Korea Office Germany today – 20 years after unification Christoph Pohlmann Resident Representative, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Korea Hannam University.

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Presentation on theme: "Korea Office Germany today – 20 years after unification Christoph Pohlmann Resident Representative, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Korea Hannam University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Korea Office Germany today – 20 years after unification Christoph Pohlmann Resident Representative, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Korea Hannam University Lecture, 7 April 2011 Korea Office

2 Contents Introduction Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung 20 years of German unification: Achievements and challenges Germany today 2

3 Korea Office Introduction Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) 아시아 ∙ 태평양 지역국 3

4 Korea Office 프리드리히 에버트 재단은 독일에서 가장 오랜 역사를 가진 정치 재단이다. 프리드리히 에버트 재단은 민주적 절차로 선출된 독일 제 1 공화국의 프리드리히 에버트 초대 대통령을 기리고자 1925 년 설립되었다. 프리드리히 에버트 재단은 공익을 추구하는 민간 기관으로 사회적 민주주의와 노동 운동의 이상과 기본 가치를 구현하는 데 주력하고 있다. 4

5 Korea Office 네트워크 공유하는 가치는 자유, 민주주의 그리고 사회 정의 FES 는 이들 단체와 조직, 인적 구성 및 재정 면에서 독립적이다. 5

6 Korea Office 프리드리히 에버트 재단의 과제  민주시민 교육  장학 사업  연구 활동  국제 협력 사업 6

7 Korea Office 국제 사업 목표  민족간, 나아가 파트너 국가간의 평화와 이해 증진  국가와 사회의 민주화 및 시민사회 역량의 강화  정치, 경제, 사회 여건의 개선 7

8 Korea Office 프리드리히 에버트 재단 아시아 사무소 사무소 : 14 개 본부 파견 직원 : 14 명 현지 직원 : 약 100 명 Yangun 8

9 Korea Office 국제 협력 사업의 중요성에 비추어 그것이 정부 주도만으로 이루어져서는 안 된다.“ ( 빌리 브란트 ) 9

10 Korea Office 10 20 years of German unification: Achievements and challenges Germany and Korea are bound together by the experience of national division and the longing for unification Unification has been one of the brightest moments of recent German history. Overall, it is a success story.

11 Korea Office 11 Impressions of divided Germany (I) Brandenburg Gate, BerlinSoviet tanks, Berlin

12 Korea Office 12 Impressions of divided Germany (II) Berlin Wall with GraffitiGerman border running through farm, Berlin/Brandenburg

13 Korea Office 13 Achievements  Politically, Germany has become more diverse, but democracy has further developed and consolidated itself, also in East Germany. Concerning foreign policy, Germany plays a leading role in European integration and has assumed a more responsible role in international affairs and security policy.  Economically, Germany has maintained its export competitiveness, and the East German economy has been gradually modernized.  Socially, living standards in East Germany have improved dramatically concerning health, housing, etc.

14 Korea Office 14 Challenges  Politically, right-wing extremism remains a challenges, especially in East Germany. There is also an increasing alienation between ordinary citizens and the political class.  Economically, the competitiveness gap between West and East Germany is still significant. High unemployment remains a major problem in East Germany.  Socially, many East Germans still feel as second-class citizens. West and East Germans tend to know each other little, and many West Germans are not interested in their East German fellow citizens.

15 Korea Office 15 3. Germany today  German society has changed remarkably in the last 20 years since unification.  Traditional image of Germans: Disciplined, orderly, serious, lacking humour...  German society today:  Growing tolerance and societal liberalism (lifestyles, family values, sexuality)  Emancipation of women has increased  Changing patterns of work-life balance  Growing internationality, especially among young generation  New international art and culture scene (Berlin)

16 Korea Office 16 3. Impressions of contemporary Germany (I) Brandenburg Gate, Berlin German Parliament (Bundestag), Berlin

17 Korea Office 17 3. Impressions of contemporary Germany (II) Neumarkt with Frauenkirche, Dresden Arthouse „tacheles“, Berlin-Mitte

18 Korea Office 18 Main challenges for unified Germany  True integration of formerly West and East Germany  Demographic development (ageing of society)  Integration of immigrants/multi-cultural society

19 Korea Office 19 Links on Germany Introduction to Germany: www.deutschland.de/en/ Germany and young people: www.young-germany.de News and information on Deutsche Welle: www.dw-world.de German culture: Goethe Institute Seoul: www.goethe.de/ins/kr/seo/koindex.htm Studying in Germany – German Academic Exchange Service: http://www.study-in.de/en/ http://www.seoul.diplo.de/Vertretung/seoul/ko/06/Stipendien/DAAD__s.html

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