NOROO R & C CO.,LTD. 615,PAKDAL-DONG, MANAN-GU, ANYANG-CITY, KYONGGI-DO, KOREA The information contained herein is believed to be reliable, but no representations,

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Presentation on theme: "NOROO R & C CO.,LTD. 615,PAKDAL-DONG, MANAN-GU, ANYANG-CITY, KYONGGI-DO, KOREA The information contained herein is believed to be reliable, but no representations,"— Presentation transcript:

1 NOROO R & C CO.,LTD. 615,PAKDAL-DONG, MANAN-GU, ANYANG-CITY, KYONGGI-DO, KOREA The information contained herein is believed to be reliable, but no representations, guarantees or warranties of any kind are made as to its accuracy, suitability for particular applications or the results to be obtained. The information is based on laboratory work with small-scale equipment and does not necessarily indicate end product performance. Because of the variations in methods, conditions and equipment used commercially in processing these materials, no warranties or guarantees are made as to the suitability of the products for the applications disclosed. Full-scale testing and end product performance are the responsibility of the user. Noroo R & C Co,.Ltd shall not be liable for and the customer assumes all risk and liability of any use or handling of any material beyond Noroo R & C Co,.Ltd.'s direct control. The SELLER MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Nothing contained herein is to be considered as permission, recommendation, nor as an inducement to practice any patented invention without permission of the patent owner. 제품 특성 - 고온 성형성 - G/F 함침성 - 기계적 물성 우수 - 광택 지속성 우수 - 내구성 우수 - 내열성 우수 - 내후성 우수 제품 용도 - HOT PRESS 용 ( 쟁반용 ) 제품 소개 Noroo R & C FUI 5300 는 고반응성의 Hot Press/ 고온성형용 불포화폴리에스테르 수지입니다. 본 제품은 Glass fiber 와 함께사용할 경우 성형성 및 함침성이 매우 탁월하며 주로 쟁반성형용으로 사용됩니다. FUI 5300 Version:2012-001 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET

2 NOROO R & C CO.,LTD. 615,PAKDAL-DONG, MANAN-GU, ANYANG-CITY, KYONGGI-DO, KOREA The information contained herein is believed to be reliable, but no representations, guarantees or warranties of any kind are made as to its accuracy, suitability for particular applications or the results to be obtained. The information is based on laboratory work with small-scale equipment and does not necessarily indicate end product performance. Because of the variations in methods, conditions and equipment used commercially in processing these materials, no warranties or guarantees are made as to the suitability of the products for the applications disclosed. Full-scale testing and end product performance are the responsibility of the user. Noroo R & C Co,.Ltd shall not be liable for and the customer assumes all risk and liability of any use or handling of any material beyond Noroo R & C Co,.Ltd.'s direct control. The SELLER MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Nothing contained herein is to be considered as permission, recommendation, nor as an inducement to practice any patented invention without permission of the patent owner. 포장 단위 - 20 kg 캔 안전 및 취급시 주의사항 - 피부, 눈 및 점액 점막과의 직접 접촉을 피한다. - 피부에 접촉하였을 경우, 접촉부위를 비누와 물로 충분히 씻어야한다. - 눈에 접촉하였을 경우, 15 분 동안 흐르는 물에 충분히 씻어 응급조치를 한후 필요시 전문의와 상담해야 한다. - 필요시 제품의 MSDS 요청이 가능합니다. 저장방법 - 본 제품은 반드시 상온에서 보관하시고 직사광선을 피하여 주시기 바랍니다. - 본제품은 장기간 보관시 변질 우려가 있으므로 가급적 제조일로부터 3 개월 이내에 사용하시고 만약 기간이 경과된 경우에는 폐사로 문의해주시기 바랍니다. - 경화제를 투입한 후에는 수지의 저장성이 단축될 수 있으므로 가능한 작업직전에 투입하십시오. FUI 5300 Version:2012-001 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET 제품의 물리적 특성 시험 항목단 위단 위규 격 외 관 - 연황 반투명액체 색 수 ( 가드너 ) - 2 이하 비 중 ( 25 ℃ ) -1.1 ± 0.02 불 휘발분 %64 ~ 66 점 도 ( 25 ℃ ) -U ~ V Gel Time(SPI 법 ) minute5.5 ~ 7 제 품 규 격

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