Municipala. 지방자치의 Municipal elections will be held twice a year.

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Presentation on theme: "Municipala. 지방자치의 Municipal elections will be held twice a year."— Presentation transcript:

1 municipala. 지방자치의 Municipal elections will be held twice a year.

2 must-seen. 꼭 봐야 하는 것 The movie featuring the man is a must-see.

3 out of printphr. 절판되어 ant. in print 출판되어 The fiction by Howard Cha is out of print.

4 periodicaln. 정기 간행물 The periodical features the most precious inventions of our time.

5 publicationn. 간행물, 출판물 Several photos will be included in the publication.

6 showingn. 상영 We attended the premiere showing of the movie.

7 subscriptionn. 구독 subscribe v. 구독하다 I want to get a subscription to the Weekly Harvard.

8 transferablea. 양도할 수 있는 The ticket is not transferable.

9 upcominga. 다가오는 syn. forthcoming 다가오는 A reporter is supposed to speak to a candidate about the upcoming election.

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