Dying medicine technology in some cases in other cases suffer terrible pain stealing symptom emotional vary versus vulnerable temptation pressure unworthy.

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Presentation on theme: "Dying medicine technology in some cases in other cases suffer terrible pain stealing symptom emotional vary versus vulnerable temptation pressure unworthy."— Presentation transcript:

1 dying medicine technology in some cases in other cases suffer terrible pain stealing symptom emotional vary versus vulnerable temptation pressure unworthy depressed unattractive unaccepted full of confidence Saturn discouraged embarrassed Lesson 4 죽어가는 약 기술 어떤 경우에 다른 경우에 끔찍한 고통을 겪다 절도 증상 감정적인 바꾸다. 다양하다 - 에 대비하여 상처입기 쉬운, 취약한 유혹 압박 가치 없는 낙담한 매력 없는 인정받지 못하는 자신감에 가득차서 토성 낙담한 당혹한 immediately local citizens turn - into hire seniors employment worthy because of aimlessly satisfied with reasonable explanation behavior reputation stick-stuck frightened of rescue have to do with claw hook when it comes to 즉시 주민, 시민 - 로 바꾸다 고용하다 연장자 고용 가치 있는 - 때문에 목적 없이 - 에 만족한 합리적인 설명 행위 평판 꼼짝하지 못하게 하다 - 을 두려워하는 구조하다 - 와 관련이 있다 발톱 갈고리처럼 구부리다 - 에 관한 한

2 Should we always help dying people (A) live / living longer if we can? With new kinds of medicine and technology, we are often able to keep a sick person alive. But we are not able to make that person well again. In some cases, the person never wakes up but just lies there (B) alive / living and unable to think or move. In other cases, the person wakes up but (C) suffer / suffers terrible pain while doctors keep him or her from dying. What should be done in such cases? 1.(A)-(B)-(C) 의 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은 ? (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (C) ① live─alive─suffer ② live─alive─suffers ③ living─living─suffers ④ living─living─suffer ⑤ living─alive─suffers 4. 보어의 심층 이해 ② live─alive─suffers

3 Stealing is sometimes a symptom of deeper emotional problems. "The reasons why teens steal vary," explains Peter Berlin in the National Report on Stealing. "It's not an issue of good vs. bad or rich vs. poor. When teens become too stressed, they become vulnerable to temptation, pressure from friends, and other things that can lead to stealing. This is especially true when they feel unworthy, angry, depressed, unattractive or unaccepted.“ 2. 위 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은 ? ① 십대들의 절도는 심각한 사회적 문제이다. ② 절도방지를 위해 십대들에 대한 감시를 철저히 해야 한다. ③ 십대들에게 정신적인 압박감을 줄여줘야 한다. ④ 절도는 십대들의 정서적인 문제와 관계가 있다. ⑤ 십대들의 절도는 사회상을 반영한다. 4. 보어의 심층 이해 ④ 절도는 십대들의 정서적인 문제와 관계가 있다.

4 A woman ① was sitting looking out of an airplane window. A learned young man ② saw her to sit there and invited her to play a quiz game. All she would have to do ③ would be to ask and answer his question. Full of confidence, he even suggested that if she couldn’t answer his question, she’d pay $5, but if he couldn’t answer hers, he’d pay $500. The woman ④ became interested in playing and agreed. The man asked; “How many moons go around Saturn?” Discouraged, the woman gave him $5. Then she asked: “What goes up a mountain with three legs and ⑤ comes down with four?” Embarrassed, the man thought and thought, but finally he paid her $500. “What’s the answer?” he asked her. Immediately, the woman gave him a five-dollar bill from her purse. 3- ⑴ the woman gave him a five-dollar bill from her purse 로 알 수 있는 것은 ? ① 남자는 원래 질문의 답을 알고 있었다. ② 남자는 돈의 일부를 되돌려 받기를 원했다. ③ 여자는 자신이 낸 질문의 답을 알지 못했다. ④ 여자는 게임을 제대로 이해하지 못했다. ⑤ 이번엔 남자가 질문을 할 차례이다. 3- ⑵ 위 글의 밑줄 친 ① ~ ⑤ 중, 어법상 틀린 것은 ? 4. 보어의 심층 이해 ③ 여자는 자신이 낸 질문의 답을 알지 못했다. ②

5 The Seoul subway system is very useful to local citizens, especially those over the age of 65, who ride it for free. Some people have turned this feature into a business by hiring seniors over the age of 65. They have the seniors deliver items by subway. This employment gave them the chance to earn money and feel valued. The owner of one such company explains that his workers feel worthy because of their jobs. He got the idea for his business while walking through a park. There, he found many seniors passing the time aimlessly. As one older worker said, “The truth is that this job keeps me satisfied with my life.” 4. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은 ? ① Increasing Numbers of Senior Citizens Using the Subway ② Seoul’s Subway System: In Need of Renovation ③ Healthy Lifestyle for Seoul’s Senior Citizens ④ New Jobs for Elderly Subway Passengers ⑤ Dishonest Businesses: Cheating Seoul’s Elderly 4. 보어의 심층 이해 ④ New Jobs for Elderly Subway Passengers

6 5. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은 ? However, there is a reasonable explanation for this type of behavior. Among some people, cats have a reputation of being rather silly animals that are always getting themselves stuck in trees. ( ① ) For instance, cats often become frightened of something, run up a tree, and then cry sadly until they are rescued. ( ② ) It has to do with the shape of the cat's claws. ( ③ ) A cat's claws are hooked in a direction that makes climbing up a tree an easy task. ( ④ ) However, when it comes to climbing back down the tree, these claws are not very helpful. ( ⑤ ) 4. 보어의 심층 이해 ②

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