Kyoungju Park Computer Graphics Kyoungju Park
Topics Transform examples Principles of Animation Motion examples
Four universes Physical universe: 실제 세계 Mathematical Universe Representation Universe Implementation Universe Physical universe: 실제 세계 Mathematical universe: 추상적인 수학적 묘사 Representation universe: 객체의 이산적 묘사 Implementation universe: 데이터 구조와 계산모델(알고리즘)
Translate Physical universe Mathematical universe 두 사각형의 크기는 동일, 색상은 흰색, 까만색 흰 사각형과 까만 사각형의 아래 위에 위치 까만 사각형이 흰 사각형보다 두 배 빠르게 움직임 Representation universe 사각형 색상이 각각 0, 255, 정사각형 size = 40 사각형 위치의 y 값은 고정인데, 두 사각형 y값 차이가 사각형 size 까만 사각형이 이동, 흰 사각형은 두 배 빠르게 이동
Scale Physical universe Mathematical universe ? Representation universe ?
Rotate Physical universe Mathematical universe ? Representation universe ?
Arm Physical universe Mathematical universe ? Representation universe
A Human Model What is the most sensible way to traverse the tree? pelvis Right upper leg Left upper torso Right lower Left lower arm head What is the most sensible way to traverse the tree?
Principles of Animation Squash and stretch Staging Timing Anticipation Follow through Overlapping action Straight-ahead vs. pose-to-pose vs. blocking Arcs Slow in, slow out Exaggeration Appeal
Speed Control Simplest form is to have constant velocity along the path x t
Ease-in Ease-out curve Assume that the motion slows down at the beginning and end of the motion curve x t
Linear motion Physical universe Mathematical universe ? Representation universe ?
Bounce motion Physical universe Mathematical universe ? Representation universe ?
Moving on curves Physical universe Mathematical universe ? Representation universe ?
Next week… Vectors & Forces Object orient programming 클래스