Progress Seminar 2017.8.17 이준녕.


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Presentation transcript:

Progress Seminar 2017.8.17 이준녕

연구 진행 상황 보고서 재활의학과 응급의학과 혈압팀 2주전 계획 연구 결과 문제점 및 대책 목표 및 계획 - HW 논문 영문 검토 및 journal of medical systems 투고 Pulse pressure estimation 진행 Physionet data 분석 (w/ 장재) 연구 결과 WPR 임상시험 등록 Pulse pressure 논문 진행- intro, method 완성 Pulse pressure estimation 진행- cold pressor test 결과 완료 문제점 및 대책 WPR 임상시험 CRIS.NIH 등록 Pulse Pressure – Stroke volume relationship is non-linear (PEP-SV relationship is linear) 최수연 교수님 강남센터 연구 (IRB 문제) 목표 및 계획 WPR 논문 PM&R 투고

PP 논문 Intro Non-invasive continuous BP is important due to hypertension management PTT has been an effective solution, but PTT is the physiologically related to DBP, there is no direct relation to SBP (due to wave reflection) SBP=DBP+PP PEP has been shown to be linearly correlated to SV (R~0.9) & SV has been shown to be linearly correlated to PP In this study we intend to estimate SBP using DBP and PP; DBP using PTT and PP using PEP Is SBP estimated using this way better than estimating SBP using PTT or PAT?

PP 논문 Data analysis Correlations: Linear models: PPPEP + DBPPTT = SBPPEP, PTT & SBPPEP, PAT SBPPAT - PPPEP = DBPPEP, PAT & DBPPEP, PTT RMSE: SBPPEP, PTT vs SBPPEP, PAT vs SBPPAT vs SBPPTT Wilcoxon rank sum test for best model across all subjects Statistical equivalence: Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test: SBPPEP, PTT vs SBPPAT & DBPPEP, PAT vs DBPPTT if equal, we can claim SBPPAT works because of this foundation If not equal, we can hopefully claim our method works better for SBP estimation than just using PTT or PAT

Cold pressor test: PEP vs. PP N=12 Mean PTT-DBP correlation: 0.67, mean PEP-PP correlation: -0.63

Cold pressor test: PEP vs. PP N=12 Mean PTT-DBP correlation: 0.67, mean PEP-PP correlation: -0.63