______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________.

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1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

2 서론 : 아무도 Steller’s sea cow 가 왜 그렇게 빠르게 멸종했는지 알지 못한다. 본론 1: Steller’s sea cow 는 8~9 미터까지 자 라고 몸무게가 10 톤이나 나갈 만큼 거대 했는데 그 당시 Siberia 에는 많은 사람 들이 살지 않았다. 게다가 smaller animals 가 있어서 그들은 Steller’s sea cow 를 멸종시킬 정도까지 잡을 필요가 없었다. ____________________________________________________ Figuring out why a species became extinct is often a tricky business, especially in distinguishing direct and indirect causes. In the case of Steller’s sea cow, it did not take long for the last remaining population of Steller’s sea cow to be driven into extinction. Discovered by the German naturalist George Steller around the Bering Sea’s Commander Islands in 1741, this enormous and peculiar creature became vulnerable to ecological change and human predation. By 1768, it was gone. First, sea cows seem to have been quickly wiped out by the overhunt of Siberians that followed Bering's route past the islands to Alaska, who hunted them both for food. In cold regions like Siberia, people have difficulty maintaining their body temperature, and one of the methods to do so is to eat fat. Thus, it is presumed that sea cows were hunted for their valuable subcutaneous fat ( 피하 지방 ), which was used for food (usually as a butter substitute) because it could be kept for a long time in warm weather without spoiling.

3 본론 2: kelp 는 Steller’s sea cow 뿐 아니라 whale 과 같은 다른 marine animals 의 먹이였는데 그 동물들이 멸종했다는 record 가 없다. 본론 3: European fur traders 가 그곳에 도착 했을 때 Steller’s sea cow 의 개체 수는 이미 decline 하고 있었다. European fur traders 의 도착 100 년 전에 Steller’s sea cow 의 수가 정점에 이르 렀고 그 때 이후로는 계속 감소한 것. 따 라서, 인간이 아닌 다른 factor 가 있었을 것. ____________________________________________________ Second, decreases among sea otter populations may have played an indirect role. Sea otters have long been highly prized for their thick pelts, and as they were killed (by both aboriginal people and Russian fur hunters) populations of sea urchins – among their most regular prey – exploded. The inflated sea urchin populations then fed on shallow-water kelp unhindered, and since Steller’s sea cow relied upon kelp for sustenance their decline may have been at least partly caused by these changes. It is hypothesized that they were easy targets for hunters and extirpated ( 종족 따위를 멸종 시키 다 ) from most of their range. The hunters came from Russia and they caught Steller’s sea cows for their fur because their fur could be sold at a high price. Hence hunting by humans obviously played a critical role in the extinction of Steller’s sea cows.

4 본론 2: kelp 는 Steller’s sea cow 뿐 아니라 whale 과 같은 다른 marine animals 의 먹이였는데 그 동물들이 멸종했다는 record 가 없다. 본론 3: European fur traders 가 그곳에 도착 했을 때 Steller’s sea cow 의 개체 수는 이미 decline 하고 있었다. European fur traders 의 도착 100 년 전에 Steller’s sea cow 의 수가 정점에 이르 렀고 그 때 이후로는 계속 감소한 것. 따 라서, 인간이 아닌 다른 factor 가 있었을 것. ____________________________________________________ Second, decreases among sea otter populations may have played an indirect role. Sea otters have long been highly prized for their thick pelts, and as they were killed (by both aboriginal people and Russian fur hunters) populations of sea urchins – among their most regular prey – exploded. The inflated sea urchin populations then fed on shallow-water kelp unhindered, and since Steller’s sea cow relied upon kelp for sustenance their decline may have been at least partly caused by these changes. It is hypothesized that they were easy targets for hunters and extirpated ( 종족 따위를 멸종 시키 다 ) from most of their range. The hunters came from Russia and they caught Steller’s sea cows for their fur because their fur could be sold at a high price. Hence hunting by humans obviously played a critical role in the extinction of Steller’s sea cows.

5 3/2, 3/3 강의는 camtasia 로 녹음해서 올릴 예정

6 두리안, 자몽, 배, 한라봉, 사과

7 Second, the speaker maintains that reducing of kelp is true, however, kelp is not primary resource to marine mammals. For example, whales did not die even though kelps were decreased. This is in opposition to the author’s opinion that changing kelp’s population is a main reason to decreasing of sea cows. Third, the speaker says that the sea cow already had declined when European fur traders arrived, so there might be other factors. This differs from the author’s view that hunting by humans played a significant role in the extinction of sea cows.

8 smaller animals whale, record decline/decrease, factor kill ~ 를 죽이다, kill off ~ 의 씨를 말리다 die 죽다, die off 씨가 마르다 kelp 는 Steller’s sea cows 뿐 아니라 whales 에게도 주요 먹이 (a primary source of food) 였다. not only A but also B = B as well as A Kelp was a primary source of food for not only Steller’s sea cows but also whales. Kelp was a primary source of food for whales as well as Steller’s sea cows

9 동의 / 반대 ? “Drivers should pay a fee to be allowed to drive their own cars on busy city streets during the daytime when there is the greatest amount of traffic.” 이용 가능한 template 1. 인간관계 2. 주된 의무 3. 사회 변화 4. 스트레스 해소 5. 경험 얻기

10 동의 / 반대 ? “Drivers should pay a fee to be allowed to drive their own cars on busy city streets during the daytime when there is the greatest amount of traffic.” ( 주된 의무 ) The primary duty of ______ ( 사람, 학교, 기관, 회사, 나라, 사 회 or 정부  문제에 맞게 넣을 것 ) is to 선택한 쪽 well. When it comes to comedians, their first duty is not to help poor people but to entertain audience. In the case of the CEOs of companies, their top responsibility is to lead their business well ahead of taking care of their employees’ personal matters. If they pay more attention to their secondary obligations, people will not think that they are doing their jobs successfully. In the same way, what ______ ( 사람, 학교, 기관, 회사, 나라, 사회 or 정부  문제에 맞게 넣을 것 ) should think about first is to ____________________ as best as they can. Surveys have shown that when asked whether 문제의 statement 넣기, the majority of people responded “Yes.” Conversely, the percentage of people who said “No” was extremely small. 체증 통행세 : road charges, congestion fees

11 동의 / 반대 ? “Drivers should pay a fee to be allowed to drive their own cars on busy city streets during the daytime when there is the greatest amount of traffic.” 튜닝 버전 ( 주된 의무 ) The primary duty of ______ ( 사람, 학교, 기관, 회사, 나라, 사회 or 정부  문제에 맞게 넣을 것 ) is to 선택한 쪽 well. When it comes to comedians, their first duty is not to help poor people but to entertain audience. In the case of the CEOs of companies, their top responsibility is to lead their business well ahead of taking care of their employees’ personal matters. If they pay more attention to their secondary obligations, people will not think that they are doing their jobs successfully. In the same way, what ______ ( 사람, 학교, 기관, 회사, 나 라, 사회 or 정부  문제에 맞게 넣을 것 ) should think about first is to 선택한 쪽 as best as they can. For example, _______________________ __________________________________________________________. Unfortunately, ______________________________________________. In contrast, _________________________________________________ _________________________________________ and as a result, _________________________________________. Surveys have shown that when asked whether 문제의 statement 넣기, the majority of people responded “Yes.” Conversely, the percentage of people who said “No” was extremely small.

12 동의 / 반대 ? “Drivers should pay a fee to be allowed to drive their own cars on busy city streets during the daytime when there is the greatest amount of traffic.” 튜닝 버전 ( 주된 의무 ) The primary duty of ______ ( 사람, 학교, 기관, 회사, 나라, 사회 or 정부  문제에 맞게 넣을 것 ) is to 선택한 쪽 well. When it comes to comedians, their first duty is not to help poor people but to entertain audience. In the case of the CEOs of companies, their top responsibility is to lead their business well ahead of taking care of their employees’ personal matters. If they pay more attention to their secondary obligations, people will not think that they are doing their jobs successfully. In the same way, what ______ ( 사람, 학교, 기관, 회사, 나 라, 사회 or 정부  문제에 맞게 넣을 것 ) should think about first is to 선택한 쪽 as best as they can. For example, 나의 친구의 삼촌은 도로와 같은 사회 기간 시설 이용에 대해 돈을 지불하는 것에 반대했다. Unfortunately, 주변 사람들이 그의 의견을 비난해 그는 많이 고생했다. In contrast, 나의 aunt 는 사회 구성원으로서 사회 기간 시설 이용할 때 시민들은 fee 를 내야 한다는 의견을 늘 표출했고 and as a result, 그녀 의 의견은 많은 다른 사람들에게 지지를 받았다. Surveys ~~~

13 For example, 나의 친구의 삼촌은 도로와 같은 사회 기간 시설 이 용에 대해 돈을 지불하는 것에 반대했다. Unfortunately, 주변 사람들이 그의 의견을 비난해 그는 많이 고생했다. In contrast, 나의 aunt 는 사회 구성원으로서 사회 기간 시설 이용할 때 시 민들은 fee 를 내야 한다는 의견을 늘 표출했고 and as a result, 그녀의 의견은 많은 다른 사람들에게 지지를 받았다. For example, my friend’s uncle disagreed with paying money for facilities such as road. Unfortunately, some people who are nearby him blame his opinion and he have a hard time. In contrast, my aunt always express opinion that citizens should pay fee for using facilities, and as a result, other many peope support her opinion.

14 동의 / 반대 ? “Drivers should pay a fee to be allowed to drive their own cars on busy city streets during the daytime when there is the greatest amount of traffic.” 순정 버전 ( 스트레스 해소 ) When it comes to relieving stress, 선택한 쪽 is expected to be (more) effective. Since society is becoming increasingly complicated, the number of ____ ( 사람, 학교, 나라, 정부 등 ) that are suffering from stress is on the rise, but the problem is that it is not easy to find a proper way of dealing with the issue. On this occasion, 선택한 쪽 can come in very handy. According to a well-known Korean sociologist/ scientist/ educationalist, when ________ ( 사람, 학교, 나라, 정부 등 ) choose 선택한 쪽, they can accomplish the goal of reducing pressure from work or studies in an effective manner. The sociologist/ scientist/ educationalist also suggests that it will generally take a long time to achieve this beneficial effect if ________ ( 사람, 학교, 나라, 정부 등 ) opt for 반대 쪽.

15 동의 / 반대 ? “Drivers should pay a fee to be allowed to drive their own cars on busy city streets during the daytime when there is the greatest amount of traffic.” 튜닝 버전 ( 스트레스 해소 ) When it comes to relieving stress, 선택한 쪽 is expected to be (more) effective. Since society is becoming increasingly complicated, the number of 운전자들 that are suffering from stress 교통 체증 에 의해 야기되는 is on the rise, but the problem is that it is not easy to find a proper way of dealing with the issue. On this occasion, 선택한 쪽 can come in very handy. 나의 사촌의 경우, 몇 년 전 congestion fees 가 부과되지 않았을 때 출근 하면서 도로에 많은 차량으로 인해 고생했다. However, in recent years, congestion fees 가 부과되기 시작하면서 도로에 차량의 수가 줄어들 었고 지금은 교통 체증으로 짜증을 느끼지 않고 있다. According to a well- known Korean sociologist, when _____ choose 선택한 쪽, they can accomplish the goal of reducing pressure from work or studies in an effective manner. The sociologist also suggests that it will generally take a long time to achieve this beneficial effect if ____ opt for 반대 쪽.

16 동의 / 반대 ? “Drivers should pay a fee to be allowed to drive their own cars on busy city streets during the daytime when there is the greatest amount of traffic.” ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________


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