Real-time Business Intelligence 솔루션


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Presentation transcript:

Real-time Business Intelligence 솔루션 하 봉문 부장 ( 솔루션사업부 사업부장 한국마이크로소프트

IT 현실과 이상 In addition to standard talking points for this slide - Business Intelligence is a great example of how IT can deliver greater value from existing assets Enables companies to unlock data stored in disparate data sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of business trends, operations, etc This understanding can result in increased revenue and profitability, reduced operating costs, and customer satisfaction. IT 현실 IT 이상

21세기 IT의 현실 HBR author is Nicholas Carr.

기업 IT의 진화 Real-time Enterprise Connection Paradigm Business Paradigm Cyber Market Traditional Trading Partners Enterprise Departmental Productivity External Transactions Collaborative Interaction Business Paradigm Connection Paradigm 최근 인터넷이 도입한 후 10년 동안 인터넷을 이용하는 비즈니스 파라다임은 1990대 초부터 1995년까지 단순히 회사들의 website를 보여주는 DOMAIN단계에서 1995년 2000년까지의 e-Commerce를 위한 Web사용으로 발전해 왔으면, 이 단계에서 다시 협업(Collaboration)을 위한 C-Commerce로 발전하였으며, PRM, SRM과 같은 많은 수의 기업시스템들이 C-Commerce를 위해 등장하였습니다. 그러나, 이런 C-Commerce의 원활한 활용을 위해서는 회사자체의 구조자체가 고객의 요구나, 비즈니스 환경에 실시간(Real-time)으로 대응할 수 있어야 하며, 이런 관점에서 최근에 Real-time Enterprise에 대한 관심이 많아지고 있으며, 이에 대응하는 여러 솔루션 및 구축사례가 발표되고 있다. Source: Gartner collaborative commerce 3/00

Real-time Enterprise에 대한 사례 - DELL 델은 불필요한 중간단계 없이 고객에게 직접 컴퓨터를 팔고, 제조업체와 직접거래하고, 사람들과 직접 의견을 나누었다. 우리는 그것을 “다이렉트방식”이라고 부른다. - 마이클 델 - 이런 RTE에 대한 개념은 최근에 나타난 개념이지만, 이에 대한 언급이나 사례는 DELL, CISCO 나 삼성전자사례에서와 같이 기존의 여러 서적이나 책에서 볼 수 있다. 특히, 델사의 경우를 보면, 델의 최고 경영자(CEO)인 마이클 델은 1999년에 발표한 그의 저서 다이렉트 경영(DIRECT FROM DELL)에서 다음과 같이 RTE와 같은 DELL버전 RTE방법인 다이렉트방식에 대해 이야기하고 있다. “델은 불 필요한 중간단계없이 고객에게 직접 컴퓨터를 팔고, 제조업체와 직접거래하고, 사람들과 직접 의견을 나누었다. 우리는 그것을 “다이렉트방식”이라고 부른다.”

Real-time Enterprise에 대한 사례 - 레인컴( 아이리버는 On-line Firmware Upgrade라는 방법을 사용하여, 지속적으로 제품의 기능을 향상하고 있으며, 또한 자료실, 온라인 고객문의, 고객제안과 다양한 Contents제공으로 고객과의 직접 의사소통을 하고 있다.

Real-time Enterprise 개념 “The Real-time Enterprise competes by using up-to-date information to progressively remove delays in managing and executing its critical business process.” Source: Gartner - Up-to-date information: Right-time, Real-time(?) - Managing and Executing: 관리 및 관련 실행작업 - Critical Business Process: 시스템, 사람, 프로세스 Realtime Enterprise라는 개념은 최근 가트너와 같은 여러 IT연구기관 및 컨설팅업체에서 정의하고 있으나, 그 중에서 가트너는 아래와 같이 정의하고 있습니다. “The Real-time Enterprise competes by using up-to-date information to progressively remove delays in managing and executing its critical business process.” 위의 정의 중에서 3가지의 정도의 중요한 의미를 가지는 부분이 있습니다. 그 중 첫쨰는 Up-to-data Information 입니다. 이 말은 다시 표현하면 Right-time이라고 해석할 수 있지만, 이를 다시 기술적으로 풀어보면 Real-time으로 Information를 처리하고, 반응할 수 있어야 된다는 겁니다. 두번쨰로는 관리와 실행(Managing and Executing)이라는 말입니다. 예전에는 단지 관리라는 부분이 주로 사용되었지만, RTE에세는 이것에 더해서 실행(Executing)까지 추가함으로써, 기존의 협업시스템과는 보다 높은 차원의 관리를 제공한다. 마지막으로 중요한 부분은 중요 비즈니스 프로세스(Critical Business Process)라는 부분입니다. RTE는 시스템이나, 사람에 중점을 둔 방법이 아니라 기업의 중요 프로세스에 기반을 둠으로써, 빠른 ROI를 나타내며, 기업의 모든 부분에 대해 적용할 필요가 없어진다.

과거의 기업 경영 Cycle Plan Do See

RTE의 기업 경영 Cycle Plan Plan Do Do See See time

Real-time Enterprise 요소 Elements What it is Capabilities Tracking Events data capture immediately Access all data capture tools at base levels Visibility Communicate to key stake holder Integrate multiple enterprise data bases Monitoring Alerts and exceptions identified Apply baseline/bench mark with control process Analysis Root-cause analysis and replanning Intelligent analysis tools and fast planning updates Performance Performance reporting and updating Performance management for feedbacks and control Responses Execute new plans and actions Agile supply chains to be responsive & flexible 세계적인 SCM및 RTE에 관련한 석학인 미국 스탠포드대학의 하우 리(Hau L. Lee)교수는 최근 세미나에서 아래와 같이 Tracking, Visibility, Monitoring, Analysis, Performance, Responses와 같이 6개의 RTE 요소(Elements)를 제시하였다. Excerpted from Prof. Hau L. Lee Stanford University

RTE 대응 IT솔루션 Portal Integration Tracking Visibility Business Intelligence Messaging Tracking Visibility Monitoring Analysis Performance Responses

RTE대응 MS 솔루션 Portal Integration Business Intelligence Messaging SharePoint Portal Server Commerce Server BizTalk Server SQL Server BI Solution (Reporting Services) Exchange 2003 Portal Integration Business Intelligence Messaging 각각의 Portal. Integration, Business Intelligence, Messaging 솔루션에 대해서 Microsoft에서는 Sharepoint Portal Server, Commerce Server, BizTalk Server OLAP/RS Server, Exchange Server와 같이 대응하는 솔루션을 제공하고 있다.

Real-time Enterprise와 Business Intelligence Gartner: RTE는 또 다른 IT기술이 아니라, 인터넷을 비롯한 다양한 IT 기술을 통합하여, 기업 중요 업무 프로세스를 실시간 처리를 할 수 있게 변화시키는 것, BPR같은 전사 개념은 아님. RTE의 특징적인 부분: 빠른 Performance 측정과 Response의 연결 및 운영 Real-time Business Intelligence를 이용한 Performance에 대한 관련자에 대한 공지 및 Response에 처리 현황의 제공 필수 Business Intelligence: RTE의 기반기술중의 하나..

통합 혁신을 통한 Business Value 제공 Integrated innovation, this is what we believe is the next big thing sitting in front of us as an industry and in the server business. This is not to say that everyone else has screwed it up in terms of exacerbating complexity, but part of the cost in complexity and manual processes has been introduced by technology. Our plans, and the way we're going to respond to this complex and manual environment, is through integrated innovation. You need to think about this problem holistically in order to do a good job. Our focus in the server business is to deliver holistically across the entire server stack so that our customers benefit from a comprehensive platform that is designed end to end to deliver “more with less”, deliver a promise of service level predictability, and enable next generation applications that drive new business value for companies well into the future. We think about the operating system, and making sure that we get a rich, broad platform at the base of our solution set. We think about operations infrastructure where we deliver comprehensive management, configuration and deployment capabilities. We think about an application and information worker stack, where the lines get a little fuzzy but we believe customers benefit by those lines blurring – where office is inherently enabled as a landing pad or front end for business applications. Our job all up is to take you out of the systems integration business. That isn't where you want to spend your time or your consulting dollars. Our job is to provide a very cost effective, and that doesn't mean just the cost of acquisition, and we all know that the cost of acquisition is only five, to maybe 10 percent of the total cost of any system over its lifetime. So as a platform vendor, Microsoft’s job is to deliver a platform that just works. This is the design point for Windows Server System. Common platform for IT Infrastructure, Business Applications, and Information Workers Easier to deploy, secure, and operate Fewer concepts drive greater simplicity Manage the solution, not just the parts Web Services connect everything Applications, departments, and enterprises Works with both new and existing assets

Window Server System기반의 Infra & Application 플랫폼 Web Services 플랫폼 뛰어난 생산성 및 가격 대비 성능 제공 광범위한 개발자 Community 및 이에 대한 지원

SQL Server Business Update 연 매출액 $15억달러(1조 8천억) 지난 10년동안 매년 50% 이상 성장 130만 이상의 Copy 적용 Windows기반에서의 시장점유율 1위 45% of Windows DBMS Market* 23% of non-mainframe DBMS Market* #1 in Business Intelligence #1 ranking in OLAP with 24% share of market* 기업고객을 위한 대용량 처리 기능 및 확장성 제공 TPs: SQL Server has seen tremendous growth over the last few years Microsoft’s 4th largest business (can/should we say that?) at $1.5B in revenue Grew at 37% last year while overall DBMS market has seen decline (declined 6% in 2002 per gartner/dataquest). Our CAGR over the last 9 years is 51% (per finance based on data from MSSales which dates to FY94. this is on billed, fully allocated revenue) Over 1.3 million servers deployed with SQL Server (note: current estimate per finance based on MS Sales data but this is likely to be revised in the future) SQL Server is the clear leader/db of choice for Windows with 45% share of the Windows RDBMS market Also seen significant growth in the Business Intelligence space over the last few years – seen our market share of OLAP increase from 0% in 1998 to the leadership position with 24% of the market in 2002 (source: OLAP Report) Validates the strengths/differentiation of SQL Server: highly manageable, integrated DB and analysis offering with low TCO Transition to next slide – with the gains we have made in enterprise class performance and scalability (as seen in TPC data in slide 7), we’ve also seen our customers and partners deploying their largest databases on SQL Server *Source: Industry analysts, OLAP Report

SQL Server Value, Performance The bar for 2003 should use 786,646 for the performance (in place of 707,000) and $6.49 for the price performance (in place of $9.13).  This makes the “accomplishment” bubble be “201x performance improvement!  1/17th the price!”.  The fine print at the right of the slide “Source:   Results final as of 6/02/03” needs to be revised.  The “as of” date should be current – as least today or better the day before the presentation (but this requires that we revalidate the data; easy to do, but necessary).  In addition, there is some fine print that must be included on the slide.  In total, the fine print is “Source:  As of 9/26/03.  HP NetServer LH Pro, 3904 tpmC, 110.35 $/tpmC, available 2/28/97, withdrawn 10/20/01.  HP Integrity Superdome, 786646 tpmC, 6.49 $/tpmC, available 10/23/03.”

Microsoft Real-time Business Intelligence Microsoft offers a comprehensive Business Intelligence platform built on a robust Windows Server and SQL Server relational database foundation with integrated analysis and reporting servers, extensive development and management tools, and widely accepted client front-end technologies from Office. Additionally for medium-sized companies, Microsoft Business Solutions offers a full set of applications with integrated financial and CRM analytical applications. BI Platform and Data Management Storage: relational and OLAP Data Modeling and OLAP Reporting server ETL—real-time and periodic Transaction integration Development Tools Design reports, schemas, expressions, transforms Tools with application focus Consistent technical foundation Rich Client Experience Viewing, reporting, analyzing, interpreting Navigating data Presenting results BI Collaboration Finding views, reports, information Simple quick views and previews Collaboration and sharing Managed report flows User ready / friendly data sources Business Applications Business content, schemas, business logic Report meta-data for business and transactional data Analytical applications SQL Server took over the lead from Hyperion in OLAP market share ( 2) There is a big opportunity in the BI market. According to a survey to readers of CIO insight magazine, 81% of companies surveyed expect to increase their BI efforts. More detail can be found at,3959,1098923,00.asp 3) Microsoft continues to round out its BI platform and make it easier for partners to build on the MS BI platform with technologies such as the SQL Server Accelerator for BI, Reporting Services, etc. 4) According to Gartner MQ for BI Platform, MS is the closest to the leader quadrant (we sit on the line between visionary and leader and are the most to the upper-right of all vendors). 5) We have some big wins in BI such as IRI, MGM Mirage (player management), CompUSA, etc.

SQL Server 기반 BI 관련 솔루션 Analysis Services: SQL Server 7.0부터(1998) Data Transformation Services: SQL Server 7.0부터(1998) Reporting Services: SQL Server 2000부터 (2004.2) Microsoft offers a comprehensive Business Intelligence platform built on a robust Windows Server and SQL Server relational database foundation with integrated analysis and reporting servers, extensive development and management tools, and widely accepted client front-end technologies from Office. Additionally for medium-sized companies, Microsoft Business Solutions offers a full set of applications with integrated financial and CRM analytical applications. BI Platform and Data Management Storage: relational and OLAP Data Modeling and OLAP Reporting server ETL—real-time and periodic Transaction integration Development Tools Design reports, schemas, expressions, transforms Tools with application focus Consistent technical foundation Rich Client Experience Viewing, reporting, analyzing, interpreting Navigating data Presenting results BI Collaboration Finding views, reports, information Simple quick views and previews Collaboration and sharing Managed report flows User ready / friendly data sources Business Applications Business content, schemas, business logic Report meta-data for business and transactional data Analytical applications SQL Server took over the lead from Hyperion in OLAP market share ( 2) There is a big opportunity in the BI market. According to a survey to readers of CIO insight magazine, 81% of companies surveyed expect to increase their BI efforts. More detail can be found at,3959,1098923,00.asp 3) Microsoft continues to round out its BI platform and make it easier for partners to build on the MS BI platform with technologies such as the SQL Server Accelerator for BI, Reporting Services, etc. 4) According to Gartner MQ for BI Platform, MS is the closest to the leader quadrant (we sit on the line between visionary and leader and are the most to the upper-right of all vendors). 5) We have some big wins in BI such as IRI, MGM Mirage (player management), CompUSA, etc.

Office기반 BI 관련 솔루션 Office Web Component Excel Solution Accelerator for Business Scorecards (2004년 5월 출시 예정) Solution Accelerator for Excel Reporting (2004년 4월 출시 예정) Solution Accelerator for Business Scorecards Solution Accelerator for Excel Reporting Microsoft offers a comprehensive Business Intelligence platform built on a robust Windows Server and SQL Server relational database foundation with integrated analysis and reporting servers, extensive development and management tools, and widely accepted client front-end technologies from Office. Additionally for medium-sized companies, Microsoft Business Solutions offers a full set of applications with integrated financial and CRM analytical applications. BI Platform and Data Management Storage: relational and OLAP Data Modeling and OLAP Reporting server ETL—real-time and periodic Transaction integration Development Tools Design reports, schemas, expressions, transforms Tools with application focus Consistent technical foundation Rich Client Experience Viewing, reporting, analyzing, interpreting Navigating data Presenting results BI Collaboration Finding views, reports, information Simple quick views and previews Collaboration and sharing Managed report flows User ready / friendly data sources Business Applications Business content, schemas, business logic Report meta-data for business and transactional data Analytical applications SQL Server took over the lead from Hyperion in OLAP market share ( 2) There is a big opportunity in the BI market. According to a survey to readers of CIO insight magazine, 81% of companies surveyed expect to increase their BI efforts. More detail can be found at,3959,1098923,00.asp 3) Microsoft continues to round out its BI platform and make it easier for partners to build on the MS BI platform with technologies such as the SQL Server Accelerator for BI, Reporting Services, etc. 4) According to Gartner MQ for BI Platform, MS is the closest to the leader quadrant (we sit on the line between visionary and leader and are the most to the upper-right of all vendors). 5) We have some big wins in BI such as IRI, MGM Mirage (player management), CompUSA, etc.

Newest addition to Microsoft’s comprehensive Business Intelligence solution

SQL Server Reporting Services!! 비즈니스 변화에 대한 실시간 현황 제공 기능 기업전반에 대한 보다 향상된 의사결정 기반 제공 유연하며, 기존의 IT 투자를 수용하는 경제적인 리포팅 솔루션 In conversations with our customers about their Business Intelligence solutions, we found that many of our customers had reporting needs that were not being met by current solutions available in the market. Customers wanted a solution that offered: Real-time insight into business trends through familiar tools. Customers want a reporting solution that is tightly integrated with their existing systems to deliver reports in real time to employees, customers, and partners. In addition, customers want to provide employees with the tools they need to analyst that information and act quickly on their conclusions. Better decision making across the entire organization. Rather than providing a specialized reporting package to executives or analysts only, customers are increasingly interested in equipping every knowledge worker in their extended organization with decision making tools. When BI is tightly integrated into business decisions at all levels, it delivers returns that scale with the number of users and decisions affected. This enhances business responsiveness and translates into hundreds or even thousands of better decisions across the organizations. Flexible and cost effective reporting solution. Customers are interested in a reporting solution that is flexible, can be imbedded and extended by in-house or 3rd party developers, and is integrated with their existing IT environment. Customers are also interested in a managed reporting solution that can scale across the enterprise without draining IT resources with never-ending requests for time-consuming custom reports. We decided to build SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services in response to these needs.

Windows 환경에서의 통합 리포팅 서비스 개방적이며, 확장가능한 기업 리포팅 솔루션 오피스시스템과의 완벽한 통합 VS.NET 개발 환경 통합 BI 플랫폼 Open, extensible, easy to customize. Reporting Services provides an open and extensible solution supporting the authoring, management and delivery of rich, interactive reports to the entire enterprise. SQL Server Reporting Services supports a wide range of data sources, including OLE DB and Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), as well as multiple output formats such as familiar Web browsers and Microsoft Office System applications. Reporting Services was designed to be easily embedded and extended by in-house or 3rd party (ISV) developers. Reporting Services offers a flexible tool for customizing reports. IT organizations will find it much easier to customize both simple and more complex reports with RS. Familiar end-user tools. Reporting Services is tightly integrated with the Microsoft Office System. This seamless link to the applications that your business already uses on a daily basis, such as Excel, SharePoint portal, and Project, ensures that every aspect of your business – from operations to sales and marketing - can draw on the information it needs to operate most effectively. Developer productivity. Reporting Services was built from the ground up on the .NET platform and provides developers with an open, XML based development platform for rapid application development and integration. Developers will benefit from a programming model that is more flexible and easier to use than the competition. End to end BI solution. Microsoft is uniquely capable of providing a comprehensive, integrated platform for business intelligence from data warehousing and analysis services capabilities in SQL Server, to end user reporting and collaboration through familiar technologies such as Sharepoint, Office, and SQL Server Reporting Services. With Reporting Services, SQL Server provides the single-most comprehensive BI platform on the market with integrated analytics, data mining, data warehousing and reporting functionality enabling companies to get more for less. For partners and enterprise customers, Reporting Services provides a cost-effective, integrated reporting solution that makes it easy to build custom business intelligence applications.

SQL Server Reporting Services 국내 적용 고객 SK Telecom 동아제약 롯데면세점 현대중공업 LG이노텍 유도실업 엠코 Open, extensible, easy to customize. Reporting Services provides an open and extensible solution supporting the authoring, management and delivery of rich, interactive reports to the entire enterprise. SQL Server Reporting Services supports a wide range of data sources, including OLE DB and Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), as well as multiple output formats such as familiar Web browsers and Microsoft Office System applications. Reporting Services was designed to be easily embedded and extended by in-house or 3rd party (ISV) developers. Reporting Services offers a flexible tool for customizing reports. IT organizations will find it much easier to customize both simple and more complex reports with RS. Familiar end-user tools. Reporting Services is tightly integrated with the Microsoft Office System. This seamless link to the applications that your business already uses on a daily basis, such as Excel, SharePoint portal, and Project, ensures that every aspect of your business – from operations to sales and marketing - can draw on the information it needs to operate most effectively. Developer productivity. Reporting Services was built from the ground up on the .NET platform and provides developers with an open, XML based development platform for rapid application development and integration. Developers will benefit from a programming model that is more flexible and easier to use than the competition. End to end BI solution. Microsoft is uniquely capable of providing a comprehensive, integrated platform for business intelligence from data warehousing and analysis services capabilities in SQL Server, to end user reporting and collaboration through familiar technologies such as Sharepoint, Office, and SQL Server Reporting Services. With Reporting Services, SQL Server provides the single-most comprehensive BI platform on the market with integrated analytics, data mining, data warehousing and reporting functionality enabling companies to get more for less. For partners and enterprise customers, Reporting Services provides a cost-effective, integrated reporting solution that makes it easy to build custom business intelligence applications.

SQL Server Reporting Services 해외 적용 고객 PARTNER TPs: 1) Reporting Services has a lot of support from the partner community across all Geographies. 2) Two types of partners for Reporting Services i) ISV's who add value to RS by building Client tools, OLAP extensions, or Embedding RS functionality include: Panorama, Cizer, Configuresoft, and MIS ag ii) Solution Providers who provide training, customer solutions, and services around RS include: Aspirity, Quilogy, Hitachi Consulting, and Hewlett Packard. 3) The partner channel is growing daily with more offerings and applications being made available to customer. 4) Partners are across all customers segments: Ent, Mid, CAS 5) Customers have a lot of choice in selecting the right partner for both services and applications. 6) Partners are key to the success of reporting services, they turn the platform into reporting solutions for customers. CUSTOMER TPs: Enterprise customers who have deployed or planning to deploy Reporting Services include: Marks & Spencer Black & Decker Mary Kay Best Buy TOTO Eastman Merck  

SQL Server Reporting Services 인터넷 기반의 최상의 Reporting Platform 기존 IT 투자에 대한 활용 및 간편한 개발 MS Real-time Business Intelligence suite의 중요 솔루션 마지막으로 Deployment Guide를 읽어보시고, 평가판을 다운로드하셔서 Reporting Services를 확인해 보십시요.
