluation system for air cleaner filters Build-up 2. Development of a System to Evaluate the Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters * Evaluation system for air cleaner filters Build-up The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

Total radon reduction(Bq) 2. Development of a System to Evaluate the Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters * Verification Background HEPA GAC 1 GAC 2 Area (Bq) 5h 2855 2720 929 394 10h 10516 9660 6023 3894 15h 20311 19067 14126 10638 20h 30857 29844 23788 19349 Maintenance concentration reaching time(h) 18 21 24 Total radon reduction(Bq) 1142 7016 12053 BET (m2/g) - 818 1100 Radon reduction per gram (Bq) 116 200 The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

The 2017 International Radon Symposium™ 2. Development of a System to Evaluate the Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

3. Evaluation Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters 라돈은 주기율표 18족에 속하는 비활성기체로 무색 무미 무취의 방사능 물질입니다. The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

3. Evaluation Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

The 2017 International Radon Symposium™ 3. Evaluation Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters * Collected Building filter Samples Cabin HEPA Colgate Honeycomb 1 5 The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

3. Evaluation Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters * Result 1. Background 1st test 2nd test 3rd test Average rate Area (Bq) 24h 4830 4840 5175 4948 48h 13889 14317 14555 14253 72h 24111 25135 24860 24702 96h 34239 34836 35001 34692 Equilibrium concentration reaching time(h) 48 The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

3. Evaluation Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters * Result 2. HEPA 1st test 2nd test 3rd test Average rate Area (Bq) 24h 4872 4109 4685 4556 48h 14239 13396 13987 13874 72h 24517 23987 24009 24171 96h - Equilibrium concentration reaching time(h) 48 The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

3. Evaluation Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters * Result 3. Colgate 1st test 2nd test 3rd test Average rate Area (Bq) 24h 4002 3929 3782 3903 48h 12618 12374 12153 12382 72h 22720 22432 22343 22499 96h - Equilibrium concentration reaching time(h) 48 The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

3. Evaluation Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters * Result 4. GAC 1st test 2nd test 3rd test Average rate Area (Bq) 24h 2681 2659 2677 2672 48h 10124 9983 10091 10066 72h 20089 20014 20155 20086 96h - Equilibrium concentration reaching time(h) 55 The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

3. Evaluation Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters * Result 5. A 1st test 2nd test 3rd test Average rate Area (Bq) 24h 922 702 1054 892 48h 4174 4258 5079 4504 72h 9835 10320 11177 10444 96h 16874 17992 18435 17767 Equilibrium concentration reaching time(h) 108 The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

3. Evaluation Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters * Result 6. B 1st test 2nd test 3rd test Average method Area (Bq) 24h 1578 1425 1371 1458 48h 7020 6724 6459 6734 72h 14853 14734 14395 14661 96h 23940 23598 23208 23582 Equilibrium concentration reaching time(h) 96 The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

3. Evaluation Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters * Result 7. C 1st test 2nd test 3rd test Average rate 24h 2111 2006 1827 1981 48h 8534 8470 8422 8475 72h 17411 17455 17474 17447 96h 26739 26700 26868 26769 Equilibrium concentration reaching time(h) 72 The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

3. Evaluation Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters * Result 8. D 1st test 2nd test 3rd test Average rate Area (Bq) 24h 1674 1634 1533 1614 48h 7412 7156 6611 7060 72h 15328 14879 14019 14742 96h 24112 23753 23206 23690 Equilibrium concentration reaching time(h) 96 The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

3. Evaluation Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters * Result 9 . E 1st test 2nd test 3rd test Average rate Area (Bq) 24h 2323 2461 2698 2494 48h 9086 9134 9342 9187 72h 18510 18453 18079 18347 96h 27869 27671 27479 27673 Equilibrium concentration reaching time(h) 72 The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

3. Evaluation Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters * Result The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

The 2017 International Radon Symposium™ 3. Evaluation Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters * Result Background concentration HEPA Colgate GAC A B C D E Area (Bq) 24h 4948 4556 3903 2672 892 1458 1981 1614 2494 48h 14253 13874 12382 10066 4504 6734 8475 7060 9187 72h 24702 24171 22499 20086 10444 14661 17447 14742 18347 96h 34692 - 28223 17767 23582 26769 23690 27673 Maintenance concentration reaching time(h) 48 55 108 96 72 Total radon reduction(Bq) 406 1871 4284 18123 11110 7255 11002 6355 BET (m2/g) 950 1300 1150 1100 1257 1200 Activated carbon series Assembled coal system Shredded palm tree Activated Carbon Weight 700 800 750 350 Radon reduction per gram (Bq) 6.12 22.65 15.87 9.07 14.67 18.16 The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

3. Evaluation Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters * Result * Shredded palm tree * Assembled coal system 1300 1150 BET 1100 1257 18123 11110 Bq 7255 11002 800 700 g 750 22.65 15.87 Bq/g 9.07 14.67 The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

3. Evaluation Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters * Result * Shredded palm tree * Assembled coal system 1150 BET 1257 11110 Bq 11002 700 g 750 15.87 Bq/g 14.67 The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

3. Evaluation Radon Removal Efficiency of Air Cleaner Filters * Result * Activated carbon filter * Cabin filter * Shredded palm tree * Assembled coal system 1300 1150 BET 1257 1200 18123 11110 Bq 11002 6355 800 700 g 750 350 22.65 15.87 Bq/g 14.67 18.16 The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

4. Conclusion The 2017 International Radon Symposium™ * Development of radon reduction performance evaluation system for air purifier filter - Possible to evaluate according to filter type and raw material * Evaluation of radon reduction performance of air purifier filter - Activated carbon filter : Crushed coconut and activated carbon with high BET are advantageous -Cabin filter : Minimal or no reduction in performance due to use of fabric The 2017 International Radon Symposium™

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