김태훈 상무 IBM Cloud Business Unit Leader


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Presentation transcript:

김태훈 상무 IBM Cloud Business Unit Leader 내일의 비즈니스를 위한 기업의 클라우드 활용 김태훈 상무 IBM Cloud Business Unit Leader

94% 50 %+ 빠르게 확산되는 클라우드 도입 향후 5년내에 94%의 회사들이 클라우드 기술로 전환할 전망 2020년까지 IT 예산의 50%이상이 클라우드에 소비될 전망

많은 글로벌 선두 기업들이 혁신적인 고객 경험을 제공하기 위해 IBM 클라우드를 선택했습니다. Our Clients work with IBM as a trusted partner to deliver their signature experiences, enhanced though more actionable insights and business agility resulting from the application of IBM cognitive/AI services on their structured and unstructured data integrating both their new and legacy workloads using the right type of cloud.   IBM partnerships with clients- both new and existing- shows trust, that we can move them forward into new technical eras. 3

현재에 도전하며 내일의 비즈니스를 준비하는 한국 고객들도 이미 클라우드 여정을 IBM과 함께 시작 하셨습니다. 현재에 도전하며 내일의 비즈니스를 준비하는 한국 고객들도 이미 클라우드 여정을 IBM과 함께 시작 하셨습니다. 많은 글로벌 선두 기업들이 혁신적인 고객 경험을 제공하기 위해 IBM 클라우드를 선택했습니다. Our Clients work with IBM as a trusted partner to deliver their signature experiences, enhanced though more actionable insights and business agility resulting from the application of IBM cognitive/AI services on their structured and unstructured data integrating both their new and legacy workloads using the right type of cloud.   IBM partnerships with clients- both new and existing- shows trust, that we can move them forward into new technical eras. 4

1.0 Efficient Infrastructure Bulleted copy goes here 클라우드의 진화 1.0 Efficient Infrastructure 2.0 Modern Applications Public Cloud IaaS & SaaS Low cost IT Early Adopters Hybrid Cloud PaaS & Data Engagement Apps Enterprise Value Tactical Strategic Cost Speed Transformation 3.0 Re-imagined Processes Distributed Clouds Cognitive Apps Industry Solutions Survivors & Leaders

IBM Cloud One Architecture 인공지능(AI) 인공지능 애플리케이션을 개발하기 위한 API Conversation API Visual Recognition Discovery Speech Compare and Comply Document Conversion DLaaS Nat Language Understanding Nat Language Classifier Tone Analyzer Personal Insight Knowledge Query 데이터 데이터 저장 및 분석 데이터 수집 데이터 저장 데이터 분석 데이터 이행 데이터 통제 Cloud Infrastructure 고성능 확장 가능 인프라 Cloud Integration Networking Security Core Enterprise Infrastructure Cognitive Systems Virtual Servers File Storage Object Storage Micro-services DevOps Tooling 애플리케이션, 서비스 산업별 특화, 서비스 및 솔루션 Watson Oncology Cyber Weather IBM Services & Ind. Solutions Virtual Agent Explore and Discover IBM Risk and Compliance Asset Mgmt. (Maximo)

+ 멀티 클라우드 전략의 확대 제3의 업체 서비스를 통한 새로운 가치 확보 고객 기존 비즈니스에서 가치 추출 10명 중 8명이 멀티 클라우드 전략 채택 예정 71%가 3개 이상의 클라우드 사용 + 퍼블릭 제3의 업체 서비스를 통한 새로운 가치 확보 프라이빗 고객 기존 비즈니스에서 가치 추출 However, not all workloads should operate in a public cloud due to issues like latency and compliance requirements. Most organizations are adopting a multi-cloud strategy. Throughout industry today multi-cloud is the dominant model – 8 out of 10 companies use hybrid cloud, with 71% of companies using more than 3 different clouds. If you count shadow or department level cloud usage then the average company uses 5 different clouds. There are good reasons why, different workloads and regulatory and compliance needs, as example, mean that it is seldom an either/or choice – both public and private are required. Here’s why: Public clouds enable enterprises to get new value from 3rd parties – new innovation, weather insights, social media sentiment, cognitive & blockchain apps Private cloud leverages existing investments -- extend the scale, performance & security of internal data and systems to provide IT-aaS to stakeholders. To optimize the benefits of all these cloud environments requires a Hybrid Cloud strategy that is the focus of our discussion today.

IBM은 모든 클라우드 배치 옵션 제공 2 | Dedicated 3 | Private 1 | Public Maximize on cloud agility and economics. 2 | Dedicated Public cloud benefits, with dedicated infrastructure. 3 | Private Behind the firewall for the most demanding workloads. 일관성 있는 선택 하이브리드 통합 DevOps 생산성 강력한 데이터, 분석 기반 코그너티브 솔루션 Seamless Experience However, not all workloads should operate in a public cloud due to issues like latency and compliance requirements. Most organizations are adopting a multi-cloud strategy. Throughout industry today multi-cloud is the dominant model – 8 out of 10 companies use hybrid cloud, with 71% of companies using more than 3 different clouds. If you count shadow or department level cloud usage then the average company uses 5 different clouds. There are good reasons why, different workloads and regulatory and compliance needs, as example, mean that it is seldom an either/or choice – both public and private are required. Here’s why: Public clouds enable enterprises to get new value from 3rd parties – new innovation, weather insights, social media sentiment, cognitive & blockchain apps Private cloud leverages existing investments -- extend the scale, performance & security of internal data and systems to provide IT-aaS to stakeholders. To optimize the benefits of all these cloud environments requires a Hybrid Cloud strategy that is the focus of our discussion today.

IBM Cloud Private is NOW available for Enterprise! 퍼블릭 클라우드의 파워를 방화벽 내 기업 데이터센터로 확장 컨테이너, 마이크로서비스, 오픈소스 기반으로 클라우드 네이티브 앱 개발 및 기존 앱 현대화 완벽한 하이브리드 환경 지원 (Private Cloud 구축 및 멀티 클라우드 통합) 빠른 혁신 차별화된 통합 기존 투자 보호 관리 및 컴플라이언스 IBM Cloud Private is NOW available for Enterprise!

IBM Cloud는 내일의 비즈니스를 위한 기업용 클라우드 입니다 데이터 활용 최적화 Designed for your data 엔터프라이즈급 보안 Secure to the core 인공지능에 준비된 AI Ready

현재에 도전하며 내일의 비즈니스를 준비하는 한국 고객들도 이미 클라우드 여정을 IBM과 함께 시작 하셨습니다. 현재에 도전하며 내일의 비즈니스를 준비하는 한국 고객들도 이미 클라우드 여정을 IBM과 함께 시작 하셨습니다. 많은 글로벌 선두 기업들이 혁신적인 고객 경험을 제공하기 위해 IBM 클라우드를 선택했습니다. 많은 글로벌 선두 기업들이 혁신적인 고객 경험을 제공하기 위해 IBM 클라우드를 선택했습니다. Our Clients work with IBM as a trusted partner to deliver their signature experiences, enhanced though more actionable insights and business agility resulting from the application of IBM cognitive/AI services on their structured and unstructured data integrating both their new and legacy workloads using the right type of cloud.   IBM partnerships with clients- both new and existing- shows trust, that we can move them forward into new technical eras. 11